Title: Managerial Economic Analysis
1Managerial Economic Analysis
2Need Help?
- Office hours
- Newark 5-6 pm MEC 129
- NB 530-630pm Levin 217c
- 973-353-1646
- sgifford_at_andromeda.rutgers.edu
- Textbook Managerial Economics and Business
Strategy, by Michael R. Baye, 5th Edition, Irwin.
(4th ed. Is OK) - The text, data disk, and Study Guide are
available at the Rutgers Bookstore. - Or try online.
- Class Notes Blackboard (check your email)
- http//blackboard.newark.rutgers.edu
- Must have NetID
- http//www.acs.rutgers.edu/
- 3 in-class exams worth 20 each
- Sample midterms and final exams with answers are
on Blackboard. - Practice for exams by doing problems in the Study
Guide (answers are provided there). - You may bring one sheet of notes to each exam.
- 2 group projects worth 15 each
- Demand estimation requires the data disk that
comes with the textbook. - Industry analysis on industry of your choice.
- class participation 10
- Discussion in class or on Bb Discussion Board
Week 1 Managerial Economics and Market Forces
Ch. 1 and 2 Week 2 Demand Ch. 3 Week
3 Individual Behavior Ch. 4 Week 4 Production
and Costs Ch. 5 Week 5 Exam (Ch.
1-5) Organization of the Firm (project 1
due) Ch. 6 Week 6 Nature of Industry Ch.
7 Week 7 Managing Markets Ch. 8 Week
8 Rivalry Ch. 9 Week 9 Exam (Ch.
6-9) Game Theory Ch. 10 Week 10 Pricing
Strategy Ch. 11 Week 11 Economics of
Information Ch. 12 Week 12 Government in the
Marketplace Ch. 14 Week 13 Review (project 2
due) Week 14 Final Exam (Ch. 10-12 and 14)
7My Research
- See my webpage http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/sgif
8Why Economics?
Design a Product
Production Process
Determine Demand
Firms Goals
Estimate Costs