Title: EE533 POWER OPERATIONS Automatic Generation Control
1EE533 POWER OPERATIONSAutomatic Generation
Control Satish J. Ranade Fall 05
2Automatic Generation Control
- The first step in system operation is to ensure
generation load balance - This translates into maintaining system frequency
- In classical operation (regulated)
- each utility defines a control area
- Controls its generation to help maintain SYSTEM
frequency - Controls its generation to meet load and
3Automatic Generation Control
Control Area
Net Interchange from area
4Automatic Generation Control
- General Objective ( Classical)
- Control MW Generation to
- Maintain(Regulate) Frequency
- -- assist entire system irrespective of
cause - Regulate Contractual Interchange
- Technical Criteria set by National Electric
Reliability Council(NERC)
5Automatic Generation Control
- Local Governor Control
- -- responds at generator level to correct
frequency deviation. Does not attempt to restore
all the way to 60 Hz - Load Frequency Control
- --real-time control from Control centers
controls generation to restore frequency to 60 Hz
and interchange to contracted amount - Economic dispatch
- -- Reallocates generation to minimize cost
6Automatic Generation Control
- To understand AGC we will look at
- Effect of small load-generation imbalances in
terms of frequency and power flow changes - Governor action and how a governor controls
frequency - Classical approach to restoring frequency and
interchange using Area Control Error concepts - Economics of generator scheduling and economic
allocation of generation - Later we will look at changes brought about by
7Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
- Generation (Mechanical Power) Load (Electrical
Power) Imbalance results in change in machine
speed, frequency and power flow - Machine electro-mechanical dynamics is described
by swing equation - For a single machine serving a load ( in per unit)
Pm-Pe M d?/dt
Pm mechanical power Pe electrical power ?
speed(frequency) M Inertia
On time-scale of electromechanical dynamics Pe
Pl where Pl is the load
Pm-Pl M d?/dt
8Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
- We will look at how governors work and derive a
model that shows how frequency changes because of
load generation imbalance - We will begin with a single generator and load
and then generalize to large system
9Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Pm-Pl M d?/dt
Majority of imbalances encountered in normal
operation are small ( as compared to a fault at
the terminals!) Customary to use small-signal
linearized models
Pmo ? Pm- Plo ? Pl M d (? o? ?) / dt
Pmo, Plo and ? o represent the initial operation
point where PmoPlo ? Pm, ? Pl ,? ?are (small)
deviations from the operating point
? Pm- ? Pl M d (? ?) / dt
10Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
? Pm- ? Pl M d (? ?) / dt
In modeling, analysis and simulation we often use
Laplace domain block diagrams ( dF/dtgt sF(s)
for zero initial conditions)
? Pm(s)- ? Pl(s) sM ? ?(s) gt ? ?(s) ?
Pm(s)- ? Pl(s)/ sM
? Pm(s)
? ?(s)
? Pl(s)
A sustained load generation imbalanced would
lead to a continuous change in frequency!!!!!!!
11Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
? Pm- ? Pl M d (? ?) / dt
In modeling, analysis and simulation we often use
Laplace domain block diagrams ( dF/dtgt sF(s)
for zero initial conditions)
? Pm(s)- ? Pl(s) sM ? ?(s) gt ? ?(s) ?
Pm(s)- ? Pl(s)/ sM
? Pm(s)
? ?(s)
? Pl(s) -
A sustained load generation imbalanced would
lead to a continuous change in frequency!!!!!!!
12Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Load response to frequency change For Rotating
components of load the real power increases
with frequency
? Pl(s) ? Pl(s) D? ?(s) ? Pl(s) now is an
incipient load change ( a motor starts) D? ?(s)
represents the response that the additional load
causes frequency to drop, all motors slow down,
and so load drops as D? ?(s)
13Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Load response to frequency change For Rotating
components of load the real power increases
with frequency
? Pm(s)- ? Pl(s)-D ? ?(s) sM ? ?(s) gt ?
?(s) ? Pm(s)- ? Pl(s)/ (MsD)
? Pm(s)
? ?(s)
? Pl(s) -
14Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Load response to frequency change For Rotating
components of load the real power increases
with frequency
? Pm(s)
? ?(s)
? Pl(s) -
Lets say ? Pm0 ? Pl P u(t) or ? Pl(s)
P/s ? ?(s) - ? PL(s)/(MSD) - P /
s(MSD) ? ?(t) - (P/D) ( 1 e tM/D)
15Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Load response to frequency change For Rotating
components of load the real power increases
with frequency
? Pm(s)
? ?(s)
? Pl(s) -
Lets say ? Pm0 ? Pl P u(t) or ? Pl(s)
P/s ? ?(s) - ? PL(s)/(MSD) - P /
s(MSD) ? ?(t) - (P/D) ( 1 e tM/D)
16Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Load response to frequency change For Rotating
components of load the real power increases
with frequency
The offsetting load change arrests frequency
change frequency settles to ? ? -P/D Could
derive this through final value theorem or energy
balance P original load increase load
drop due to frequency drop -D ? ?
17Generator Turbine Governor BehaviorModel with
For M 6, D 1 and Load change P1 pu Steady
stae frequency drop ?? -P/D -1 pu
18Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
The Governor
A 1 pu frequency drop is unrealistic and speed
governing is needed!
Measures speed(frequency) and adjusts valves to
change generation Frequency drops gt Raise
19Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Desired Generation
20Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Emphasis A low tech gadget that is Autonomous
21Generator Turbine Governor Behavior
Detailed and complex models for Governors exist
and are used in long-term dynamic
simulations Simplest model
22Generator Turbine Governor BehaviorResponse
Steady state error
23Generator Turbine Governor BehaviorSteady State
Using energy balance
? Pl - D ?? - (1/R) ??
0 Load Load Generation Change
Response Change from Governor
Steady state error
?? - ? Pl /( D1/R) Typical R 0.05 pu ( 5
factory set) For ?P 1 , D 1, R0.05
?? 1/21 - 0.0476 pu
24Generator Turbine Governor BehaviorSteady state
response Role of Pref
?Pm ? Pref (1/R) ? ?
? Pref is used to change generation from the
control center through SCADA At nominal
frequency (? ?0) unit Would generate Pref0 ?
? ?
? Pref
? Pref
25Generator Turbine Governor Behavior-Isochronous
Uses Integral control and restores Frequency
error to zero Use in standalone or islanded
26Generator Turbine Governor Summary
No Governor
Iso restores exactly
Standard Governor
Std leaves small error
No unacceptable deviation
27Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Now look at two generators or areas connected by
a line or network If load changes in any area
how do frequencies and line power Ptie
change? We will want to restore both to nominal
value A simple model for the line is just a
series inductive reactance
28Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
A simple model for the line is just a series
inductive reactance. Let us also assume voltage
magnitudes are nominal ( 1pu) From simplified
transmission line models Ptie (1/X)
sin(d1- d2) We also know that d d1
/dt ?1 d d2 /dt ?2 Combine these with
swing equations
29Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Pm1- Pl1 D1? ?1-Ptie M1d ?1/dt Pm2- Pl2
D2? ?2-Ptie M2 d ?2/dt Ptie (1/X) sin(d1-
d2) d d1 /dt ?1 d d2 /dt ?2
30Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
? Pm1- ? Pl1 D1? ?1- ? Ptie M1d ? ?1/dt
? Pm2- ? Pl2 D2? ?2- ? Ptie M2d ?
?2/dt Ptie (1/X) (? d1- ? d2) sin xx for
small x d ? d1 /dt ? ?1 d ? d2 /dt
? ?2
31Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
In s domain with zero initial conditions ?
Pm1(s)- ? Pl1(s) D1 ? ?1(s)- ? Ptie(s) M1 s?
?1(s) ? Pm2(s)- ? Pl2(s) D2 ? ?2(s)- ? Ptie(s)
M2 s? ?2(s) Ptie(s) (1/X) (? d1(s)- ?
d2(s)) ? d1(s) ? ?1(s)/s d2 (s) ?
32Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
33Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Qualitative Response Load increase in area
1 Area 1 frequency drops Area 1 voltage phase
angle fall behind are 2 Ptie decreases
(stabilizes Area 1 frequency, drags down area
2) Area 2 frequency drops Both governors raise
generation Steady state achieved at a lower
frequency and Ptie Area 1 assists Area 2 in
meeting the load increase frequency drop is lower
34Multiple Generators and Areas
35Multiple Generators and Areas
Frequency Error
Interchange Error
?ptie decreases from 1 to 2
36Multiple Generators and Areas
Phase angle difference
?ptie decreases from 1 to 2
37Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Steady state gt return to synchronism at some
frequency ?? ??1 ??2
? Pl1 - D1 ?? - (1/R1) ?? ?Ptie
0 Load
Load Generation Interchange Change Response
Change from Governor ? Pl2 - D2 ??
- (1/R2) ?? - ?Ptie 0
38Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Steady state gt return to synchronism at some
frequency ?? -( ?Pl1 ?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1
1/R2) ?Ptie -? Pl1 (D11/R1)( ?Pl1
?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1 1/R2) ?Pm1 - (1/R1)(
?Pl1 ?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1 1/R2) ?Pm2 -
(1/R2)( ?Pl1 ?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1 1/R2)
39Multiple Generators and Areas
Area 1 or Gen 1 Tie Line Area 2 or Gen 2
Identical Areas R1R20.05 D1D21 ?Pl1 1
?Pl20 ?? -( ?Pl1 ?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1
1/R2) -0.0238 pu Corrected! ?Ptie
-0.5 pu ?Pm1 0.5pu ?Pm2 .5 pu
--------- Concept of Assist
40Multiple Generators and Areas
Load sharing (also see Example 11.2 Glover and
Sarma) Area 1 R10.05 1000 MVA Base Area 2 R2
0.05 500 MVA base D1D20 ?Pl1 1 ?Pl20 On
1000 MVA Base R2 R2Sbase new/Sbase old0.1 ??
-( ?Pl1 ?Pl2)/( D1D2 1/R1 1/R2) .03333
pu ?Ptie -0.5 pu ?Pm1 0.666 pu 2/3 of
load change ?Pm2 0.333 pu 1/3 of load
change If droop is same on own area( or machine)
base areas raise generation in proportion to
their capacities
41Multiple Generators and Areas
Coherent generators The oscillation in
frequency/angle represent synchronizing
swings As generators exchange Kinetic energy
trying to synchronize or find a common
frequency The swing is large and slow when
systems are separated by long lines Within an
area generators synchronize quickly and swing as
one large unit against other areas. An area can
be modeled as one large unit.
42Multiple Generators and Areas
Regulation R cannot be made too small -- System
becomes oscillatory and/or unstable
43Multiple Generators and Areas
Isochronous governors cannot be used with
multiple generators -- Difficult to supply
identical reference frequency to each generators
44Governor-Turbine Generator Summary
- Load-generation imbalance produces frequency
changes as well as power flow (interchange)
changes - Turbine generator dynamics is described by the
swing equation - Governors achieve load-generation balance by
changing generation based on frequency deviation - Regulation/droop permits proper load sharing
- All generators(areas) assist in the load
balancing process - Governors do not restore frequency error to zero
45Load Frequency Control- Restoring Frequency and