Title: KC Irving Environmental Science Centre
1KC Irving Environmental Science Centre Harriet
Irving Botanical Gardens
Become a member of the Green Team Volunteers
2Volunteers give tours to a wide range of visitors
in all languages
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4Volunteers collect seed from the Gardens to
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6Members of the public wait in line to receive
plants that the volunteers propagate - Earth Day
Native Plant Giveaway 2004
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9Volunteers help us with special events and
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14Volunteers spend winter mornings playing in the
dirt in the Conservatory
15Volunteers take guided field trips to local
habitats of NS
16The boot/human eating Bog
17 Dr. Sam Vander Kloet,
in his
18 Nuphar variegata
cow lily
19Field Trip to Poplar Grove June 2003
20Ruth Newell and Melanie Priesnitz talking about
plants (as usual!)
21Cypripedium calceolus yellow ladys-slipper
22Everywhere we looked there were
And strangely enough, cow skulls
23Volunteers Jo Currie and Mike McCalladmiring the
ladys-slippers with Ruth
24Cypripedium arietinum rams head ladys-slipper
25What we had to climb in order to find the
rare rams head ladys-slipper!
26Field Trip - Kingston SandbarrensJune 2003
27Cypripedium acaule pink ladys-slipper
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29Sam collecting sand samples for germination
30Collecting trip to Deep Hollow Road
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32Volunteers working on creating floral
arrangements for the presidents installation
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34Volunteers help with scanning, research and
drying specimens in the herbarium
35The Centre and Gardens would not be what they
are today with the help of our dedicated
Volunteer recognition day 2003
36Useful resources to learn more about us