Title: The Hubble law beyond the General Relativity
1The Hubble law beyond the General Relativity
- L.M.Tomilchik
- B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics of NAS of
Belarus - N.G.Kembrovskaya
- Belarusian State University, Minsk
- Gomel, July 2009
2Gedanken experiment in the history of Physics
- The experimental discovery of the Universe
expansion was happened not in 1929 but in
1910-1911 (before the creation of GR) - The expansion law
- R(t) is the time-dependent distance between the
light signal source and detector. -
- is their relative radial velocity
3Creation of the Special Relativity
- (A) Einstein
- Relativity Principle
- Speed of light independence on the source
velocity - Starting point location clock synchronization
procedure (gedanken experiment) for derivation of
the Lorentz transformation - (B) Poincare
- Relativity Principle
- Group of the isometric symmetry transformations
of the four-dimensional pseudo Euclidian
space-time (Lorentz group). Consistently rigorous
algebraic consideration -
4Einstein and Poincare response (most likely
- Einstein modified his initial synchronization
procedure for the pair of mutually motionless
clocks. - Poincare extended the group of the space-time
transformations taking into account the
nonisometric (changing the scales) ones i.e.,
the group of the special conformal
5Location clock synchronization procedure
6Location clock synchronization procedure I
7Location clock synchronization procedure II
8Location clock synchronization procedure in the
expanding space
9Two possibilities
10Version (I)
11Comments for abovementioned
- The situation looks as existence of the uniform
acceleration of the clock B with
respect to clock A directed to the observation
12The outcomes
- It is noninertiality FR effect
- It could be treated as an existence of the
homogeneous gravitational field (equivalence
principle) - The Universe expansion leads to the (local)
quadratic time inhomogeneity and (possibly)
conformal time inhomogeneity
13The outcomes (continue)
- 4. The experimental prediction there exist the
universal uniform blue-shifted Doppler drift in
the location-type experiments.
14Linear transformation of light cone generatrixs
15Longitudinal Doppler effect
16Longitudinal Doppler effect (continue)
17Nonisometric Subgroup of SO(4,2) (besides
Poincare group)
18Standard interpretation of SCT transformations
from the comoving inertial RF to the uniformly
accelerated RF
19Conformal deformationof the light cone
20The dependence of distance on red shift I
21The dependence of distance on red shift II
22The Hubble law I
23The Hubble law II
- The function f(z) The zero position
of f(z) -
24 25Accelerating Universe(Riess et al., 1998
Perlmutter et al. 1999)
- The observed phenomenon
- Deflection from linearity of the conventional
Hubble law VH0R with maximum at zexp0.460.13 - The interpretation
- zexp is the point of transition from the Universe
expansion deceleration to acceleration. Effect
follows from the existence of the Dark Energy,
amount of which is 70 of the full gravitating
energy in the Metagalaxy.
26Location-type experiment
27Mapping of the world lines
28Observable consequences
- Under condition we have
- time
distance - the forward
- the backward
- Acceleration
- Frequency
29Pioneer Anomaly (PA) (1998)
- The observable phenomenon
- Unexpected uniform blue-shifted drift of the
frequency ?obs - The interpretation
- An anomalous sunward directed acceleration
- ap (8,74?1,33)?10-10 m/s2
30Conclusion I
- The conformal transformation of time
- leads to the following consequences
- The cosmological location distance can be
determined as an explicit function of red shift
R(z). - The combination of this function with the SR
expression for the longitudinal Doppler-effect
V(z) gives the explicit analytic expression for
the ratio V(z) / H0 R(z). - The ratio coincides with the Hubble law in the
limit of ,and possesses a maximum at - The appearance of this maximum is a pure
kinematic manifestation of the time inhomogeneity
and does not need any special gravitational
sources (like the dark energy).
31Conclusion II
- 2. In the location-type experiments uniform
blue-shifted frequency drift appears, which
mimics constant acceleration towards the observer
- The Pioneer Anomaly is the first really observed
effect of that kind. The observed drift can be
used for local experimental determination of
Hubble constant. - This effect can be observed in principle at any
frequency even between mutually moveless emitter
and receiver in the absence of any gravitating
32Thank You for Your attention.