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NETWORK DESIGN (REKABENTUK RANGKAIAN) TJ3054. LECTURER: ... Standard can be either de jure or de facto. de jure: is being enacted by formal/official bodies, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


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Overview of computer networking
  • What is a computer networking?
  • An interconnected collection of autonomous
  • 2 or more computers are said to be interconnected
    if they are able to exchange (transmit/receive)
  • Autonomous means that acting independently.
  • What is a distributed system?
  • The existence of multiple autonomous computers,
    which are not visible to the user.
  • The distinction between CN and a DS lies with the
    SW (NOS) rather than with the HW
  • Why does a computer networking necessary?
  • For organizations Resource/Info. sharing, Saving
    cost, Communication medium (audio/video
    conferencing/net meeting), high reliability,
    security, scalability etc.
  • For society Remote access, Person-to-Person
    communication (e-mail/messenger/chat),
    audio/video conferencing etc.

Overview of computer networking
  • Computer networking can be classified based on
    type of transmission technology and scale.
  • 2 types of transmission technology, which are
  • 1 Broadcast Network 2 Point-to-Point
  • Broadcast Network have a single communication
    channel that is shared by all the network
  • Broadcasting A packet is transmitted, received
    and processed by each network machines/devices.
  • Multicasting A packet is transmitted, received
    and processed by a subset of the network
    machines/devices (e.g. stmnet, studnet etc.)
  • Point-to-Point Network consist of many
    connections between individual pairs of machines.

Overview of computer networking
  • Computer networking scale
  • Local Area Network (LAN) Privately owned
    networks within a single building or organization
    or campus of up to a few kilometers in size. (10
    m to 1 km inter-processor distance).
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) A bigger version
    of LAN and normally used similar technology
    covering a group of nearby corporate offices/ a
    city either private or public (up to 10 km
    inter-processor distance).
  • Wide Area Network (WAN) Spans a large
    geographical area, often a country or continent
    (100 km to 1000 km inter-processor distance).
  • Wireless Networks Apply antennas, telephone with
    analog modem and Cellular Digital Packet Data
    (CDPD) service. Emerging technology Bluetooth,
    GSM and GPRS.
  • Internet a collection of homogonous
    interconnected networks.

Overview of computer networking
  • Vital CN hardware devices includes host
    computer, front-end processor (FEP),
    modulator/demodulator (modem), and terminal.
  • Host computer Center computer/processor within
    a large data communication system. It can be a
    mainframe or a minicomputer or a microcomputer.
  • FEP is a special purposed computer, which can be
    programmed to control and process data in a
    network. It can be either a non-programmable and
    hardwired communication control unit OR a
    programmable device operating as a communication
    input/output and processor. FEP components are
    channel interface, SW, and line interface unit.
    FEP purposes are offloading certain
    processing/controlling data from host computer to
    a programmed processor, comm. line control, error
    control, multiplexing, converting protocol/code
    and etc.

Overview of computer networking
  • Modem transforms digital electrical pulse
    (generated by computer/terminal) to analog signal
    before being transmitted via analog voice grade
    circuit and vice versa.
  • Terminal is a input/output HW located at the
    communication circuit end points. It can be
    microcomputer or workstation or video terminal or
    teleprinter terminal or dumb/intelligent terminal
    and etc.
  • Other necessary HW devices that make network
    becomes faster, more reliable and more secure are
    MUX, protocol converter, HW encryption devices,
    intelligent controller, line adapter and etc.
  • HW equipments that are commonly used in LAN are
    server, repeater, bridge, router, gateway, and

Overview of computer networking
  • Several issues have to be touched when discussing
    network SW, which is highly structured.
  • Protocol hierarchies
  • Network is arranged on the layer basis. Every
    layer will give services to its upper layer.
    Every layer communicate with its peer layer (same
    level) at other computer. In this case, a
    protocol (an agreement on how peer communication
    should be made) is required.
  • Interface and Services
  • Entity Active element in each layer.
  • SAP The point where service can be obtained.
  • Types
  • Connection-oriented Establish, use and release.
  • Connectionless Each packet is routed
  • QoS
  • Reliable (acknowledged) OR Unreliable (not

Overview of computer networking
  • 2 reference models Open Systems Interconnection
    (OSI) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
    Protocol (TCP/IP).
  • The OSI deals with connecting open systems (open
    for comm. with other systems).
  • The OSI has 7 layers
  • Physical mechanical, electrical, functional,
  • Data link error flow control intermediate
  • Network routing, switching, network addressing
  • Transport error flow control, packetizing
  • Session establish communication
  • Presentation format, compression, encryption
  • Application application protocols

Overview of computer networking

Data Link
Electrical voltage
Format data
Hantar mel
physical port
Mod dialog
Flow control
Signal mana hantar dulu
Berapa laju hantar electrical voltage
Error control
(No Transcript)
Overview of computer networking
  • The OSI principles
  • Each layer can be implemented independently
  • Each layer communicates with its peer layer (same
  • Each layer needs service provided by bottom layer
    esp. related to primitive functions.
  • In the real world
  • There is almost no OSI product.
  • In LAN, the 2 most bottom layer used LAN
  • In WAN, the 3 most bottom layer used X.25, ATM
    and FR

Overview of computer networking
  • TCP/IP has 4 layers
  • Network interface/physical communication
    Connects the network using some protocol so it
    can send/receive IP packet over it.
  • Internet (IP) Permits hosts to injects packet
    into any network and have them travel
    independently to the destination. This layer
    defines an official packet format and protocol
    known as Internet Protocol (IP).
  • Transport (TCP/UDP) Allows peer entities on the
    source and destination hosts to do conversation.
    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable
    connection-oriented protocol that allows a byte
    stream originating on one machine to be delivered
    without error to any other machine in the
    Internet. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is an
    unreliable connectionless protocol that do not
    want TCP sequencing or flow control.

Overview of computer networking
  • Application Contains all the higher level
    protocols, such as virtual TELNET, FTP, SMTP,
    POP3, DNS, HTTP and etc.

Physical network
Data Link
Physical Communication
SNA IPX/ SPX Apple-Talk
MS Net
Overview of computer networking
  • Standard can affluence the current network design
    and implementation, such as tackling problems
    related to HW and SW.
  • Standard are usually enacted/regulated by
    vendors, users and ISPs OR NSPs.
  • Standard are usually drafted by certain
    committee, which some of the members are vendor
  • Standard can be either de jure or de facto.
  • de jure is being enacted by formal/official
    bodies, such as IEEE, ISO, ANSI etc.
  • de facto is being established by informal
    organization, such HW/SW manufacturers like
    Microsoft, IBM etc.
  • ISO is being represented by 90 countries dealing
    with a lot of standard subjects.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Actually, there are a lot of approach types can
    be made in designing a new network or in
    upgrading an existing network.
  • In this course, the system approach is being
    chosen to design a network or to upgrade an
    existing network.
  • The system approach can be used by network
    designer in 1 planning a new data
    communication network 2 troubleshooting or
    upgrading the performance of a current network
    3 planning a public data network.
  • In designing a network, all the affluence factors
    and limitations/problems should be clarified and
    highlighted their effects on the network
  • The key of success starting from a good and
    effective planning particularly, based on
    fulfilling the system user interface requirement

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Currently, network designer usually emphasizes on
    user application system. In this case, 2 types
    of network user should be classified, which are
    organization management (e.g. manager/director/emp
    loyer) and individual user (e.g.
  • Manager needs a reliable network so that they
    believe whatever messages that they receive.
  • User needs a consistent/stable network so that
    they can keep maintaining/upgrading their
  • There are 13 basic steps used in network design.
  • Feasibility Study
  • The main purpose is to improve the current
    network or to build entirely a new network for

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Feasibility Study (Continued)
  • The responsibility is to define clearly the
    problem existed and make it as (a) written
    document. In the document, highlight the
    problems, possible root causes, possible counter
    measures (solutions) that can be offered and the
    objective/benefits of building a new network.
    Besides, state also the complete and realistic
    costs for a newly designed network or accurate
    costs/benefits comparison for an upgraded
  • Prepare a Network Design Plan(s)
  • The main purpose is to provide a framework(s) for
    the network design plan. Ensure that the plan
    meets the requirements. Identify also possible
    constraints. Besides, enlist functions that
    newly upgraded/designed network can perform.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Understand the current/existing network
  • Try to know fully attributes of existing network
    system, such as operational functionality and HW
    (CPU type, memory size and configurations), SW
    (type applications and network drivers/NOS),
    protocols and standards, and operational support
    methods. Besides, enlist some proposed network
    application for future use. If possible put
    written ideas in terms of notes/DFD/flowchart.
  • Define the network requirement
  • The purpose is to determine the what in the
    development of a new network and to describe
    attribute the network must contain.
    Conceptually, identify inputs, such as user
    needs, organizational needs, existing systems,
    regulations, and environment politics in order to
    draw out the network requirements and
    constraints. In details, review the org. long
    and short term plan.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Also, simulate the circuit capacity, reliability
    and processing time (response time/queuing
    theories). If possible, highlight future
    requirement(s) that may be uncovered for now.
  • Define the geography scope
  • The purpose is to identify the physical location
    that must be interconnected by the newly designed
    or upgraded network. There are 4 basic levels in
    mapping the network, which are International,
    Country, State/City, and Local Area/Facility.
  • Analyze the message
  • The purpose is to identify msg. char., no. of
    msg. and how to estimate volume of message. This
    step can be done simultaneously with step no. 5
    above. The output is a list of msg. With no. of
    char. per msg., network link traffic table.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Calculate the network traffic and circuit loading
  • The purpose is to calculate the circuit capacity
    that is needed for traffic based on no. of char.
    per msg. no. of msg. delivered per given period
    of time. Therefore, needs to calculate the
    response time / turnaround time. RIT MIT APT
    MOT. Besides, it is possible to show the
    circuit capacity req. for each link. The output
    is the documented of traffic analysis (msg.
    total of char. per day).
  • Identify network control and security
  • The purpose is to control and protect info. from
    various threats, such as errors omissions, msg.
    Loss/damage, disasters, poor error handling,
    viruses/worms, unreliability etc. Use ctrl
    spreadsheet to identify, prepare document and
    re-evaluate all the ctrl point within a network.
    The output are ctrl spreadsheet, list of threats
    def. list of ctrl methods performed.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Design network configuration
  • The purpose is to configure the network based on
    network goals/objectives.The ckt. config. is done
    btw. The user and host computer. The result
    depends on node/terminal and SW/HW changing. The
    output is the network config. maps/layouts and
    list of network goals.
  • Consider the SW selection
  • The purpose is to overcome the limitation
    resulted by terminal usage and diff. types of SW
    used thru the using of protocol
    converter/router/gateway. The output is the
    details of network config. Either it is PTP or
    Multiplexed or Multidropped or Packet switched or
    combinations of above. Besides, there should be
    a description of protocol selected as well as
    WAN/LAN SW documentation.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Consider the HW selection
  • The purpose is to get all the HW required. The HW
    of network can be categorized as transmission
    media and internetworking devices.The output is
    the layout and the config. (multidrop/multiplex,
    etc.) showing all the linked nodes.
  • Calculate the cost required
  • The purpose is to estimate the cost of
    building/upgrading a network and to review the
    complexity of costing on the chosen network
    configuration. A lot of techniques can be used
    to estimate the cost, such as network cost
    analyzer, cost/benefit analysis, voice grade
    leased circuit cost, dial-up circuit cost,
    wideband analog circuit cost, digital circuit
    cost, T-carrier circuit cost, pkt sw. cost, HW
    cost, and further design cost.

Intro. of system approach in network design
  • Calculate the cost required
  • The network cost generally can be classified into
    two groups, which are direct cost and indirect
    cost. Direct cost includes processor/server,
    comm. devices, common carrier line tariffs,
    SW/NOS, spare part cost, and maintenance cost.
    Indirect cost will be personnel training and
    disruption of normal activities. The output is a
    report of network expenditure generated by
    network cost analyzer.
  • Implement the new network
  • There will two subtasks, which are selling the
    proposed network to mgmt. or to client/user and
    implementing the network. Selling the network
    can be done orally to top mgmt. There are 4Ps
    techniques in implementing the network that are
    Pilot, Phased, Parallel, and Plunge.
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