Title: P1254503557XlLCE
1European citizens?
Yes, we are !
Comenius 1 .1 - 2nd year
2Partners meeting in Cyprus, Nicosia, Oct.2006
- Our visit to the Acropolis Lyceum, Nicosia /
kicking off meeting for the 2nd year -
3Principals meeting in Nice, France, Feb. 2007
- Nice / Monaco discussing further cooperation
4The course of the 2nd year
- Students were to collect all possible data and
information about groups of immigrants of
different nationalities coming from developing
countries or different parts of Europe to our
region.Through the Internet, questionnaires and
interviews, with support of their teachers and
regional authorities, they made a research of
home countries, reasons for migration, standards
of living in the CR, lifestyles, surviving
habits, traditions and influences on our
society.The discovered facts appeared in the end
products a printed brochure and a DVD/ CD box
with photos and interviews.
5Migration from other parts of Europe
6Czech Republic Region Highlands
7Nationality 1970 1980 1991 2001
Slovakian 4 046 5 358 5 782 3 732
Ukrainian 152 190 177 703
German 443 338 336 319
Vietnamese - - 6 290
Gypsy - - 733 258
Polish 93 257 264 258
Hungarian 242
Russian 102 88 108 174
Others nationalities 604 531 716 1 191
Population in total 494 985 516 823 516 824 516 825
8Students' team at work....
- Here are the main six minority groups which have
become a constant part of our todays society.
There are more nationalities currently living
here but appearently not so significant and
supportive to changing and developing population.
10The Gypsies
11The Slovaks
12The Ukrainians
13The Vietnamese
14The Armenians
15The Germans
16End products of the second year and documents
from partners meetings
172nd years presentation in Zvolen, Slovakia, May
18OA a JŠ Jihlava, CZ /2007
www.oa-ji.cz www.comenius-oa.wz.cz