Title: The Diagnosis of Personality Disorder Issues of Diversity
1The Diagnosis of Personality Disorder Issues of
Diversity EqualityHenderson Hospital
- Objectives
- Examine the diagnosis of personality disorder and
patient profile. - Review some evidence of specialist treatment
among the ethnically diverse patient groups. - Examine the NIMHE Policy Guidance on services
needs for Personality Disorder patients. - Encourage feedback from participants on the way
2Structure of Work shop on Personality Disorder
and issues of equality diversity
- 1. What is Personality Disorder?
15mins - The diagnosis Prevalence
Patient profile -
- 2. Relevant research and recommendations
- Ethnic diversity and equality of access to
specialist therapeutic community treatment of
severe personality disorder (R.Geraghty
F.Warren Psych. Bulletin 2003,27453-456 )
15mins -
- 3. NIMHE Policy Guidance on Personality
Disorder (DoH) 15mins - Henderson Services - Assessment, TC
,Training,Consultation, Research. - PG Certificate on Working with
patients with PD PDTDGs online learning -
- 4. The Way Forward Summary
- Question and answers Explore possible solutions
to meeting the needs of diverse patients with PD
3What is Personality Disorder?
- Group Task
- Discuss with a partner for five minutes
- What is personality disorder?
- Who gets personality disorder?
- How is personality disorder treated?
- Group feedback Answers on flip
4 Definition of Personality Disorder
- ( ICD-10 ) world health organisation 1992
- A severe disturbance in the
charactereological condition and behavioural
tendencies of the individual, usually involving
several areas of the personality, and nearly
always associated with considerable personal and
social disruption. - DSM-IV (American psychiatric association 1994)
- An enduring pattern of inner experience and
behaviour that deviates markedly from the
expectations of the individuals culture, is
pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in
adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over
time, and leads to distress or impairment. -
5Prevalence of Personality Disorder among Ethnic
- Paucity of studies. Prevalence of ethnic minority
unknown - Blacks over represented in coercive psychiatric
services prison. (Fernando et al 1998) - For data DOH (1999) Raleigh V. (2000) CRE fact
sheet (1999) - Prison male population 82 white 72 black
- Prison Female Population 72white 78 black
(Moran )
6 Defining the difficulties of PD
- Enduring patterns of dysfunction, of emotional
distress and behaviour. - Thinking - (ways of perceiving and interpreting
self, other people, events). - Feelings (the range, intensity, changeability,
and appropriateness of emotional response). - Interpersonal functioning (ways of relating to
others). - Impulse control (ability to react to and manage
impulses appropriately (Host)
7Sub Categories of PD
- Cluster A
- Odd Eccentric - Paranoid,
Schizoid, Schizotypal - Cluster B
- Dramatic, emotional, - Histrionic,
Narcissistic, borderline, antisocial - Cluster C
- Anxious, fearful - Avoidant, dependent,
Obsessive compulsive
8Possible explanation for ethnic differences
- Biases of assessment and diagnosis
- Correlation of indices of socioeconomic
deprivation - Staff attitude and biases in making diagnosis
- Lack of access to existing services due to bias
in assessment tools, cultural stereotypes and
9A Patient Profile
- Co-morbidity and multiple diagnosis
- Poor sense of Boundaries
- Homelessness
- Problems with identity gender sexuality
selfhood - Feelings of emptiness, aloneness, rejection
- Violence and offending behaviours
- Self harm and suicidality
- Addictive behaviours alcohol, drugs, gambling,
spending, risk taking - Eating problems
- Revolving door admissions
10NIHME Policy Guidance onPersonality Disorder
- Personality Disorder
- No longer a diagnosis of Exclusion
11Policy Implementation Guidance
- Existing Services
- Staff Selection, supervision, education and
training - Specialist services MDT, Residential and Day
Units - Forensic Services Personality Disorder Centres
12 Henderson Services and treatment of Personality
- Henderson Hospital
- Henderson Outreach Service
- Consultancy Assessment Training Research
- PG.Cert. Working with PD patients
- Personality Disorder Training Development Group
Online Learning Environment
13The Way Forward
- Cochrane, R and Sashidharan, S (1996) Mental
health and ethnic minorities review of
literature and implications for services, in
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Report 5,
Ethnicity and Health Reviews of Literature and
Guidance for Purchasers in the Areas of
Cardiovascular Disease, Mental Health and
Haemoglobinopathies. NHS Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination, York University York, 105-26. - Cooke, D J et al. (1998). Psychopathy Across
Cultures in Cooke, D.J. et al, (eds).
Psychopathy Theory, Research and Implications
for Society, 13-45 (1998). Kluwer Academic
Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. - CRE Fact Sheet Commission for Racial Equality
Fact Sheet (1999). London. - Fernando, S. Ndegwa. D. Wilson, M. (1998).
Forensic Psychiatry, Race and Culture.
Routledge London and New York.
15- Marsella, A.J., and Kameoka V.A. (1989). Ethno
cultural issues in the assessment of
psychopathology. In S. Wesler (Ed.), Measuring
Mental Illness psychometric assessment for
clinicians. Washington DC American Psychiatric
Press. - Sainsbury Centre for Mental health (2002)
Breaking the Cycles of Fear - A review of the
relationship between mental health services and
the African-Caribbean community. - Department of Health (1999). A systematic review
of research relating to the MHA 1983. London
Department of Health. - Marsella, A.J., and Kameoka V.A. (1989). Ethno
cultural issues in the assessment of
psychopathology. In S. Wesler (Ed.), Measuring
Mental Illness psychometric assessment for
clinicians. Washington DC American Psychiatric
Press. - Sainsbury Centre for Mental health (2002)
Breaking the Cycles of Fear - A review of the
relationship between mental health services and
the African-Caribbean community. - Department of Health (1999). A systematic review
of research relating to the MHA 1983. London
Department of Health.
16- Koffman J, Fulop N J, Pashley D Coleman K
(1997). Ethnicity and use of acute psychiatry
beds one-day survey in North and South Thames
Regions. British Journal of Psychiatry 171,
238-241. - Parkman S., Davies S., Leese M., Phelan M. and
Thornicroft G. (1997). Ethnic differences in
satisfaction with mental health services amongst
representative people with psychosis in South
London. PriSM Study 4, British Journal of
Psychiatry 171 (supplement 3), 260-264. - Raleigh V.S. (2000). Mental Health in Black and
Ethnic Minorities An Epidemiological
Perspective in Kaye, C. Lingiah, T. (Eds)
(2000) Race, Culture and Ethnicity in Secure
Psychiatric Practice Working with Difference.
London JKP.