Title: Power Quality Measurements Online with Smart Meters Chandra Prakash
1Power Quality Measurements Online with Smart
MetersChandra Prakash
- VP Operations
- Wallaby Metering Systems
- Chennai
- Harmonics and their Characteristics
- Power Quality Measurements Factors
- Smart Meters Features
- Advantages of Online PQM Measurements
- Harmonics are high frequency current and voltage
distortions within power system. - Adverse effect on utility equipment
- Capacitors used for PF compensation under
reactive lagging load conditions can enter into
resonance conditions - Harmonic currents combined with power system
impedance result in harmonic voltage distortion. - Increased RMS current, High Frequency currents,
leading to mal functions of relays and circuit
breakers, Capacitor failures, Fuses blowing out,
Transformer over heating, motors over heating
4Does having harmonics in the power system always
mean trouble?
- Harmonics only mean trouble if the power system
is not designed to handle them. - High harmonic neutral currents are a problem only
if the neutral is not properly sized. - Current harmonics are not a problem to a
transformer if it is de-rated appropriately. - It is always important to be aware of the
presence of harmonics and to try to minimize them
by suitable preventive circuitry.
6What is Online PQM measurements with Smart Meters
7What are the PQM parameters being measured
- Voltage and Current Harmonics up to 49th
Harmonics - Waveforms study of Voltage and Current
- Monitor them online
- Sag and Swell events of Voltage waveforms
- THD and other measurements
- Measurements and Logs can be event triggered
- Fundamental and Total Power measurements.
10Advantage of online harmonic metering are
explained here
- The harmonics can be monitored real time and
events can be triggered to make specific actions. - The meters can be connected online through
different communication channels such as GSM,
GPRS or Ethernet and make the data available
11PQM Measurements in AMI setup
- Powerful tool as meter in Automatic Metering
Infrastructure AMI installations. - Most of the AMI installations have meters with
two way communication facilities. - This helps in configuring meters for selective
PQM measurements as required. - No need for continuous measurements of PQM
parameters. Can make selective measurements and
12Replacement for Power Quality Analyzers
Is this Online PQM measurements of Smart Meters a
replacement solution for Power Quality Analyzers
available in market? The answer is NO as both
have their own applications The Online PQM is
just an extension of the Smart Meter functions.
13Smart Meters for Online PQM measurements and
other measurements.
Power Quality Measurement is just one feature of
Smart meters capabilities. Similar applications
for Load Controls, MD Controller, APFC
Controller, Frequency Controllers and many more
can be implemented. The Online PQM is just an
extension of the Smart Meter functions.
- We hope to make SMART meters even Smarter for
different metering applications. - We have a global presence and now entering Indian
Market through Wallaby Meters in Chennai
- Please visit us at
- www.wallaby-meters.com
- Or write to us at
- info_at_wallaby-meters.com