Title: It
1Its all about sharing!
Dr Chris Ringrose Géraldine Enjelvin
2Its all about sharing!
- Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs)
- and contribution-oriented pedagogy
3Its all about sharing!
- A. Definitions educational principles
- B. Identifying
- Commonalities (English French depts)
- 2.RLOs (content process objects)
4Its all about sharing!
- C. Implementation
- Chris
- a-LIT1001 b.LIT3054 c. LIT4001 dissertation site
d. PDP e. LIT1018 - 2. Géraldine
- FRE2004 b. FRE2001 c. FRE4002 dissertation site
- D. Conclusions
5Its all about sharing!
A. Definitions educational principles 1.
learning objects Learning objects are viewed as
bits of electronic instructional material that
are produced for one educational context and, by
virtue of storage, searching and transmission,
can potentially be re-used in other educational
contexts. Collis, B. and Strijker, A. (2004).
Technology and Human Issues in Reusing Learning
Objects. Journal of Interactive Media in
Education, (4). Special Issue on the Educational
Semantic Web. http//www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/4/
6Its all about sharing!
2. intermediate scaffolders Maximalists
'believe it necessary to give detailed direction
and to prescribe exactly what a student should be
doing for their self-managed learning' whereas
minimalists argue that 'students should not be
provided with anything which could ... easily
result in the reinforcement of a "dependency"
culture' (Bannister et al 2002, p.36).
Intermediate refers to tutors who were somewhere
between maximalism and minimalism (Bannister
et al 2002, p.38). Bannister, P., Hansom, J.
Ottevill, L.R. (2002) From dependence to
independence tutor perspectives on student
self-managed learning, The International Journal
of Management Education, 2(3), pp. 35-44.
7Its all about sharing!
- 3. tertiary courseware
- It is based on the re-use of the learning
experiences of other students. The approach of
evolving courseware out of real teaching and
learning experiences conveys a satisfying
user-centred approach. - Tertiary courseware includes the outputs of
coursework from previous learners, including the
feedback from tutors which also serves to provide
a kind of vicarious resource. - Mayes, J.T. and Fowler, C.J.H. (1999)Learning
technology and usability a framework for
understanding courseware. Interacting with
Computers 11, pp. 485-497 http//www.macs.hw.ac.u
8Its all about sharing!
4. vicarious learning It refers to the process
of learning by observing the behaviour of
others Church, H. (1999) Vicarious
Learning http//frontpage.wiu.edu/mfjtd/Heather
9Its all about sharing!
- 5. the student voice
- Good teaching means seeing learning through the
learners eyes - Ramsden, P. (1988) Managing the effective
university, Higher Education Research and
Development 17(3), pp. 347-370 - Employing student voices can inform and enhance
learning, teaching and assessment practice in
higher education. - Hearing the learner voice sighted and
non-sighted students and staff discuss the
process of T/L rather than the content of the
curriculum - ? transformative potential
10Its all about sharing!
6. Contribution-oriented pedagogy It shifts
the focus from the presentation of content to the
facilitating of learners making contributions to
the course this design adds richness to the
learning environment The main reasoning behind
this contribution-oriented pedagogy is that what
students do as part of the learning process
should be able to be re-used by others. ? the
created materials are fit for purpose ? ensures
inclusiveness Collis, B. and Strijker, A. (2003)
Re-Usable Learning Objects in Context,
International Journal on E-Learning, 2(4), pp.
516 http//www.thefreelibrary.com/Re-usablelear
11Its all about sharing!
- B. Identifying
- 1-Commonalities (English French depts)
- similar cohorts (level of ability)
- similar kind of online support needed
- similar kind of online practice needed
- similar skills assessed (oral presentation,
dissertation, grammar, syntax, referencing etc.) - 2-RLOs (content process/principle)
12Its all about sharing!
- C. Implementation
- Chris
- a.1/ LIT3054 (Blogs/ Podcast Feedback ) 2/
dissertation website 3/LIT1001 (Creative
Writing Sample Work) - b.PDP
13Its all about sharing!
- 2. Géraldine
- a.FRE2001
- Quizdom
- Course Genie (webproject)
- b.FRE2004 FRE1006
- FRE2004 end-of-year oral TCA
- FRE1006 end-of-year oral TCA
- c.FRE4002
- French dissertation website
- d. year abroad
14Its all about sharing!
- D. Conclusions
- efficiently-labelled multimedia learning
objects to be stored in a university repository
(for example BITE), accessed over the Internet,
and integrated into course delivery - to encourage best practice
- economy of time ? do not reinvent the wheel
15Its all about sharing!
Merci beaucoup pour votre attention ! Chris
Géraldine Des questions ?