Title: Making a MARC file
1Making a MARC file
- Description
- This tutorial provides a quick overview on making
MarcEdits mnemonic file format into MARC.
2Table of Contents
This tutorial will covering the following topics.
To get the most out of this tutorial, please
open MarcEdit and follow along.
- Getting Started
- Opening the MARC Tools Dialog
- Setting Options
- Making into MARC
- Remaking files edited in the MarcEditor
- Conclusion
3Getting Started
- To open MarcEdit, simply click on the MarcEdit
Icon on your Desktop or select MarcEdit from
Start/Programs/MarcEdit. - When MarcEdit opens, it will look like the
picture below.
4Opening the MARC Tools Dialog
- The MARC Tools dialog can be accessed from two
locations. The first by selecting the File/MARC
Tools option in the menu and the second by
selecting the MARC Tools Icon on the main screen.
See the images below.
5MARC Tools Dialog
- When the MARC Tools Dialog opens, you will see
the following options - Input File
- Output File
- Functions
- MarcBreaker
- MarcMaker
- MARC gt Dublin Core
6Setting Options Files
- Input File The input file represents the source
file, or the file that the action is to take
place upon. The input file can be set by either
- Typing the file name into the Input File Dialog.
- Clicking on the Open icon in the tool bar.
- Output File The output file represents the
destination file, or the file where the product
will be saved. The output file can be set by
either - Typing the file name into the Output File Dialog
- Clicking on the Save icon in the tool bar.
- Please note, if an output file of the same name
currently exists, MarcEdit will attempt to
overwrite it.
7Setting Options Functions
- MarcMaker Use the MarcMaker function when
converting MarcEdits mnemonic text format back
into MARC.
8Remaking MarcEditor
The MarcEditor is a built-in text editor
specially designed for editing MARC records in
MarcEdits mnemonic file format. (For more
information on the MarcEditor, see the help file,
or the tutorial called Working with the
MarcEditor). Once users have made their edits in
the MarcEditor, it is possible to remake the
edited file back into MARC. To do this, users
should use one of the two procedures
9Remaking MarcEditor Using the Menu
- Save your edits.
- Select File/Make Current Record(s)
- Select a save file location when prompted.
10Remaking MarcEditor Using the Toolbar
- Save your Edits.
- Click on the following icon
- Select a save file when prompted.
- In general, MarcEdit provides a fairly simple
method remaking text files into MARC. After
reading this tutorial, you should now be able to - Remake a mnemonic file using the MARC Tools
dialog. - Remake an edited file in the MarcEditor.
- If you have suggestions on how this tutorial
could have been more helpful for you, feel free
to contact terry.reese_at_orst.edu