Title: Report of the Medical Genetics Training Program
1Report of the Medical Genetics Training Program
- Vazken Der Kaloustian
- Department of Human Genetics
- McGill University
- 7 June 2006
2Training Programs
- Royal College and
- Collège des médecins du Québec
- - Medical Genetics
- CCMG (Canadian College of Medical Geneticists)
- - Biochemical genetics
- - Clinical genetics
- - Cytogenetics
- - Molecular genetics
3Medical Genetics Training Program
- Structure
- Activities
- Trainees
4Medical Genetics Training Program
- Structure
- Activities
- Trainees
5Training Program Committee
- Nicholas Ah Mew - Chief resident
- Eva Andermann
- Philippe Campeau - Assistant Chief resident
- Vazken Der Kaloustian
- Alessandra Duncan
- William Foulkes
- Francis Glorieux
- Serge Melançon
- David Rosenblatt
- Laura Russell
- Patrick Scott
- Marc Tischkowitz
- Pediatrics program director
- Internal medicine program director
- Obstetrics program director
6CCMG Clinical and Biochemical Genetics
- Serge Melançon - chair
- Laura Russell
- William Foulkes
- Vazken Der Kaloustian
7CCMG Cytogenetics Subcommittee
- Alessandra Duncan - chair
- Laura Russell
- Patrick Scott
8CCMG Molecular Genetics Subcommittee
- Patrick Scott chair
- Alessandra Duncan
- Vazken Der Kaloustian
9Approval of programs
- Royal College
- Site visit on April 6 and 7, 2006 and
recommendation for full approval
- Site visit on October 6 and 7, 2005, and full
approval until 2009 for - Biochemical Genetics
- Clinical Genetics
- Cytogenetics
- Molecular Genetics
10Medical Genetics Training Program
- Structure
- Activities
- Trainees
11Academic Half Day
- 800-900 - Prenatal diagnosis twice a
month - 900-1000 Journal club twice a month
- 900-1000 Research seminar once a month
- 900-1000 Case presentations once a month
- 1015-1115 FLASS (Friday Lecture And Seminar
Series) - weekly - 1115-1200 Diagnostic case presentation and
discussion - After 1200 - Bedside teaching whenever
possible - (Telehealth connections with Laval University)
12Residents Initiatives
- Genetics Neurology joint seminars
- Website for activities, lecture handouts, links
and other items
13Academic Half Day
- Sessions Coordinators
- - Prenatal Diagnosis - Lola Cartier
- - Journal Club - Nathalie Bolduc
- - Research Seminar - Jacquetta Trasler
- - Case Presentations - Fran Langton
- - FLASS - Vazken Der Kaloustian
- - Diagnostic Case Presentations - Nicholas Ah
Mew -
14Sham exams and research
- Practice OSCEs (Objective Structured Clinical
Exams) - In collaboration with CHEO (Ottawa), twice a
year. McGill coordinator Laura Russell - Practice written exams
- In collaboration with CHEO, twice a year
- McGill coordinator Marc Tischkowitz
- Residents research
- Director Patrick Scott
15Medical Genetics Training Program
- Structure
- Activities
- Trainees
16Royal College Trainees(2005-2006)
- Year I (Sébastien Lévesque) - Still in Laval
- Year 2 Maha Al-Awadi - Oman
- Khalid Al-Thihli - Oman
- Mouna Ben Amor
- Year 3 Philippe Campeau
- Year 4 Nicholas Ah Mew
- Year 5 Teresa Rudkin - Changed program Fatma
Bastaki - UAE - (succeeded in the Royal College exams of 2006)
17CaRMS (Canadian Residency Matching System)
- 2004 No direct match - Transfer from
Sherbrooke University in 2d year (Mouna - Ben Amor)
- 2005 No direct match - Will have transfer form
Laval University in 3rd year (Sébastien - Lévesque)
- 2006 Direct match Daniela DAgostino
18Royal College trainees(2006-2007)
- Year 1 Daniela DAgostino
- Ahmad Al Fares - Saudi Arabia
- Year 2 (Sébastien Lévesque) - Still in Laval
- Year 3 Maha Al-Awadi - Oman
- Khalid Al-Thihli - Oman
- Mouna Ben Amor
- Year 4 Philippe Campeau - Chief resident
- Year 5 Nicholas Ah Mew
19CCMG trainees in Clinical Genetics(2006-2007)
- Year 1 Rawda Sunbul - Saudi Arabia
20CCMG Trainees in Cytogenetics(2005-2006)
- Year 6 - Mary Ann Thomas - Calgary
- Extramural - Josée Lavoie (4 months) - Montreal
21CCMG Trainees in Molecular Genetics(2005-2006)
- CCMG program - Li Fan - Ste Justine Hospital
22Temporary trainees(2005-2006)
- Pediatric residents
- Medical students
23Temporary trainees(2006-2007)
- Nory Dávalos - Director of the Institute of
Medical Genetics, Guadalajara, Mexico. - Will spend two months (July and August, 2006)
in Molecular Genetics at MCH, working on
molecular methods for the diagnosis of
genodermatoses. Will also attend as an observer
the academic and clinical activities in the
Division of Medical Genetics at MCH and other
McGill institutions.
- Lack of funds for Ph.D. candidates for CCMG
program - Need for renovation of the residents room at MCH