Title: The Sea Floor
1The Sea Floor
Image source http//www.npaci.edu/online/v6.12/he
2plate tectonics is a geotectonic theory
comprehensive set of idea that explains
development of regional geologic features
supported extremely well by data and
observations not the first theory (e.g.
shrinking Earth geosynclines)
main observations for plate tectonics
from http//www-personal.umich.edu/vdpluijm/gs20
3note that not all oceans and continents are
separate plates
Pacific plate is all oceanic, but North American
is both oceanic and continental (passive margin
along eastern North America)
4Methods of Studying the Sea Floor
- Techniques
- Dredge Hauls
- Echo Sounding
- Seismic Profiling
- Features of the Sea Floor
- Continental Shelves and Continental Slopes
5Rock Dredge Haul
6Sediment Corer
7Sea Floor Sediment Core
8JOIDES Resolution
9Echo Sounding
10Sea Floor Seismic Profile
11South Pacific Seafloor
12Sea floor Topographic Profiles
13Continental Shelf - Slope
Slope angle is only 4-5
NB that topographic profile is shown with 25x
vertical exaggeration
14Passive Margins and Transitional Crust
15Submarine Canyons
- Turbidity Currents
- Passive Continental Margins
- The Continental Rise
- Abyssal Plains
16Submarine Canyons and Abyssal Fans
17Sand Fall off Baja, CA
18Submarine Cable Breaks
19Contour Currents
20Active Continental Margins
- Oceanic Trenches
- The Mid-Oceanic Ridge
- Geologic Activity on the Ridge
- Biologic Activity on the Ridge
21Global Distribution of Trenches
22Trench Morphology
23Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System
24Mid-Atlantic Ridge seafloor spreading
(divergence) sea-floor bathymetry
axial valley (slow spreading)
from http//www.geo.duke.edu/geo41/sfs.htm
25Mid-Atlantic ridge is exposed in Iceland.
fracture zone
both from http//pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text
26Ridge Crest Hydrothermal Circulation
27Black Smoker
28Sea Floor Features
- Transform faults and Fracture Zones
- Seamounts, Guyots, and Aseismic Ridges
- Reefs - Atolls
29Transform Faults - Fracture Zones
30Southwest Indian spreading ridge note transform
fault and apparent deformation in seafloor
transform fault
31what are transform faults? offsets of the
spreading ridge
displacement across transforms is dictated by
seafloor spreading
32from Structural Analysis, CD-ROM, Declan DePaor
33Guyot Formation
34Aseismic Ridges - Hotspot Tracks
35absolute plate motion hot spots are fixed
points --narrow plume of upwelling that rises
from great depth and interacts with the base
of plates, forming basaltic volcanoes at
Mauna Loa volcano
to visualize, hold a pencil vertically and
move a piece of paper over it, marking spots
motion of Pacific plate over hot spot below
both from http//pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text
36hot spot track forms as plate continues to move
over hot spot
Hawaii-Emperor chain (hot spot track)
gives rate and direction of plate
rate age of volcano / distance from hot
spot direction trend of island chain
because time is long, distance is wide and easily
37Atoll Development
38Atoll Animation
39Sediments of the Sea Floor
- Oceanic Crust and Ophiolites
- The Age of the Sea Floor
- The Sea Floor and Plate Tectonics
40Pelagic Sediment Thickness on Ridge Crest
41Oceanic Crust and Typical Ophiolite Sequence
42Pillow Basalts
43Offshore Drilling
44South Pacific Absyssal Plain Manganese Nodules at
5.3 km sea water depth