Title: Colligative Properties
1Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Semipermeable membrane permits passage of some
components of a solution. Example cell
membranes and cellophane. - Osmosis the movement of a solvent from low
solute concentration to high solute
concentration. - There is movement in both directions across a
semipermeable membrane. - As solvent moves across the membrane, the fluid
levels in the arms becomes uneven.
2Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Eventually the pressure difference between the
arms stops osmosis.
3Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Osmotic pressure, ?, is the pressure required to
stop osmosis
? osmotic pressure M Molarity (mol/L) R
Ideal Gas Constant T Temperature (K)
4Osmotic Pressure is a VERY sensitive measure of
- Seawater contains 3.4 g NaCl per liter
- M 3.4 g/58.5 g/L 0.0582 M
- ? (0.0582 mol/L)(0.0821L atm/mol K )(298K)
- ? 1.42 atm
- 1 atm supports column of water 10.34 m length
- (1.42 atm)(10.34 m/atm) 14.68 m
- (14.68 m)(3.28 ft/m) 48 feet
5Pure solvent/solution
48 feet
Sea water
Pure Water
Pure Water
6Figure 17.8 Pure H20 solution
7Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Osmotic pressure, ?, is the pressure required to
stop osmosis - Isotonic solutions two solutions with the same ?
separated by a semipermeable membrane. - Hypotonic solutions a solution of lower ? than a
hypertonic solution. - Osmosis is spontaneous.
- Red blood cells are surrounded by semipermeable
8Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Crenation
- red blood cells placed in hypertonic solution
(relative to intracellular solution) - there is a lower solute concentration in the cell
than the surrounding tissue - osmosis occurs and water passes through the
membrane out of the cell. - The cell shrivels up.
9Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Crenation and Hemolysis
10Crenation of Red Blood Cells, Electron Micrograph
11Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Hemolysis
- red blood cells placed in a hypotonic solution
- there is a higher solute concentration in the
cell - osmosis occurs and water moves into the cell.
- The cell bursts.
- To prevent crenation or hemolysis, IV
(intravenous) solutions must be isotonic. - Examples of osmosis
- Cucumber placed in NaCl solution loses water to
shrivel up and become a pickle.
12Colligative Properties
- Osmosis
- Limp carrot placed in water becomes firm because
water enters via osmosis. - Salty food causes retention of water and swelling
of tissues (edema). - Water moves into plants through osmosis.
- Salt added to meat or sugar to fruit prevents
bacterial infection (a bacterium placed on the
salt will lose water through osmosis and die). - Active transport is the movement of nutrients and
waste material through a biological system. - Active transport is not spontaneous.
13Drinking Seawater will Cause Dehydration of Body
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15Reverse osmosis
16Reverse Osmosis Water Purification
17Desalination plant
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20- The facility is the largest seawater reverse
osmosis desalination facility in the United
States. The incoming seawater is pretreated in
round horizontal media filters. There are two
sets of filters primary, consisting of sand,
gravel, and anthracite, and secondary consisting
of the same media as primary, plus garnet. Next,
the cartridge filters act as a check to catch any
material that gets through the primary and
secondary stages. Then, pumps drive the water at
800 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.) through
reverse osmosis membranes that separate the
dissolved salt from the water. Approximately 45
of the pressurized seawater goes through
membranes and becomes drinking water.
21Desalination Schematic
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23The Cost of Desalination
24Cost of Water from Freshwater Sources
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26Home water purification by reverse osmosis
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- Colloids are suspensions in which the suspended
particles are larger than molecules but too small
to drop out of the suspension due to gravity. - Particle size 10 to 2000 Å.
- There are several types of colloid
- aerosol (gas liquid or solid, e.g. fog and
smoke), - foam (liquid gas, e.g. whipped cream),
- emulsion (liquid liquid, e.g. milk),
- sol (liquid solid, e.g. paint),
- solid foam (solid gas, e.g. marshmallow),
- solid emulsion (solid liquid, e.g. butter),
- solid sol (solid solid, e.g. ruby glass).
- Tyndall effect ability of a Colloid to scatter
light. The beam of light can be seen through the
- Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Focus on colloids in water.
- Water loving colloids hydrophilic.
- Water hating colloids hydrophobic.
- Molecules arrange themselves so that hydrophobic
portions are oriented towards each other. - If a large hydrophobic macromolecule (giant
molecule) needs to exist in water (e.g. in a
cell), hydrophobic molecules embed themselves
into the macromolecule leaving the hydrophilic
ends to interact with water.
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Typical hydrophilic groups are polar (containing
C-O, O-H, N-H bonds) or charged. - Hydrophobic colloids need to be stabilized in
water. - Adsorption when something sticks to a surface we
say that it is adsorbed. - If ions are adsorbed onto the surface of a
colloid, the colloids appears hydrophilic and is
stabilized in water. - Consider a small drop of oil in water.
- Add to the water sodium stearate.
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Sodium stearate has a long hydrophobic tail
(CH3(CH2)16-) and a small hydrophobic head
(-CO2-Na). - The hydrophobic tail can be absorbed into the oil
drop, leaving the hydrophilic head on the
surface. - The hydrophilic heads then interact with the
water and the oil drop is stabilized in water.
Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Colloids
- Most dirt stains on people and clothing are
oil-based. Soaps are molecules with long
hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads that
remove dirt by stabilizing the colloid in water. - Bile excretes substances like sodium stereate
that forms an emulsion with fats in our small
intestine. - Emulsifying agents help form an emulsion.
- Removal of Colloidal Particles
- Colloid particles are too small to be separated
by physical means (e.g. filtration). - Colloid particles are coagulated (enlarged) until
they can be removed by filtration. - Methods of coagulation
- heating (colloid particles move and are attracted
to each other when they collide) - adding an electrolyte (neutralize the surface
charges on the colloid particles). - Dialysis using a semipermeable membranes
separate ions from colloidal particles.
40Coagulation of a Colloid
41Kidney and Dialysis
42Artificial kidney
43A Dialysis Unit
44Principle of Dialysis