2About Her Paintings In the area of pictorials,
Beatriz has developed her own technique that is
imprinted with her unique and wonderful
character. Her works range from hyperrealism to
childrens illustrations. Involved in a wide
range of artistic expression, Beatrizs work
imparts a feeling of richness on both visual and
conceptual levels. She has had the good fortune
to study composition with masters such as
Francisco Porras, muralist and disciple of Diego
Rivera and Venezuelan artists Luisa Richter,
Alirio Palacios, Zapata, Regulo Perez, and Daniel
Briceno, among others, who have nurtured
Beatrizs creative spirit.
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4Madonna By the Sea, 2006, Oil on Canvas
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6 1999, Intaglio Print,12x 14
71999, Etching, 12x 14 1/2
8 2006, Oil on Canvas with gold leaf
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10 2006, Oil on canvas
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12 2006, Mixed Media 24x22
13 2005, Mixed Media Shadowbox