Title: A Progress on MicroPatterned Gas Detectors
1A Progress on Micro-Patterned Gas Detectors
- Rough Outline
- What is MPGC? (applications)
- TPC (time projection chamber)
- Small TPC (e.g. KABES in Na48)
- Large TPC (Linear Collider)
- Industrys involvement
- Useful resources on MPGDs
- Jun Miyamoto
- Dept of Physics
- Purdue University
2Why MPGDs?
- Limitations of MWPCs reached
- Rate, spatial, timing resolution
- Fast advance in photo/electron lithography
techniques - Free to tailor detectors at will
- shape, size, granularity, curvature
- ZOO of ACRONYM of new
- devices
- Coverage of large areas at low cost
- Performance no worse than solid-state detectors
Relative Gas Gain
Traditional Wire
Ref A. Barr et al. NIM A403(1998)31 F. Sauli,
A. Sharma, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 49(1999)341
3MSGC(Mistro-Strip Gas Chamber) was the beginning!
Drift electrode
Small (50-100 mm) gap For fast ion clearance
Minimum Space charge effect
Cathode strips
Glass substrate
Thin Anode strips
Ref NIM A. Oed A263 (1988) 351.
4Zoo of Acronym followed afterwards
NOT EVEN COMPLETE ! (e.g. Micro Grove, Micro Well
A. Oed, NIM, A 471(2001) 109114
5Some setbacks MSGCs suffered
At HERA-B, both discharge and severe aging
seen CMS/ATLAST abandoned GEM/MSGC technology
Severe aging seen in Ar-DME (55) 2mC/cm (Only
HERA-B .4 years) GEM foils also deformed in the
gas mixture
Severe damages on the strips by heavy ions
Ref T. Hott, Aging Workshop Desy, Oct
2001 http//www.desy.de/agingworkshop/
6MSGCs are still healthy and active in neutron
diffraction studies communities
(e.g. ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin) , Grenoble
S-8900 (semi- Conductive) MSGC
ILL, Grenoble (many neutron sources Reactor,
Curved MSGC arrays to cover a large angular
distribution at ILL, Grenoble, France
Ref B. Guérard, ILL, Grenoblem IUCF Neutron Det
Workshop, May, 2003,Bloomington, IN
7Advanced MSGC with 3 separate Cathodes to be
used for the SPS (Spallation Neutron Sources) in
Ref M. Furusaka, IUCF Neutron Det Workshop, May,
2003 Bloomington, IN on behalf of T. Takahashi U
of Tokyo
8GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier)F. Sauli, NIM
- Allows pre-amplification in 2-3 stages
analogy-gtMulti step avalanche chamber) - Large sheet (35 cm x 35 cm) available today
- Signals produced by electron induction (no ion
tails) - Industrial production began
140 mm
70 mm
Mesh (metal)
Kapton pillars
Edrift 1 kV/cm
Drift gap
Eamp 50 kV/cm
50-100 mm
10MICROMEGAS Official Poster by CEA, Saclay, France
12 mm
Position resoution
0.702 nsec!
Timing resolution
Energy resolution, 5.4 at 22 keV
11Some history Everything was in Multi-Step
Avalanche Chamber (1978)
Preamp-gap 1
Drift (weak E field)
Preamp-gap 2
G. Charpak and F. Sauli Physics Letters 78B, 523,
12Multi-Step Avalanche Chamber Upside Down
High E-field
Low E-field
MSAC upside down
13More history ElectronMultiplier in Micro
Channel Plate
In Vacuum Secondary electron emission takes place
on the wall (glass, metal with high electron
reemission probability)
Taken from Harvard University The High
Resolution Camera (HRC) on the Chandra X-ray
Observatory (CXO) http//hea-www.harvard.edu/HRC/m
14Glass capillary plate (Thin Multi-Channel Plate
(MCP) Almost like GEM!
Proved to work in Gas Avalanche mode as well as
in the conventional electron emission mode
Image from Yamagata University, Prof.
Sakurai http//ksprite.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp/res/cap
/cap.html, Ref NIM A374(1996)341-344
Hamamatsu Photonics Catalog
15How MPGDs work
Theoretical Calculation for Parallel Mesh Chamber
- Common to most MPGCs
- Perforated copper clad as mesh
- Use insulating support
- Glass substrate in MSGC
- Kapton pillar in MicroMEGAS,
- Kapton substrate in GEM
- Multiplication is done in a small gap(50-100 mm)
- High gain(1.0E 3-4) at low HV(300-400 V)
- Fast ion sweep (Minimum space charge)-gtHigh rate
capability - Discharge (Raether condition, non-quenched
streamer formation) is a concern.
Ref Y. Giomataris, NIM A419, p239 (1998)
16Max gain always drops with rates
High Gain
High Rate
Ref physics/9803021, LIP/97-05, P. Fonte et al.
17Applications in low-backgroundenvironments
- Axion search (see J. Collars colloquium talk at
FNAL - on Dec 3, 2003)
- Coherent neutrino interaction (see J. Collars
talk also) - Negative Ion Drift TPC for Dark Matter search
- at Temple University (Slow but No diffusion, No B
field needed)
18MPGDs for Negative Ion TPC for DRIFT(Direction
Sensitive Recoil Detection From Tracks)
Replace this with MPGDs
PurdueTemple work with 3M GEMs
Ref J. Martoff for Berkeley TPC Symposium, Oct
2003, Berkeley, CA http//www-tpc.lbl.gov/symposiu
m/ Martoff et al. with Purdue NIM in print
Fe-55 specrum in 40 Torr CS2 660 Torr Argon
19Applications in accelerators
- COMPASS (fixed target) at CERN
- KABES in Na48 at CERN
- TPC for Linear Collider
20COmmon Muon Proton Apparatus for Structure and
Spectroscopy (COMPASS) at CERN
Both Large area GEM and Micromegas used
Triple GEM bias scheme
Ref Q. Weitzel presented at CBM Coll Meeting,
Feb 2004
21Kabes to monitor Simultaneous K and K- beam
lines (Na48) (schematic vertical section)
6 ?107ppp
Ref B. Peyaud for 10th Vienna Conference on
Instrumentation Vienna, Austria - February 16 -
21, 2004
not to scale
22KaBeS (KAon BEam Spectrometer) for NA48/II Two
Micromegas TPC attached to each other
- 6 cm drift gap 50 mm amplification gap
- KABES provides accurate Momentum,Time and
- (x,y) coordinate info of hardons
- Tested up to 40 MHz
- Breakthrough in hadron beam spectroscopy
- 25mm amplification gap will be tried to reduce
- occupancy
Ref B. Peyaud for 10th Vienna Conference on
Instrumentation Vienna, Austria - February 16 -
21, 2004
23A proto-type KABES tested in the 10 GeV/c beam at
CERN along with arrays of Micromegas (CEA,
Saclay) and Purdue (Micromegas GEM premp) in
summer 2001
Sacaly Micromegas fitteded with a CERN GEM by
Single Kabes TPC tracked with arrays of Micromegas
24Reconstruction of K and K- beam spots by Kabes
Ref B. Peyaud for 10th Vienna Conference on
Instrumentation Vienna, Austria - February 16 -
21, 2004
25 Position and time resolutions of Kabes
Time resolution 0.6 ns
Ref B. Peyaud for 10th Vienna Conference on
Instrumentation Vienna, Austria - February 16 -
21, 2004
26Maybe GEM based KABES?Similar devices
Micro-TPC at Kyoto University for x/g ray 3D
GEM-based X-ray polarimeter (GEMpixel) at Pisa,
E. Costa et al, NATURE, VOL 411, 7 JUNE 2001,
pp. 662
Miuchi et al. http//arxiv.org/0301012 Or IEEE
NSS 2002, Norfolk, VA
27Neutron detector
- n-TOF at CERN (micromegas)
- SPS (Spallation Neutron Source)
- GEM, Micromegas are being considered
- e.g.
- Oak Ridge,Tennessee, http//www.sns.gov/
- PSI, Switzerland, http//sinq.web.psi.ch/
- JAERI/KEK, Japan http//j-parc.jp/
28GEM Pros and Cons
- Advantages
- Safe operation with amplification in
- 2-3 stages (low discharge probability)
- Not much load on the electronics in case of
discharge (electron induction) - Mass production becoming mature
- Disadvantages
- Stored capacitance large
- Many power supplies needed
- Drift voltage becomes very high in
- multiple GEMs
- More metal (radiation length)
- in multiple stages
- Construction a little complicated
- Usually not recoverable once damaged
- Slight aging seen
29Solution to Prob 1 (GEM) Segmentation
16 Sectors to reduce the total capacitance in a
large GEM
30Problem 1 (GEM) Complicated bias scheme
-HV0 -HV1 -HV2 -HV3 -HV4 -HV 5 -HV
6 Ground
Drift GEM 1 GEM 2 GEM 3 Readout
300 V 500 V 300 V 500 V 300 V 500 V 300
DRIFT gt 300 x4500 x 3 2900 V
31Solution to Prob 1 (GEM) Resistor chain
HV drift
Drift GEM 1 GEM 2 GEM 3 Readout
Resister 1 Resister 2 Resister 3 Resister
4 Resister 5 Resister 6 Ground
Now Power Supply 2
32Slight aging in double GEM (CERN made) in Ar/CO2
Purdue Double GEMPCB
Ref Miyamoto, IEEE NSS 2000, Lyon
33Dark deposit accumulation near the hole edges
Off-beam area
Discoloration on the lower Cu
Aged lower Cu
Unaffected upper Cu
Purdue, J. Miyamoto, IEEE 2002, Lyon
34GEM simulation results
GEM avalanche electrons concentrated near the
lower electrode Higher concentration of
polymerization More aging at the bottom
Ref CERN GDD group, Sauli
353M GEM aging tests show no sign of aging up to
2.5 mC/mm2, Dec, 2003 at Purdue
Horizontal irradiation (large area) Single 3M
GEM Ar/DME (91)
Gas gain
After 400 hours Of irradiation
Time (hours)
36Pros and Cons Micromegas
- Advantages
- Excellent timing resolution
- Extremely resistant to
- discharge
- Low cost
- Aging negligible
- Variety of choice of
- mesh with pillars VS PCB readout
- with pillars
- Disadvantage
- Mechanical challenge
- Mesh may move with respect
- Anode plane
- Protection in the electronics
- necessary
- No pre-amplification
37Solution to sparks Low spark rates in 10 GeV/c
protons with GEM preamplification
Light gas (low Z value)
Spark rate
Spark rate
Gas gain
Gas gain
COMO 2001 by Miyamoto
38A summary GEM vs. Micromegas
39Gas based Large central trackers
- Area covered too large to use silicon detectors
- Good tracking capability
- dE/dx info
- Occupancy not too high (away from the beam line)
- Radiation not too severe
40Drift Chamber Straw Tubes
Mark II drift chamber at SLAC
BTeV proto-type straw tubes in development
41Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) for ATLAS
Inner Detector
Ref M. Capeans, IEEE NSS 2003
ATLAS Inner Detector
- Robust pattern recognition
- Fast level-2 trigger
- Accurate momentum measurements (with Si-tracker
and pixels) - Stand-alone electron identification
- Bunch crossing rate 40 MHz (25 ns between
interactions) - Interactions per year - 1016
- Selection level (Higgs) 11013
42Barrel straw tubes for TRT
Tension plate
Wire joint
Wire 30 mm
End plug
Straws embedded in radiators and supported by
dividers and endplates connected across the
module by a C-fibre shell
Ref M. Capeans, IEEE NSS 2003
43I dont see Micro-Patterned devices. Where are
44Time Projection Chamber turns 25 years old!
Nygren at PEP e-e collider at SLAC
CERN Courier Vol, 44, 1 http//www.cerncourier.com
45More media coverage on TPCs Silver Anniversary
The Berkeley Lab View, Oct 31st,
2003 http//www.lbl.gov/Publications/Currents/Arch
410 cm
420 cm
ngs/ Or J. Harris et al. NIMA 499(2003)624
R. Settles for Berkeley TPC symposium, Oct,
2003 http//www-tpc.lbl.gov/symposium/talks/Settle
48How TPC works
- (x, y, z) info deduced from charge collection
points and the drift time (drift 2 m) - E, B field parallel (low momentum drift electrons
form spiral paths toward the charge
collection(amplification) region - Position sensing is done on cathode pads (charge
Charge Readout elements
Induction pads/strips
49Gating is implemented to suppress ion-feedback
Gate Open (electrons drift toward the anode wires)
Gate closed (the ions collected by the gate wires)
Gate wires
Anode wires
Anode wires
Cathode strips
Cathode strips
Ref D. Nygren, Physica Scripta, Vol 23, 584, 1981
50Still only wires
51TESLA detector for Linear Collider
Amplification Read out By MPGD
52TPC for Linear Collider (TESLA)taking advantage
of MPGDs
Double tracking resolution 1 mm3 (1 cm3 in
ALEPH) E x B effect negligible (small amp gaps)
Trans momentum resolution X10 better than than
Ref P. Wienemann, IEEE NSS 2003
Vincent Lepeltier LAL-Orsay-France LBNL LC-TPC
RD workshop 2003 Oct 18th
Cornel/Purdue TPC with GEM/MICROMEGAS s coming
Ref R.-D. Heuer, Berkelty TPC Symposium , Oct
54Ion Feedback in Magnetic Field
Ref R.-D. Heuer, Berkelty TPC Symposium , Oct
55Resistive anodes to spread charge
resistive anode spreads signal after
amplificationbetter charge sharing between
pads especially for microMegas - almost no
transverse diffusion C-loaded kapton, 0.5MW/o
C-loaded kapton
amplification withGEM
Ref Sachs, Berkeley LC-TPC R D meeting, Oct
56Charge sharing by the neighbors
secondary neighbor (scaled up)
2 x 4 channel digital scope X-ray _at_ center of
pad 2
2 neighbors
secondary pulses peak100 - 500 ns later peak
less pronounced clear signals on up to 5 pads -
2mm widewith microMegas
primary signal
Ref Sachs, Berkeley LC-TPC R D meeting, Oct
57Charge sharing boost by resistive foil
Resistive foil increases charge width
Gaussian is wider and
additional long tails PRF wider for GEM
(intrinsic transverse diffusion) Amplitude as
observed on 5 consecutive pads (average)
Ref Sachs, Berkeley LC-TPC R D meeting, Oct
58Deliberate Charge sharing
Micromegas work at Purdue NIM A505 (2003) 215
With parallel-plate resistive chamber K. M.
Khazins et al, IEEE NSS 2003
59Today MPGDs are made byIndustry
60Mass produced GEMs and Micromegas
3M GEM 3M GEM hole
3M Micromesh With pillars 3M Micromesh holes
613M Micromesh with conical pillars
Design Rule 250um Min /-50um
50um PI Flat
50um PI
15um Cu
If this PI thickness is critical, increase pillar
diameter to 300um diameter. Otherwise the PI may
be rounded on top
lt50um PI
62Irradiation over the pillars with a narrow x-ray
beam (3M micromegas)
X-ray on/near the pillars
X-ray avoids the pillars
Better energy resolution
Energy resolution 10 worse
63Some industries involved in MPGD R D
643M Electronic Solutions divAustin, TX, USA
65GANTOISCEDEX FRANCEhttp//www.gantois.comMake
woven meshes for Micromegas
66Plymouth, MA, USA http//www.tech-etch.com/
67Fuchigami Micro Co. Ltd Kagoshima,
Japan http//www.fuchigami.com/micro
The KEK drift chamber group will test the new GEM
for TPC
Laser etched GEM, U of Tokyo
68Very useful resourcesand information on MPGDs
69A list of past important events domestic and
ALCPG 2004 Winter Workshop SLAC, January 7-10,
2004 http//www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/alcpg04/
IEEE NSS (MPGD TPC Workshops) Portland, Oregon,
Oct 19-25, 2003 http//www.nss-mic.org/2003/nsshom
e2003.html Linear Collider TPC R D
meeting LBL, Berkely, CA, Oct 18-19,
2003 http//www-lc.lbl.gov/tpc/meeting/ Time
Projection Chamber Symposium LBL Berkeley, CA,
Oct 17, 2003 http//www-tpc.lbl.gov/symposium/ Am
erican Linear Collider Workshop Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY July 13-16,
2003 http//www.lns.cornell.edu/public/LC/workshop
Arlington Linear Collider Workshop Arlingon,
TX, January 9-11, 2003 http//alcworkshop.uta.edu/
Santa Cruz Linear Collider Retreat UCSC, Santa
Cruz, CA June 27-29, 2002 http//scipp.ucsc.edu/LC
International Conference on Linear Colliders,
Colloque international sur les collisionneurs
linéaires LCWS 04 , Le Carré des Sciences, Paris,
19-23 April 2004 France http//polywww.in2p3.fr/a
ctualites/congres/lcws2004/ 10th Vienna
Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria,
Feb 16 - 21, 2004 http//wwwhephy.oeaw.ac.at/u3w/
w/wcc/www/ Linear Collider Workshop, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, April 1-4, 2003 http//www.nikhef.nl/
ecfa-desy/flashindex.html ECFA/DESY Linear
Collider Workshop, Prague, Czech Rep., Nov 15-18,
2002 http//www-hep2.fzu.cz/ecfadesy/ECFA-DESY_Pra
RARE EVENT DETECTION, Collège de France, 5-6 Dec,
2002 http//www.unine.ch/phys/tpc.html Internatio
nal Workshop on Linear Colliders Workshop on
Physics and Experiments with Future
Electron-Positron Linear Colliders August 26
30, 2002, Jeju Island, Korea http//lcws2002.kore
a.ac.kr/ The 5th ACFA workshop on physics and
detector at Linear Collider The University of
Tokyo, Japan, July 10-12, 2002 http//www.icepp.s.
u-tokyo.ac.jp/acfa/ Physics and Detectors for a
90 to 800 GeV Linear Collider Second Workshop of
the Extended ECFA/DESY Study Saint Malo, April
12-15, 2002 http//www-dapnia.cea.fr/ecfadesy-stm
alo/ First Workshop of Extended ECFA/DESY study,
Krakow, Poland, 14-18 September 2001.
70Workshops to discuss aging in Gas detectors
(exclusively gas)
Past, DESY, Hamburg, Oct 2-5, 2001 http//www.desy
.de/agingworkshop/ Past, IEEE 2003 Workshop on
Aging in Gas detectors, Portland, Oregon, Oct
19-25, 2003 http//www.nss-mic.org/2003/nsshome200
Future? Maybe at IEEE 2004 in Rome?
Contact for inputs Prof. Marcus  Hohlmann At
Florida Institute of Technologyhohlmann_at_fit.edu
71An Upcoming Important Event