Title: TROY
1GEM 4409HydrologyFall 2005
2Hydraulically Most Remote Point
Time of Concentration (tc)
- Size
- Shape
- Slope
- Flow
- Cover
Point of Concentration
3Time of Concentration (tc)
- Given
- Slope 0.02 ft/ft 2.0
- L 300 ft
- H 6 ft
- A 20 acres 0.03125 sq mi
- C 0.85
- n 0.011 (Mannings)
- N Retardance Roughness 0.02 (Kerby)
- c Retardance Coefficient 0.012 (Izzard)
4Time of Concentration (tc)
Kirpich Method tc 0.0078 (L1.5/H
0.5)0.770 FAA Method tc 1.8 (1.1
C) L0.5 s1/3 Note s Average
Surface Slope
5Time of Concentration (tc)
Kerby Method tc 0.83 (L N
s-0.5)0.467 Bransby Williams Method
tc 21.3 L 5280 A0.1 S0.2
6Time of Concentration (tc)
Must Solve By T E
Kinematic Wave Method tc 0.94 (L0.6
n0.6) i0.4 s0.3 Izzard
Method tc 41.025(0.0007i c) L
1/3 s 1/3 i 2/3
7Time of Concentration (tc)
8Pre vs. Post-Development
- Pre-Development
- 20 acres Sandy Loam
- 5 acres Pasture
- 15 acres Woodland
- Post-Development
- 20 acres
- 10 acres Light Indust.
- 10 acres Woodland
C 0.23
C 0.45
9Intensity-Duration Curve for Montgomery
tc I