Title: WaveParticle Interaction in Collisionless Plasmas: Resonance and Trapping
1Wave-Particle Interaction in Collisionless
Plasmas Resonance and Trapping Zhihong
Lin Department of Physics Astronomy University
of California, Irvine International Summer
School on Plasma Turbulence and
Transport Chengdu, 8/16-8/18, 2007
2Wave-Particle Interaction (WPI)
- In high temperature plasmas, collisional mean
free path is much longer than wavelength - Wave-particle energy exchange depends on ratio of
wave phase velocity to particle velocity kinetic
effects - WPI plays key roles in
- Excitation and damping of collective modes
- Diffusion in velocity space thermalization,
heating, acceleration - Transport of particle, momentum, and energy
- Studies of WPI
- Coherent WPI resonance, trapping
- Chaos, quasilinear theory
- Weak strong turbulence theory
- Linear resonance how does particle responds to a
given wave - Linear Landau damping
- Nonlinear trapping
- 1D particle-in-cell code is used for
illustrations - http//gk.ps.uci.edu/zlin/zlin/pic1d/
4Particle Motion in a Propagating Wave
- Given an electrostatic 1D plane wave
- Motion of a particle with mass m and charge q
- What is particle energy gain/loss?
- Linearization assume that wave amplitude is
small use unperturbed orbit when calculating
particle acceleration - Lowest order equation of motion
- i represents initial value, 0 represents 0th
order quantities
5Non-Resonant Particle
- First order velocity perturbation
- For particle with
- Doppler shifted frequency
- Particle sees changing phase of wave
- Response is oscillatory no net energy transfer
to particle over a complete Doppler shifted wave
6Resonant Particle
- For particle with
- Doppler shifted frequency is zero particle ride
on the wave - Particle sees constant phase of wave static
potential - Response is secular
particle gain/lose energy - Phase space volume of
resonant particle is zero
7Landau Resonant
- Particle with infinitesimally smaller velocity
will be accelerated - If there are more slower particles, particles
gain energy - Energy exchange between wave and particle depends
on the velocity slope at resonant velocity vw/k
Landau resonant - Transit time resonance in magnetized plasma
mirror force - Resonances in tokamak plasmas
- Cyclotron Resonance wpWc
- Transit resonance wpwt
- Precessional resonance wwp
- Three resonances break three adiabatic
invariants, respectively - Nonlinear Landau resonance w2-w1(k2-k1)v
- Linear resonance
- Linear Landau damping what is the feed back on
wave by particle collective response? - Nonlinear trapping
9Vlasov-Poisson Equations
- 1D electrostatic Vlasov-Poisson equations
collisionless plasmas - Summation over species s
- Conservation of probability density function
(PDF) in phase space - Time reversible
- Assume uniform, time stationary plasmas
- Small amplitude perturbation at t0 , expansion
10Initial Value Approach
- Causality response of a stable medium occurs
after the impulse - Fourier-in-space, Laplace-in-time transformation
- Inverse transformation
- w-integration path C1 lies above any singularity
so that - f(w,k) analytic at Im(w)gtg
11Linearized Vlasov Equation
- Perturbed distribution function
- Singular at resonance
- Poisson equation
12Inverse Laplace Transform
- Dielectric constant
- Inverse Laplace transform
13Analytic Continuation
- f(w, k) was originally defined at Im (w)gtg
- For tgt0, need to lower path C1 to C2 so that
- Deform the contour such that no pole is crossed
- f(w, k) is now defined
on the whole
14Time Asymptotic Solution
- As , f(t) is dominated by
contributions from poles - Ballistic modes wkv, continuous spectrum,
- Damped quickly by phase-mixing
- Normal modes D(w,k)0, discrete spectrum,
- nth root nth branch, wnwn(k)
15Phase Mixing of Ballistic Mode
- Ballistic (Van Kampen) modes
- Assuming a smooth initial perturbation
- Initial phase-space perturbation propagates
without damping - Perturbed potential decays in t1/we for kl1
- Phase mixing destructive phase interference
- BGK mode finite amplitude Van Kampen modes
singular df
16Normal Modes
- Long time evolution dominated by normal modes
- As w-contour is lowered from C1 to C2, the pole
in the complex-v plane cross real-v axis - To preserve C3 integral, C3 contour needs to be
deformed into C4 - P is principal value.
17Landau Damping
- Linear dispersion relation
- For weakly damped mode Dr gtgtDi, wrgtgtwi
- 0th order
- 1st order
18Landau Damping of Plasma Oscillation
- Uniform Maxwellian
- Assuming ion fixed
background - Dielectric constant
- Dispersion relation
- Damping depends on velocity slope of distribution
function - Instability due to inverted shape of distribution
- Linear resonance
- Linear Landau damping
- Nonlinear trapping What is the back-reaction on
distribution function? validity of linear theory?
Transition to chaos? -
20Validity of Linear Theory
- Expansion
- Linearization ignore nonlinear term
- Valid if
- Linear solution of normal modes
- Linear theory breaks down most easily at resonance
21Validity of Linear Theory
- Assuming weakly damped normal modes
- At resonance
- Linear theory valid if
- Bounce frequency of trapped particles
22Nonlinear Trapping
- Given a plane wave
- Transform to wave frame
- Near a potential valley (qflt0)
- For deeply trapped resonant particle
- Simple harmonic oscillation
23Phase Space Island Separatrix
- Hamiltonian
- Passing particle mechanical energy
- Trapped particle
- Phase space trajectory of trapped particle
closed island - Passing particle open
- Boundary separatrix
- Assumption of unperturbed orbit invalid when
trapping occurs upper bound of wave amplitude
for linear Landau damping
24Phase Space Island Separatrix
- Phase space island separatrix integrable
system - Oscillation of wave amplitude
- Small dissipation lead to chaotic region near
sepatrix non-integrable system
25Multi-modes Island Overlap
- Island size is set by wave amplitude
- Island separation is set by number of modes,
i.e., mode density - Islands overlap for densely populated modes
island size gt separation - Particles jump between resonances before complete
a bounce motion - Large degree of freedom onset of stochasticity
- Quasilinear theory for small amplitude fluctuation
26Quasilinear Theory
- Vlasov equation
- Slow evolution of distribution function, spatial
average over wavelength and time average over
wave period - Use linear solution of perturbed distribution
function - Quasilinear diffusion
27Quasilinear Flattening
- Quasilinear diffusions flattening of f0
- Relaxation to marginal stability
- Time irreversible
- HW what approximation in QLT lead to time