STL Other Structures Vectors, Sets, Maps, Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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STL Other Structures Vectors, Sets, Maps, Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues


... (start-iter, end-iter, unary-func, ... for_each (start-iter, end-iter, function) iter_swap(iter1, iter2) swap ... find(start-iter, end-iter, val) empty ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: STL Other Structures Vectors, Sets, Maps, Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues

STL Other Structures Vectors, Sets, Maps,
Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues
  • The vector container resembles a C array.
  • It holds zero or more objects of the same type,
    and that each of these objects can be accessed
  • Defined as a template class ? hold objects of any

  • STL class vector
  • include ltvectorgt
  • include ltalgorithmgt // for generic algorithms
  • element type is templated
  • implemented as growable array

  • include ltvectorgt
  • // Define a vector of integers.
  • vectorltintgt vec_one
  • int a 2 // Some integer data objects
  • int b -5
  • vec_one.push_back(a) // Add item at end of
    vector vec_one.push_back(9)
  • vec_one.push_back(b) // vec_one 2, 9, -5
  • unsigned int indx
  • for (indx 0 indx lt vec_one.size() indx)
  • cout ltlt vec_oneindx ltlt endl //Write out
    vector item

Member functions
  • size_type size() constReturns the number of
    items (elements) currently stored in the vector.
    The size_type type is an unsigned integral value.
  • bool empty() constReturns a true value if the
    number of elements is zero, false otherwise.

Member functions
  • void push_back(const T x)Adds the element x at
    the end of the vector. (T is the data type of the
    vector's elements.)
  • iterator begin()Returns an iterator that
    references the beginning of the vector.
  • iterator end()Returns an iterator that
    references a position past the end of the vector.

Member functions
  • void erase(iterator first, iterator last)
  • Erase (remove) elements from a vector.
  • clear() is an alternate way to do the same
  • vectorltintgt a
  • ...
  • a.erase(a.begin(),a.end()) // Remove all
  • a.clear( ) // same thing.

  • vectorltintgt a
  • vectorltintgt b
  • a.push_back(5)
  • a.push_back(10)
  • a.push_back(3)
  • b a // The vector b now contains three
    elements 5, 10, 3

  • - Tests whether two vectors have the same
  • - Element-by-element comparison for all

  • - returns a reference to an element of the
  • vectorltdoublegt vec
  • vec.push_back(1.2)
  • vec.push_back(4.5)
  • vec1 vec0 5.0
  • vec0 2.7 // Vector now has two elements
    2.7, 6.2

Function at()
  • at() returns a reference to an element of the
  • Also performs some bounds-checking!
  • vectorltdoublegt vec
  • vec.push_back(1.2)
  • vec.push_back(4.5)
  • 5.0
  • 2.7
  • // Vector now has two elements 2.7, 6.2

sort ( )
  • The sort algorithm is an operation (function)
    that can be applied to many STL containers
    (except for the list container).
  • Using it on the vector container class template
  • include ltvectorgt
  • include ltalgorithmgt // Include algorithms
  • vectorltintgt vec
  • vec.push_back (10) vec.push_back (3)
    vec.push_back (7)
  • sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()) // vector 3, 7,

sort ( )
  • Orders the container's contents in ascending
    order, as defined by the "less than" (lt) operator
    as applied to the vector elements.
  • If this operator is defined for a
    programmer-defined type (as is the case with the
    string class), then the programmer-defined type
    can be sorted just as easily as a built-in type.
  • Define lt and your class can be sorted based on
    your criteria.

Other Vector Methods
  • default, size, size/init. val, copy constructors
  • front(), back() // return elements at either end
  • push_back(val), insert(iter, val), swap()
  • pop_back()
  • remove(val) // all values remove_if(cond)
  • empty(), capacity(), size()
  • vectoriterator, begin(), end()

Generic Algorithms for Vectors
  • fill (start-iter, stop-iter, value)
  • max_element (start-iter, end-iter) // also
  • reverse (start-iter, end-iter)
  • count (start-iter, end-iter, value, counter)
  • count-if (start-iter, end-iter, unary-func,
  • transform (start-iter, end-iter, dest-iter,
  • copy (src-start-iter, src-end-iter,
  • find (start-iter, end-iter, value)
  • find_if (start-iter, end-iter, func-obj)
  • replace (start-iter, end-iter, target, new-val)
  • replace_if (start-iter, end-iter, function,
  • sort (start-iter, end-iter)
  • for_each (start-iter, end-iter, function)
  • iter_swap(iter1, iter2) swap values between two

Vector Applications
  • Storage of digits for large integers
  • List of items
  • Genes in Chromosome
  • Simple database
  • Others.
  • General array based stuff where you want random

  • The STL set is a collection of unique elements of
    the same data type.
  • Only unique elements may be added to a set.
  • If you attempt to insert a value that is already
    contained in the set, the request is ignored.
  • The set container provides bidirectional

Set/Multiset Methods
  • default, copy constructors, operator
  • insert(val)
  • erase(val), erase(iter), erase(iter, iter)
  • swap(otherSet)
  • find(start-iter, end-iter, val)
  • empty(), size(), count(val)
  • lower_bound(val), upper_bound(val),
  • setiterator, begin(), end(), rbegin(), rend()

Declaring a Set
  • To use the set container, you must include
  • The set container is declared in the std
  • E.g., to declare a set of strings
  • include ltsetgt
  • include ltstringgt
  • using namespace std
  • void SomeFunction()
  • setltstringgt words
  • setltstringgtiterator setItr

  • STL class set, multiset
  • set no duplicate values allowed
  • multiset duplicate values allowed
  • include ltsetgt, ltmultisetgt
  • element type is templated
  • implemented as a binary tree of nodes (for
    efficient search/insert/remove)
  • implemented as ordered collection

Adding Elements to a Set
  • You can add an element to a set by calling the
    setinsert() method, invocation
  • words.insert("radio")
  • This adds the string "radio" to the collection
    of elements contained by the set.
  • If you later attempt to insert the string
    "radio" again, then the set remains unchanged.

Testing for Inclusion in the Set
  • You can test to see if a value is contained in
    the set by calling setfind() , which returns an
    iterator to the element if it found, or
    setend() if the element is not contained in the
  • E.g.,
  • setltstringgtiterator setItr
  • if ((setItr words.find("cat")) words.end())
  • cerr ltlt "cat was not found in the set.\n"
  • else
  • cout ltlt "cat was found in the set.\n"

Testing for Inclusion in the Set
  • You can also access the elements of a set by
    traversing the set with an iterator.
  • If you traverse the sequence from beginning to
    end, the elements will be accessed in ascending
  • E.g.,
  • for (setItrwords.begin() setItr!words.end()
  • cout ltlt setItr ltlt endl

swap( )
  • Swaps elements with another set.
  • This operation is performed in constant time.
  • E.g.,
  • set1.swap(set2)

swap( )
  • include ltsetgt
  • include ltstringgt
  • using namespace std
  • int main()
  • string first ("This is string 1")
  • string second ("This is string 2")
  • first.swap(second)
  • cout ltlt "Set1 " ltlt first ltlt endl
  • cout ltlt "Set2 " ltlt second ltlt endl
  • return 0
  • Set1 This is string 2
  • Set2 This is string 1

lower_bound( )
  • Returns an iterator to the first element that is
    greater than or equal to key. Complexity O(log2
  • Returns end() if no such element exists.
  • setltintgt s
  • setltintgt iterator itr
  • for (int i0 i lt 5 i)
  • s.insert(i2) // Set 0 2 4 6 8
  • itr s.lower_bound(4)
  • if (itr s.end())
  • cout ltlt "No element found" ltlt endl
  • else
  • cout ltlt "LB is " ltlt itr ltlt endl
  • LB is 4

upper_bound( )
  • Returns an iterator to the first item greater
    than the key.
  • Returns end() if no such element exists.
  • setltintgt s
  • setltintgt iterator itr
  • for (int i0 i lt 5 i)
  • s.insert(i2) // Set 0 2 4 6 8
  • itr s.upper_bound(4)
  • if (itr s.end())
  • cout ltlt "No element found" ltlt endl
  • else
  • cout ltlt "UB of set is " ltlt itr ltlt endl
  • UB of set is 6

size( ) and empty( )
  • Returns the number of elements contained by the
  • cout ltlt s.size()
  • Use empty() to test whether or not size equals 0,
    because empty() may be much faster.
  • Returns true if the set contains zero elements.

find( )
  • Accepts a key and returns an iterator to the
    element if found.
  • If not found in the set ? returns end().
  • // assume set Starsky, Hutch, Huggy, Louie
  • if ((itr s.find("Louie")) s.end())
  • cout ltlt "Louie is sleeping with the
  • else
  • cout ltlt "Louie is in the set.\n
  • if ((itr s.find("Sammy")) s.end())
  • cout ltlt "Sammy is sleeping with the
    fishes.\n" else
  • cout ltlt "Sammy is in the set.\n"
  • Louie is in the set
  • Sammy is sleeping with the fishes.

erase( )
  • There are three overloaded forms of this method.
  • The first accepts a single iterator, and removes
    the element implied by the iterator from the set.
    The set should be non-empty. O(1).
  • E.g.,
  • assert(!s.empty())
  • s.erase(s.begin())
  • // remove the first element

erase( )
  • The second accepts two iterators, that specify a
    range of values within the set to be removed.
  • The time complexity is O(log2 n ts) where
  • ts llinear time for the length of the
    sequence being removed.
  • The two iterators must be valid iterators within
    the sequence contained by the set. Formally, the
    range of values starting, ending) are removed.
    At worst, this is an O(n) operation.
  • E.g.,
  • s.erase(s.begin(), s.end())
  • // erase the entire set

erase( )
  • The last accepts an object of the key type, and
    removes all occurrences of the key from set.
  • Note that since set elements are all unique, this
    will erase at most 1 element. O(log n).
  • s.erase(string(Huggy)) // removes Huggy" from
    the set

erase( )
  • // Assume s Starsky Hutch Huggy Louie
  • s.erase("Huggy")
  • cout ltlt "Set is "
  • for (itrs.begin() itr !s.end() itr)
  • cout ltlt itr ltlt " "
  • cout ltlt endl
  • s.erase("Lois") cout ltlt "Set is "
  • for (itrs.begin() itr !s.end() itr)
  • cout ltlt itr ltlt " "
  • cout ltlt endl
  • Set is Hutch Louis Starsky // sorted
  • Set is Hutch Louis Starsky // do nothing on a
    failed erase

Set Generic Algorithms
  • includes(s1.start-iter, s1.end-iter,
    s2.start-iter, s2.end-iter)
  • // subset this is boolean (is s2 a subset of
  • set_union(s1.start-iter, s1.end-iter,
    s2.start-iter, s2.end-iter, result-start-iter)
  • set_intersection(s1.start-iter, s1.end-iter,
    s2.start-iter, s2.end-iter, result-start-iter)
  • set_difference(s1.start-iter, s1.end-iter,
    s2.start-iter, s2.end-iter, result-start-iter)
  • // s1 s2
  • set_symmetric_difference(s1.start-iter,
    s1.end-iter, s2.start-iter, s2.end-iter,
  • // (s1 s2) U (s2 s1)

set_difference example
int main() int A1 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
11 int A2 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
const int N1 sizeof(A1) / sizeof(int)
const int N2 sizeof(A2) / sizeof(int)
cout ltlt "Difference of A1 and A2 "
set_difference(A1, A1 N1, A2, A2 N2,
ostream_iteratorltintgt(cout, " ")) The
output is Difference of A1 and A2 7 9 11
symmetric_set_difference example
int v13 13, 18, 23 int v24
10, 13, 17, 23 int result4 0, 0,
0, 0 set_symmetric_difference ( v1, v1 3,
v2, v2 4, result ) for (
int i 0 i lt 4 i ) cout ltlt result i
ltlt cout ltlt "\n" Output is 10 17 18
Set Applications
  • Spell-checker
  • Spell-checker with corrections
  • Anagrams
  • Clusters of similar objects/values

The Map Class
  • Is an example of an associative container.
  • Associates, or maps, values of some key type to
    values of some other type.
  • E.g., it is possible to use a map to associate
    names represented as strings with some other type
    that you chose, such as floating-point values.
  • This would allow you to associate a person's name
    with a bank account balance, grade point average,

Map Class
  • Associative containers similar to associative
    arrays in other programming languages.
  • E.g., Perl recognizes associative arrays
    (hashes) as a fundamental data type in that

Map Class
  • The map container allows you to directly access
    elements based upon a key value
  • aMap"John Doe" 3.2
  • Each key must be unique. For example,
  • aMap"John Doe" 6.4
  • would replace whatever value was previously
    associated with the string "John Doe" with 6.4.

Map Class
  • Must include ltmapgt
  • To declare an instance of a map, you must pass
    the key type and the value type as template
  • Like all of the C Standard Library, map is part
    of the std namespace.

Map Class
  • To declare a map that associates strings with
  • include ltmapgt
  • using namespace std
  • void SomeFunction()
  • mapltstring, doublegt aMap

Map Class
  • Be careful when using a map as an associative
  • The operator may not have the semantics you
    think it should.
  • Operator for map uses this basic algorithm
  • 1. Search the map for key.
  • 2. If key is found, return a reference to the
    value object associated with key.
  • 3. If not found, create a new object of type
    value associated with key, and
  • return a reference to that.

Map Class
  • Whether the operator is used in an expression
    or not, it will create a new object of the value
    type if the key is not found and return a
    reference to it.
  • These are often not the desired semantics, as in
  • double GPA aMap"John Doe" // Wrong!
  • aMap"John Doe" will be created if it does not
    exist and default to 0.0!

Map Class
  • Instead, use find() method of map to search for
    an element that matches key, but will not create
    the element if it does not exist.
  • The find() method returns an iterator to a pair
    object, or mapend() if the key was not found.
  • The first member of the pair contains the key and
    the second member of the pair contains the value
    associated with key.

Pair Class
  • The find() method returns an iterator to a pair
  • The pair class template, declared in ltutilitygt,
    contains two objects of specific types.
  • Pair objects have two public members, first and
    second, which provide access to the elements that
    comprise a pair.
  • The map class template uses key/value pairs to
    store the key/value associations.
  • pairfirst represents the key,
  • pairsecond represents the value associated
    with key.

  • The easiest way to construct a pair is with the
    convenience function template make_pair().
  • It accepts two objects, and returns a pair that
    contains copies of those two objects.
  • E.g.,
  • pairltstring,doublegt p
  • p make_pair(string("Microsoft Share Price"),

Map/Pair Example
  • E.g.,
  • mapltstring, doublegtiterator itr
  • if ((itr aMap.find("John Doe")) aMap.end())
  • cerr ltlt "John Doe not found." ltlt endl
  • else
  • cout ltlt "John Doe has a " ltlt itr-gtsecond
  • ltlt " GPA" ltlt endl

  • The map class template requires that key and
    value types be assignable, i.e., these types
    should have an assignment operator that does what
    it should, such as performing a deep copy if
  • The target of an assignment must be independent
    but equal to the source of the assignment.

  • The independence property should be carefully
  • For example, after the assignment ab ,
  • a change to b should not affect a.
  • If a and b were linked lists and a shallow copy
    was used to perform the assignment, then a and b
    would not be independent.
  • The element class must support deep copies, if
    you want to avoid problems!

  • The key type used in a map must adhere to strict
    weak ordering. Strict weak ordering means
  • 1. alta is false.
  • 2. Equality can be determined by the expression
  • (!(altb) !(blta))
  • That is, equality can be determined using only
    the less than operator.
  • 3. If altb and bltc, then altc must be true

  • Note that a, b, and c are objects of the key
    type, and the less than operator is assumed to be
    used when comparing two objects.
  • Any type that does not satisfy the above three
    rules is not a strict weak ordered type. Note
    that the built-in data types (char, int, double,
    etc.) are all strict weak ordered types.

Methods for Map
  • Assume the following for subsequent examples
  • mapltstring, doublegt map1
  • mapltstring, doublegt map2
  • mapltstring, doublegtiterator itr

Methods for Map
  • swap( ) - swaps elements with another map.
  • This operation is performed in constant time.
  • map1.swap(map2)
  • begin( ) - returns an iterator to the first pair
    in the map
  • itr map1.begin()
  • end( ) - returns an iterator that is just beyond
    the end of the map.

Methods for Map
  • size( )
  • - returns the number of elements contained by the
  • Use empty() to test whether or not size equals
  • because empty() may be much faster.
  • cout ltlt map1.size()
  • empty( )
  • - returns true if the map contains zero

Operator Method
  • Accepts a key and returns a reference to the
    object associated with key. O(log2 n)
  • This operator always creates an element
    associated with key if it does not exist.

find( ) Method
  • Accepts a key and returns an iterator to the pair
    element if found. If the key is not found in the
    map, this method returns end()
  • if ((itr map1.find("Bob")) map1.end())
  • cerr ltlt "Bob was not found in the map.\n"
  • else
  • cout ltlt "Bob was found in the map.\n"

erase( ) Method
  • There are three overloaded forms of this method.
  • The first accepts a single iterator, and removes
    the element implied by the iterator from the map.
    The map should be non-empty. O(1).
  • assert(!map1.empty())
  • map1.erase(map1.begin()) // remove the first

erase( ) Method
  • The second accepts two iterators, that specify a
    range of values within the map to be removed.
  • The time complexity is logarithmic plus linear
    time for the length of the sequence being
  • The two iterators must be valid iterators within
    the sequence contained by the map. Formally, the
    range of values starting, ending) are removed.
    At worst, this is an O(n) operation.
  • map1.erase(map1.begin(), map1.end())
  • // erase the entire map

erase( ) Method
  • The third accepts an object of the key type, and
    removes all occurrences of the key from map.
  • Note that since map elements all have unique
    keys, this will erase at most 1 element. O(log2
  • map1.erase(string("Bob"))
  • // removes all occurences of "Bob"

Maps and Multimaps
  • Map a collection of name-value pairs
  • STL class mapltkey-type, value-typegt
  • Multimap a map with multiple values allowed for
    same key
  • STL class multimapltkey-type, value-typegt
  • map is inherited from set

Map Applications
  • Telephone Directory
  • Sentence Generation
  • Database Index key/entire record pointer
  • Concordance/Book Index

Stacks / Queues
  • Stack a last-in-first-out (LIFO) structure
  • Queue a first-in-first-out (FIFO) structure
  • include ltstackgt, ltqueuegt
  • template ltelement-type, container-typegt
  • e.g. stackltintgt // defaults to deque
  • stackltdouble, listltdoublegt gt
  • (same for queue)
  • stack and queue are other instances of an adaptor
  • stack supports 3 containers list, vector, deque
  • queue supports 2 containers list, deque

Stack Methods
  • empty()
  • push()
  • void pop()
  • T top()
  • int size()

Stack Generic Algorithms
  • none additional that are generally used

Stack Applications - Expressions
  • Three Expression Types
  • Prefix operator operand1 operator2
  • E.g. 2 3 4
  • No parentheses needed
  • Infix operand1 operator operand2
  • E.g. (2 3) 4
  • Parentheses need to force precedence of weak
  • Postfix operand1 operand2 operator
  • E.g. 2 3 4
  • No parentheses needed

Stack Applications - Expressions
  • Evaluating Postfix Expressions
  • While not end of expression
  • If operand then push
  • If operator then pop 2nd, pop 1st, apply
    operator, push result
  • Converting Infix to Postfix
  • Need to pop operators until get to one of lower
    precedence on stack
  • Converting Prefix to Postfix
  • Need to track count of operands for each operator

Stack Applications - Others
  • Balancing Parentheses
  • While not end of file
  • If left parenthesis, push
  • If right parenthesis
  • If not empty then pop else error (no left for
  • If not empty then error (no right for left)
  • Converting Bases (e.g. Base 10 -gt Base 2)
  • Function Call Stack
  • Web Spider (holding links for later examination)

Stack Declaration
  • To declare a stack that uses list as the
    underlying container
  • include ltstackgt
  • include ltlistgt
  • using namespace std
  • stackltint, stdlistltintgt gt myStack

Stack Declaration
  • To declare a stack that uses list as the
    underlying container
  • include ltstackgt
  • include ltlistgt
  • using namespace std
  • stackltint, stdlistltintgt gt myStack
  • Note that the second template argument defaults
  • dequeltvalue_typegt

Stack Methods
  • empty( )
  • Returns true if the stack is empty
  • stackltintgt stack1
  • if (stack1.empty())
  • cout ltlt "The stack is empty."
  • size( )
  • Returns the number of elements contained by the
  • cout ltlt stack1.size()

Stack Methods
  • top( )
  • Returns a reference to the top element on the
    stack. You must ensure that the stack is not
    empty before invoking this method.
  • if (!stack1.empty())
  • cout ltlt

Stack Methods
  • push( )
  • Inserts an element at the top of the stack.
  • This is the only operation provided to add an
  • stack1.push(64)
  • pop( )
  • Removes the top element of the stack. The stack
    should not be empty.
  • if (!stack1.empty())
  • stack1.pop()

Queue Methods
  • empty()
  • push()
  • void pop()
  • T front() // these two replace top()
  • T rear() //
  • int size()

Queue Generic Algorithms
  • none additional that are generally used

Queue Applications
  • Printer
  • Processor
  • Simulations of real-world line domains
  • Bank tellers
  • Customer service reps through phones
  • Help desk
  • Ring buffers

  • Deque a structure that support efficient insert
    and remove operations at both ends
  • short for double ended queue
  • pronounced either deck or dq
  • include ltdequegt
  • template ltelement-typegt
  • e.g., dequeltintgt

Deque vs. Vector
  • Deque allows constant time insertion/removal of
    elements from the beginning and end of a
    sequence. Vector only allows elements to be
    inserted/removed from the end of a sequence in
    amortized constant time.
  • Deque allows elements to be inserted/removed from
    arbitrary points in a sequence more efficiently
    than a vector can, although not in constant time.
  • Random access to elements contained in a deque is
    slightly less efficient when compared to a vector
    due to an additional level of indirection.

Deque vs. Vector
  • For large number of elements, a vector will
    allocate one large, contiguous block of memory
    while a deque will allocate several, smaller
    blocks of memory ? better performance under most
    operating systems.
  • Deques provide all the capabilities needed to
    function as a stack or a queue.
  • Deques grow more efficiently than vectors ? deque
    allocates a new block of memory when the memory
    buffer is exhausted and begin using it to store
    the new elements.
  • A vector will allocate a new, larger block of
    memory to replace the previously used memory
    block and copy all of the elements to the new
    memory block. Vector's method for expanding is
    less efficient.

Deque Methods
  • swap( )
  • Swaps elements with another deque. O(1).
  • dequeltintgt deque1
  • dequeltintgt deque2
  • dequeltintgtiterator itr
  • deque1.swap(deque2)
  • operator
  • Allows assignment of one deque into another. O(n)
  • Both deques must contain elements of the same
    data type.
  • deque1 deque2

Deque Methods
  • begin( )
  • Returns an iterator to the first value in the
    sequence contained by the deque. O(1).
  • itr deque1.begin()
  • end( )
  • Returns an iterator to an object that is one
    element beyond the last valid value in the
  • This iterator should not be dereferenced, as it
    is intended to
  • indicate the end of a sequence.
  • if (itr deque1.end()) // end of sequence

Deque Methods
  • front( )/back( )
  • Returns the first/last element in the deque.
  • size( )
  • Returns the size of the deque, i.e., the number
    of elements it contains. O(1).
  • empty( )
  • Returns true if the deque is empty. O(1).

Deque Methods
  • push_front( )
  • Inserts an element at the beginning of the
    sequence contained by a deque. O(1)
  • deque1.push_front(3)
  • push_back( )
  • Inserts an element at the end of the sequence
    contained by a deque.

Deque Methods
  • insert( )
  • Inserts a value into the sequence before the
    element implied by an iterator.
  • deque1.insert(itr, 3) // insert the value 3
    before itr

Deque Methods
  • erase( )
  • There are two forms of this member function.
  • The first accepts a single iterator and removes
    the element implied by that iterator from the
  • deque1.erase(deque1.begin())

Deque Methods
  • erase( )
  • The second is intended to erase a subsequence.
  • It accepts a starting and ending iterator and
    erases the subsequence from starting, ending).
  • The time complexity of the operation depends on
    the length of the subsequence being erased.
  • deque1.erase(deque1.begin(), deque1.end())
  • // erase the entire deque

Deque Applications
  • Framework for search
  • supports both depth-first and breadth-first
  • depth-first search like stack, add and remove
    at front
  • breadth-first search like queue, add at rear,
    remove at front
  • Support as adaptor for other structures
  • stack and queue

Priority Queue
  • Priority Queue a structure that support
    efficient removal of extreme element, reasonable
    insert and remove times
  • include ltqueuegt // C standard
  • is a container adaptor
  • template lttype , container , compare-functiongt
  • e.g. priority_queueltintgt
  • // default 2nd and 3rd arguments vectorltTgt,
    lessltTgt this gives us a
  • // maximum priority queue (remove largest first)
  • priority_queuelt int, vector ltintgt gt
  • // default 3rd argument lessltTgt this gives
    us a maximum priority
  • // queue also
  • priority_queuelt int, vector ltintgt,
    greaterltintgt gt //
    this gives us a minimum priority queue

Priority Queue Methods
  • empty()
  • push()
  • void pop() // remove extreme element
  • T top() // return extreme element
  • int size()
  • note same as stack, but different meanings
  • by default, extreme is largest, but can invert
    the comparison test

Priority Queue Implementation Possibilities
  • Note a priority queue can be implemented in a
    number of different ways
  • Heap (array/vector-based)
  • Unsorted list, search for extreme element
  • Sorted list, extreme element at first position
  • STL set is possibility, as is ordered collection

Priority Queue Generic Algorithms
  • less ltTgt (T a, T b) returns true if a lt b
  • greater ltTgt (T a, T b) returns true if a gt b

Priority Queue Generic Algorithms - Heap
  • make_heap() Takes an existing sequence of
    elements and rearranges it to form a heap.
  • push_heap() Adds a new element to an existing
  • pop_heap() Removes the highest priority value
    from a heap.
  • sort_heap() Takes a heap and turns it into a
    sorted sequence.

Priority Queue Applications
  • Discrete-Event Simulation
  • Huffman Coding (Data Compression)
  • Scheduling Algorithms

STL Container Comparison
  • Need to look at several factors
  • constraints on operations
  • efficiency of important operations
  • insert, remove, find

  • Need to know certain underlying representations
    for a given system
  • number of bits in byte
  • number of bytes in integer types
  • character code standard (e.g., ASCII, UNICODE)
  • representation for integers

  • STL class bitset
  • include ltbitsetgt
  • templateltsizegt
  • set implemented efficiently at the bit level
  • one bit indicates presence or absence of value
  • implemented as vector of int

  • bitwise AND
  • bitwise OR
  • bitwise XOR (exclusive OR)
  • ltlt left shift (pad with zeros on right side)
  • gtgt right shift (pad with 0 if unsigned
  • pad with 0 if ve signed
  • pad with 1 if ve signed)
  • unary complement (toggle bits)

  • / assume 16 bit int representation /
  • int num1 5 / binary 0000000000000101 /
  • int num2 -4 / binary 1111111111111100 /
  • int num3
  • num3 num1 / toggle 1111111111111010
  • num3 num2 / toggle 0000000000000011 /
  • num3 num1 num2/ AND 0000000000000100 /
  • num3 num1 num2 / OR 1111111111111101 /

  • num3 num1 num2 / XOR 1111111111111001 /
  • int num2 3 / binary 0000000000000011
  • num3 num2 ltlt 2 / lshift 0000000000001100
  • num3 num2 gtgt 2 / rshift 0000000000000000

  • Sets are used to represent the presence or
    absence of properties and can also be used to
    represent network information.
  • We would like to support a number of operations
    on a set, including

  • Initialize_Set // make the set empty
  • Add (element) // add element to the set
  • Remove (element) // remove element from the set
  • Element_Of (element) // is element present in the
  • Display_Set // display the contents of the set
  • Union (set2) // elements in either the set or
  • Intersection (set2) // elements in both the set
  • Set_Difference (set2) // elements in set but not
    in set2
  • Is_Subset (set2) // is the set a subset of set2?
  • Is_Empty( ) // is the set empty?

Bitmap Implementation
  • Several choices for implementation
  • make an array of booleans, but each boolean could
    take up a number of bits (could be a whole
    integer, consisting of 8, 16, 32, or more bits on
    some systems). Our set may also be 'sparse',
    thereby wasting much space in the array.
  • Use a linked list of set elements this is much
    more space efficient, and is often used. One
    drawback is that we have the complexity and
    overhead of pointers and their manipulation.
  • A third alternative is to use bit arrays, i.e.,
    store set elements as bits.

Bitmap Implementation
  • Any integer-based data type in C (char, short,
    int, long, unsigned int) can be viewed as a
    collection of bits representing a value in the
    specified type.
  • Each bit (right to left), represents a power of 2
    (i.e. the first is 20 or 1, the second bit is 21
    or 2, the third bit is 22 or 4, etc.) For
  • int value 5 // bit pattern 0000000000000101
  • char ch_set 'A' // bit pattern 01000001
    (ASCII 65)
  • int i_set 1026 // bit pattern 0000010000000010

Bitmap Implementation
  • Such variables can also be used to represent
  • Each position from the right normally represents
    a power of 2 (1's place, 2's place, 4's place,
    etc.) when used to represent the ASCII value of a
    character or the actual value of an integer.
  • It can also be viewed as just representing the
    presence or absence of a set element, with 1
    representing presence and 0 representing absence.
  • Thus, an 8-bit character could store the values
    0-7 (normally viewed right to left, with the
    right-most bit representing 0 and the left-most
    bit representing 7), and a 16-bit integer could
    represent the values 0-15 (again, right to left).

Bitmap Implementation
  • Assume a character representing a small set can
    hold values 0 through 7.
  • How can we implement all of the desired
  • Remember that we have several bit operators in
  • , , , , ltlt , and gtgt
  • Initialize_Set - Easy. An empty set has all bits
    set to 0
  • ? just initialize the set variable to 0
  • ch_set 0 // or ch_set (char)0 implicit
    type conversion 00000000 lt--- ch_set bit

Bitmap Implementation
  • Add - A general technique for a number of the
    remaining operations is to apply some binary
    bitwise operator to the set and a second bit
    pattern called a mask.
  • The mask often involves setting one or more bits
    in the 'correct' position(s). E.g., to add the
    element 3 to the set, we could view this as
  • 00000000 lt--- old ch_set XOR with
  • Å 00001000 lt--- mask
  • 00001000 lt--- new ch_set
  • To get mask char mask 1 //
  • mask mask ltlt 3 // 00001000

Bitmap Implementation
  • So, our overall C fragment for adding 3 to the
    set is
  • char mask 1 ltlt 3
  • ch_set ch_set mask
  • Generally, adding N to the set where N is a valid
    element (here, 0 through 7) is done by
  • char mask 1 ltlt N
  • ch_set ch_set mask // set 3 or
  • Convince yourself on paper that this works with
    non-empty sets as well by adding 5 to our set,
    giving us the set 3, 5.

Bitmap Implementation
  • Remove - this is a little trickier.
  • It looks like we could create a mask with a bit
    at the position we want to remove and use
    (bitwise XOR). This works if the element is
    truly in the set.
  • E.g.,
  • 00100100 // current ch_set 2,4
  • Å 00000100 // mask item to be
  • 00100000 // new ch_set 4
  • but if we try removing an element that's not
    present, we inadvertantly add the element we're
    trying to remove! E.g.,
  • 00100000 // current ch_set 4
  • Å 00000100
  • 00100100 // new ch_set 2,4

Bitmap Implementation
  • Right way
  • - create a mask with the 1 in the correct
  • - toggle all bits in the mask
  • - use (bitwise AND) mask with set.
  • E.g., to remove 3 from 3,5, the mask is
  • 00001000 ? 11110111 // toggled mask
  • char mask 1 ltlt 3 // 00101000 3,5
  • mask mask // 11110111 // toggled
  • ch_set ch_set mask // 00100000 5

Bitmap Implementation
  • Element_Of
  • To test if an element is in the set
  • ? create a mask with a 1 bit in the correct
  • use to find the bitwise AND result,
  • see if that result is non-zero.
  • Shortcut ? return the (boolean) result of the
    bitwise AND operation directly, with non-zero
    representing 'true' and zero representing
    'false'. E.g., given our two-element set above,
    how can we test if 5 is in the set?
  • char mask (1 ltlt 5)
  • char result ch_set mask // 00101000
  • // 00100000 (mask)
  • // 00100000 return

Bitmap Implementation
  • Note that if the corresponding bit wasn't set in
    ch_set, that bit won't be set in
  • the result, and we'd get a zero result. The
    general membership function then
  • can be implemented concisely as
  • return (ch_set (1 ltlt N))

Some Examples
  • include ltbitsetgt
  • bitsetlt128gt bitsetA // set with 128 bits
  • bitsetlt128gt bitsetB(100) // set with 100 bits
  • bitsetlt128gt small(01101010) // set with 128

BitSet Methods
  • default, copy constructor
  • flip, flip(index) // flip bit at index
  • reset, reset(index)
  • set, set(index)
  • test(index)
  • any(), none(), int count()
  • (or), (and), (xor),
  • ltlt, gtgt, to_string()

BitSet Examples
  • int main()
  • bitsetlt126gt bset
  • bset 4 // 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
  • bset3 1 // 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
  • if (bset.test(3))
  • cout ltlt "bit position 3 is set" ltlt endl
  • if (bset.any())
  • cout ltlt "some bit position is set" ltlt endl
  • if (bset.none()) cout ltlt "no bit position is
    set" ltlt endl
  • for (int i 0 i lt MAX i)
  • cout ltlt "b" ltlt i ltlt " " ltlt bseti ltlt
  • return 0
  • bit position 3 is set
  • some bit position is set
  • 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

BitSet Examples
  • bset.flip() // flip the entire set
  • cout ltlt "Flipping entire set...."
  • for (int i 0 i lt MAX i)
  • cout ltlt bseti ltlt " " // print out
  • cout ltlt endl
  • cout ltlt "Flipping only bit 3...."
  • bset.flip(3) // flip only bit 3
  • // print out bitset
  • cout ltlt "Re-flipping only bit 3...."
  • bset3.flip() // Re-flip bit 3
  • // print out bitset
  • 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
  • Flipping entire set.... 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
  • Flipping only bit 3.... 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
  • Re-flipping only bit 3.... 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

BitSet Applications
  • System flags
  • e.g., for output stream
  • pos 1 may be fixed or exponential
  • pos 2 may be showpoint
  • pos 3-6 may be base
  • etc.

STL Container Comparison
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