Title: RN' M'Ed Nursing Administration
1Illness and Aging
??? ??.?????? ??????????? RN. M.Ed (Nursing
2Hidden in illness the Elderly
- Depression Hearing loss
- Incontinence Dementia
- Musculoskeletal stiffness Dental problems
- Falling Poor nutrition
- Alcoholism Sexual dysfunction
- Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????? (vague) ?????????????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????? ?????????????????? nonspecific
sign of illness
4Nonspecific Symptoms
- Confusion Apathy
- Self-neglect Anorexia
- Falling Dyspnea
- Incontinence Fatigue
Ham, 2006
5In the elderly, an abrupt change in functional
status is a vital sign of potential illness
6 Typical Altered Presentations of specific
Illnesses in the elderly
7Depression without sadness Infections disease
without leukocytosis, fever, or
tachycardia Silent surgical abdomen Silent
malignancy (mass without symptoms) Myocardial
infarction without chest pain Nondyspnic
pulmonary edema Apathetic thyrotoxicois
- ?????????????????????????????????
- ???????????? ??????
- ??????????????????????????????????
- ???? (?????????????????????????????? ??.)
- ??????????? ????? (ignorance)
- ??????????????????????? (???????????)
9- Multiple causes for each syndrome
- ????????
- Urinary incontinence
- Falling interaction of multiple factors
10- Functional Status Losing , maintaining ,
11- Age in and of itself is never a criterion for
medical decision-making function is
12- ??????????????????????????
- Three essentials for a successful old age good
exercise, good nutrition, and a sense of purpose
13Common Clinical problems Physiological
- Alteration in mobility
- Potential for injury from falls
- Alteration in skin integrity
- Altered nutritional status
- Sleep pattern disturbances
- Iatrogenesis