Title: Fibonacci
- Megan Sorenson
- Sanya Mcgahan
- Sarah Harbitz
- Natasha Shumaker
2Greatest European Mathematician of the Middle
- Born in Pisa, Italy around 1175
- Father was a merchant/
- A customs officer or
- Represented merchants
- Guglielmo Bonacci
- Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Pisano
- Fibonacci is short for Filius Bonacci son of
3- Born in Italy, educated in North Africa
- Fathers job brought them there.
- Traveled with his father
- Recognized advantages of different mathematical
systems. - Hindu-Arabic system
- Liber abaci (1202) arithmetic and algebra
- Practica geometriae- (1220)- geometry problems
- Flos (1225)-This book was written to answer some
questions proposed at King Frederrick's court. - Liber quadratorum (1225)- book of squares,
number theory, methods in finding pythagorean
6Pythagorean Triple
- Thus when I wish to find two square numbers whose
addition produces a square number, I take any odd
square number as one of the two square numbers
and I find the other square number by the
addition of all the odd numbers from unity up to
but excluding the odd square number. For example,
I take 9 as one of the two squares mentioned the
remaining square will be obtained by the addition
of all the odd numbers below 9, namely 1, 3, 5,
7, whose sum is 16, a square number, which when
added to 9 gives 25, a square number.
7- The Fibonacci Sequence1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,...
8- Recursive Formula for the Fibonacci
9- The seemingly simple recursive sequence has
fascinated mathematicians for centuries, as its
properties occur in an number of different
phenomenons including - aesthetic doctrines of
the ancient Greeks - art - music -
architecture - growth patterns of plants - the
population rates of rabbits
10- ShortcutsIf you know F(n), is there a easy way
of calculating F(n1) without knowing F(n-1)? - The answer is YES!
- F(n1) round F(n)Phi
- Phi 1.618... Golden Number
11- Finding a Formula for the Fibonacci
SequenceRecursive Formula allows you to find
the nth number in a sequence if preceding terms
are known.Let F(1)1 and F(2)1.Can you create
a recursive formula for the nth number in the
- If F(4)3, what is F(5)?F(5)
round(3Phi) round (3 x 1.618...)
round (4.854...) 5
- But there is one problem...Does the shortcut
always work? Let's try some other numbers. - Clarification of ShortcutLook at the first few
numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence 1, 1, 2, 3,
14- F(1)1 and the next Fibonacci number is
F(2)1.F(2)1 and the next Fibonacci number is
F(3)2.The problem lies in the fact that we
cannot have two different values for "the next
Fibonacci number." Therefore, a restriction is
put on the formula - F(n1) F(n)Phi, where n gt 1.
- Using technology to find the nth number
- http//www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibon
16- Detecting when N is a Fibonacci Number
- 4, 27, 55, 107, 144, 450, 1597.... are any of
these numbers a Fibonacci Number? - Is there a simple test to see if N is a
Fibonacci number?
17- In 1972, Gessel created a simple test to
determine whether or not an given number n is a
Fibonacci number. - N is a Fibonacci number if and only if 5 N2
4 or 5 N2 -4 is a square number.
- For example - 3 is a Fibonacci number since
5x32449, which is 72 - 5 is a Fibonacci
number since 5x52-4121, which is 112 - 4 is
NOT a Fibonacci number since 5x42484 and
5x42-476, neither of which are perfect squares. - Which of these numbers are Fibonacci numbers?27,
55, 107, 144, 450, 1597
20Fibonacci in Pascals Triangle
- Fibonacci also occurs in Pascals Triangle.
21Where are the Fibonacci Numbers?
- Hint Create diagonals to find the numbers.
22Fibonacci in Pascal's
23The Golden Ratio
- A ratio that has been found by the Greeks to be
the most visually pleasing ratio of length to
width approximations. - It has been used in art, architecture, in natural
structures, and nature. - The Greek letter Phi is used to refer to the
24The Golden Ratio
- Can be found by dividing each term in the
Fibonacci Sequence by the one preceding it. - 1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13,
- The exact value of the ratio
- 1sqrt(5)/2
- The ratio equals 1.61803398874989484820
25The Golden Rectangle
- The square is a unit square of length one. If
you build another congruent square next to it - Now there is a rectangle with a width of one and
a length of two.
26The Golden Rectangle
- If you continue this process You get a square
with width of two, length of three. - Width of three, length of five.
27The Golden Rectangle
- Width of five, length of eight.
- Width of eight, length of thirteen.
28The Golden Rectangle
- Width of thirteen, length of twenty one.
- The process can continue on and on.
- Do you notice a pattern in the successive side
lengths? - They follow the Fibonnacci Sequence!
- 1,1,2,3,5,8,13
29The Golden Spiral
- Demonstration of the relationship of the Golden
Squares. - The Golden Spiral
30Fibonacci In Nature
31Notice The Resemblance
32- You may well have seen the pattern in the middle
of a sunflower, but this is the centre of a
little daisy! The thing to notice is how the
tiny seed heads make two sets of spiral patterns
going in opposite directions.
33 This diagram shows more clearly how the spirals
are arranged but here's the strange bit there
are 34 spirals going one way and 21 spirals going
the other way. These numbers appear in the
Fibonacci series!What's more, twin sets of
spirals appear in all sorts of things from pine
cones to pineapples, and the numbers of spirals
are ALWAYS two numbers next to each other in the
- Flowers have withhold a mysterious Fibonacci
sequence - The number of petals on a flower, that still has
all of its petals intact and has not lost any,
for many flowers is a Fibonacci number - 3 petals lily, iris
- 5 petals buttercup, wild rose, larkspur,
columbine (aquilegia) - 8 petals delphiniums
- 13 petals ragwort, corn marigold, cineraria,
- 21 petals aster, black-eyed susan, chicory
- 34 petals plantain, pyrethrum
- 55, 89 petals michaelmas daisies, the asteraceae
- One pedaled white calla lily
- Two-pedaled euphorbia
- Three-pedaled trillium
36- Five petals - there are hundreds of species, both
wild and cultivated, with five petals - Eight-pedaled flowers are not so common as
five-pedaled, but there are quite a number of
well-known species with eight. (This flower is
the bloodroot)
37- Thirteenthe black-eyed susan
- Twenty-one and thirty-four petals are also quite
common. The outer ring of ray florets in the
daisy family illustrates the Fibonacci sequence
extremely well. Daisies with 13, 21, 34, 55 or
89 petals are quite common. - Shasta daisy with 21 petals
38Thank You!
- Resources
- http//www.mathacademy.com/pr/prime/articles/fibon
ibonacci/fibFormula.htmlexact - http//www.world-mysteries.com/sci_17.htm
- http//library.thinkquest.org/27890/theSeries6a.ht
ml - http//cuip.uchicago.edu/dlnarain/golden/activiti
es.htm - http//math.rice.edu/lanius/Geom/golden.html