- J.Q. Dong
- Southwestern Institute of Physics
- Chengdu, China
- International School on Plasma Turbulence and
Transport - August 16 18, 2007, Chengdu, China
- Introduction
- Tokamak magnetic configuration
- Charged particle motion in tokamaks
- Wave-particle resonance due to parallel motion of
particles - Wave-particle resonance due to drift motion of
particles - Wave-particle resonance due to rotation of
particles - Summary
- Plasmas are affluent in collective oscillations
and waves - Wave-particle interaction is an important part of
magnetic fusion plasma science - Excitation of turbulent flows and fluctuations
leads turbulent mass, momentum and energy
transport - Effects of external waves on plasma particles
include trapping of particles in waves, chaotic
behavior in particle orbits, particle
acceleration, - plasma heating and current drive
- Resonance is an efficient way for collisionless
energy transfer between particles and waves
4Tokamak magnetic configuration
- Equilibrium magnetic field
- Toroidal field
- Poloidal field
5Charged particle motion in tokamaks
- Parallel (lognitudinal) motion
- Rotation
- Drifts of guiding center
- i) Electric field drift
6ii) magnetic gradient ( ) drift
iii) magnetic curvature drift
7iv)trapping, bounce and toroidal drift
- a) Particle trapping
- b) Bounce period of the trapped particles
- c) Toroidal drift of trapped particles
8Diamagnetic drift of plasma fluids
- It is in the vertical direction
- It induces charge separation and then plasma
outward motion.
9- Wave-particle resonance due to parallel motion of
10Landau damping bump on tail instability
- Vlasov equation
- Linearization
- Langmuir wave
- Consider the parallel motion of the electrons
only -
11- Poison equation
- Dispersion equation
- Landau damping for Maxwellian distribution
12- Instability for bump on tail distribution
13Lower hybrid current drive
- Electron velocity distribution functions
- with different trapping effects under
14Bump-on-tail problem with the presence of
energetic particles
- Discrete Alfven eigenmodes
- Energetic particle modes
15Destabilization of shear Alfven waves via
wave-particle resonance
- Dispersion relation of shear Alfven wave
- Destabilization mechanism (universal drive)
- Wave particle resonance at
- For the right phase, particle will lose energy
going outward and gaining energy going inward. As
a result, particles will lose energy to waves. - Energetic particle drive
Spatial gradient drive
Landau damping Due to velocity space gradient
16Shear Alfven spectrum, continuum damping, and
discrete modes
- Shear Alfven wave dispersion relation in tokamaks
- Continuum spectrum
- Initial perturbation decays
due to phase mixing at time scale of - Driven perturbation at w is resonantly absorbed
at ?continuum damping - Phase mixing and resonant absorption has exact
analogy with Landau damping for Vlasov plasma.
17Mode coupling between m and m1 induces a
continuum gap
Continuum spectrum is modified by toroidicity.
18Example of Discrete AE Toroidal Alfven
Eigenmode (TAE)
TAE mode frequencies are located inside the
toroidcity-induced Alfven gaps TAE modes peak at
the gaps with two dominating poloidal harmonics.
C.Z. Cheng, L. Chen and M.S. Chance 1985, Ann.
Phys. (N.Y.) 161, 21
19Bump-on-tail problem saturation with damping,
source and sink
- Collisions tend to restore the original unstable
distribution. Balance of nonlinear flattening and
collisional restoration leads to mode saturation.
It can be shown that the linear growth rate is
reduced by a factor of . Thus, the
mode saturates at
H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman 1990, Phys. Fluids B
2, 2235
20H.L. Berk et al, Phys. Plasmas 2, 3007 (1995).
Multiple unstable modes can lead to resonance
overlap and stochastic diffusion of energetic
H.L. Berk et al, Phys. Plasmas 2, 3007 (1995).
22First observation of TAE in TFTR
K.L. Wong, R.J. Fonck, S.F. Paul, et al. 1991,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1874
23Discrete Alfven Eigenmodes versus Energetic
Particle Modes
- Discrete Alfven Eigenmodes (AE)
- Mode frequencies located outside Alfven
continuum (e.g., inside gaps) - Modes exist in the MHD limit
- energetic particle effects are often
perturbative. - Energetic Particle Modes (EPM)
- Mode frequencies located inside Alfven continuum
and determined by energetic particle dynamics - Energetic effects are non-perturbative
- Requires sufficient energetic particle drive to
overcome continuum damping.
24- Wave-particle resonance due to drift motion of
25Fishbone Instability
- Induce by injection of high energy neutral beam
- Due to interaction between the injected particles
and the m1,n1 MHD mode - Resonance between the toroidal wave velocity of
the mode and toroidal drift of the trapped
26Fishbone dispersion relation
L. Chen, R.B. White and M.N. Rosenbluth 1984,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1122
27Electron fishbone instability
28(No Transcript)
29- HL-2A results need further explanation
30Wave-particle resonance due to rotation of
- Wave-particle resonance is a basic and important
mechanism for wave-particle interaction in
tokamak plasmas - Externally launched waves may be absorbed and
heat plasma or drive current in plasma by
wave-particle resonance - Waves may be driven by particle motion through
wave-particle resonance in plasmas - There are quite a few observations on wave
excitation in plasmas need explanation