Title: Fotos reais coloridas
1Old relic photos during WWII remastered in High
2Operator building on a B-25 North American in
3B-25's final assembly line 1942
4B-25 hangar manufacturing in the North American
5Inspection of the engine, North American Aviation
Long Beach, June 1942
6Installation of the engine Douglas Aircraft, Long
Beach California, Oct 1942
7Engine installed at Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach
in June 1942
8B-25 ready to go into action North American, Long
Beach, June 1942
9B25 Preparation for the wind tunnel of North
American 1942
10Preparing the model of the B-25 for the wind
tunnel of Long Beach, 1942
11Adjustments in the final B-25, October 1942
12 Filling a Bomber 1942
13Women pilots 1942
14Final Inspection 1942
15Catalina, August 1942
16Inspection of the P-51 Mustang 1942
17Inspecting a Catalina
18Left, inspection of landing gear on the line.
Right, worker inspecting a machine gun bubble of
the nose of the B-25, 1943
19Moments of relaxation before takeoff 1943
20Worker painting at helm of a P-51 Mustang. August
21Air Patrol-- Stinson A-10,June 1943
22Inspection of the engines to be mounted on the
B-25 October 1942
23Fort Knox 1942