African Diamonds PLC

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African Diamonds PLC


African Diamonds PLC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: African Diamonds PLC

African Diamonds PLC
July 2007
  • An AIM listed diamond explorer and emerging

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    African Diamonds plc nor shall it or any part of
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    African Diamonds plc is prohibited.
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Overview of the diamond industry
  • Retail market remains strong (6-7 p.a.)
  • Low growth in supply (2-3 p.a.)
  • Growing gap between supply and demand,
    particularly in the larger better quality goods
  • Few large discoveries
  • Long lead times on mine development
  • Upward pressure on rough and polished prices

Reproduced with kind permission of WWW
International Diamond Consultants Ltd Allan
Hochreiter Pty Ltd
  • Exploring what in our view is the best Diamond
    Address in the world i.e. the Orapa region of NE
  • Focus on Botswana
  • JV with De Beers
  • Near-term producer AK6 kimberlite
  • At an advanced feasibility study stage, with
    production planned to start 2009
  • Advanced project AK8 kimberlite
  • Mini-bulk sampling BK3, BK6, BK7, BK13, AK9
    AK10 kimberlites
  • Early stage exploration PL36/2006 (Folio 12)
  • Two new Prospecting Licenses 120-km west of Orapa
    Mine at Kedia
  • Corporate
  • Strong management team
  • Portfolio of projects spanning the delivery
  • Sound institutional shareholdings
  • Other Diamond Growth Activities
  • Bugeco SA in JV with De Beers in the DRC (AFD
  • West African Diamonds PLC in Sierra Leone and
    Guinea (AFD 15)
  • Wati Ventures Pty Ltd in the Orapa region of
    Botswana (AFD 25) 1.35 of AK6 and two new
    kimberlite discoveries BK54 and BK55 as well as
    DK3 and DK4

  • Listed on AIM (London) in July 2003 and on the
    Botswana Exchange in March 2004.
  • 76.1M shares issued 79M fully diluted.
  • Market cap 76M _at_ 1.01
  • Range in last 12 months 0.92 - 1.78
  • Directors, family and associates 25.
  • Institutions hold 20, of whom the major
    investors are Black Rock (5) and JP Morgan
  • De Beers hold 6 Firestone Diamonds hold 6.
  • c. 1,500 shareholders (c.300 in Botswana).
  • Broker/Nomad Panmure Gordon
  • Liquid, 6 market makers
  • Debt free, with 3.5M in cash and limited

  • James Finn (48) Finance Director
  • 20 years experience in exploration companies.
  • Currently Director of 5 AIM companies.
  • Degrees in Accounting and Management.
  • John Teeling (61) - Executive Chairman
  • 30 years resources experience.
  • 20 years African management experience.
  • Established a number of AIM companies.
  • Doctorate from Harvard.
  • James Campbell (42) Managing Director
  • Over 20 years diamond experience with Anglo
    American plc De Beers.
  • Had world-wide responsibility for diamond
    resource delivery in De Beers.
  • Previously Personal Assistant to Nicky
  • Degrees in Geology and Business.
  • David Horgan (47) Director
  • Holds a Law degree from Cambridge and an MBA from
  • He is Managing Director of AIM listed Middle East
    Oil explorer Petrel Resources plc and Oil Gas
    producer Pan Andean Resources plc.
  • Alex Van Zyl (63) Technical Director
  • Over 40 Years diamond experience with Anglo
    American plc and De Beers.
  • Had worldwide responsibility for diamond
    exploration and evaluation.
  • Led the discovery of Venetia Mine.

  • Since gaining independence in 1966 it has become
    one of the richest and most stable African
    countries. It is called the Switzerland of
  • The rule of law operates commercial terms are
  • It is the largest diamond producer by value in
    the world.
  • There are 4 large operating diamond mines in
  • The Orapa mine, producing 17M carats a year, is
    the second largest diamond mine in the world
  • Jwaneng is the richest mine of any type in the
    world, with a P/R ratio in excess of 90.
  • The Letlhakane mine producing 250M a year of gem
    stones is located close to the AK6 discovery.
  • Damtshaa, the newest mine is adjacent to the AFD
    Folio 12 licences.

Joint Venture with De Beers
  • Boteti Joint Venture formed 2004
  • One of the first junior companies to get involved
    in the Orapa area in the New Wave of diamond
  • Share 49/51, changing to 30/70 on completion of
    the first Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS)
  • De Beers pay 100 of all costs until BFS
    thereafter each side pays its way.
  • All diamond production contracted to the Diamond
    Trading Company (DTC).
  • Mines with annual revenue of less than 70M will
    be operated by African Diamonds who will receive
    70 of the net operating profits. Diamonds still
    go to the DTC.
  • Work to date
  • gt 500 holes totalling, gt 50 kms have been drilled
  • 1 significant economic discovery made AK6
  • 1 kimberlite pipe is being evaluated AK8
  • 6 kimberlite pipes have been bulk sampled BK3,
    BK6, BK7, BK13, AK9, AK10
  • 15 kimberlite pipes are being re-assessed.
  • Many anomalies still to be resolved.

Why the Orapa Area?
  • AK6 discovered by De Beers in 1969 from follow-up
    of geophysical surveys
  • Declared to be low interest due to small size
    (c.3.3 ha Figure 1) and a preliminary assessment
    of the diamond grades (3cpht).
  • The area was revisited in 1998 due to improved
    exploration technologies geophysical surveys and
    drilling undertaken (Figure 2)
  • 2003/2004 100-tonne (5 x 12 holes) bulk
    sampling across kimberlite to test for
  • Modeled global grade of 25cpht diamond value of
    US138/ct (1mm)
  • 2004/2005 6.5-inch Percussion drilling (44
    holes, 6,376m) to delineate surface outline
  • Surface area of 9.5Ha and 40M tons (10M carats)
    at deposit level to 400m
  • Results led to current Feasibility Study
  • Hypothesis there are perhaps more AK6s to be

Figure 1 Early plan of AK6 showing locations of
drill holes pits.
Figure 2 Ground geophysical survey over AK6.
Botswana License Areas
The 3,743 km2 yellow ground is the AFD/DB joint
venture. Of the 70 diamondiferous kimberlites
in the Orapa area, the AFD/DB joint venture
control 28 with outstanding applications for
additional pipes.
New Kedia PLs
  • Two new PLs (1,488 km2) just awarded to Kukama
    Mining Exploration (100 AFD),120-km West of
    Orapa PL84/2007 85/2007

Feasibility Studies AK6
  • High Inferred Resource Declared (0-400m, 1mm)
  • 9.5 Hectare kimberlite pipe
  • 11.4M carats
  • 51.6M tonnes average grade 24cpht
  • Average modelled 130/ct (from LDD) with
    potential to increase
  • Further valuations during 2007
  • Significant of high value Type II diamonds
  • gt USD1,500M in the ground
  • gt400m additional deposit potential
  • 400-756m (Feb 07 model) 22.28M tonnes
  • Outstanding work
  • 14,000 tonnes trench complete, sample processing
    in progress
  • 69 Type II 10.71ct stone recovered in first
    trench sample
  • 30 carats recovered greater than 5mm (15 for
    the LDD programme)
  • Indicated Resource Q3 2007

Development of Geological Model
CS1 model based on Phase 1 drilling
Bulk Sampling on AK6
Feasibility Studies AK6
  • Conceptual Study complete
  • Phased 2.7 4.2M tpa
  • First phase capital cost USD120-140M
  • Operating costs USD8-12/ton
  • Revenue (June 2007 valuation) gtUSD31/ton
  • Production 2009
  • Feasibility Study well advanced completion end
    August 2007
  • Application for Mining Lease will be submitted
    end September 2007

Mine Layout
Public Participation
Open Cast Mine Plan
Evaluation Projects AK8
  • Potential satellite producer for AK6 or stand
    alone operated by African Diamonds
  • 10 km away from AK6 10km away from the Orapa
  • Resource (1mm)
  • 5 Hectare kimberlite pipe
  • Average grade 4-9 cpht
  • 2.5 Hectare southern lobe estimated grade of
    9-16 cpht
  • 15M tonnes to 300m
  • Modelled diamond of USD60/carat
  • Current phase of work
  • Core holes drilled (east lobe). 526kg submitted
    for micro-diamond analysis, 124 diamonds
    recovered probable grade (1mm) of c.9 cpht.
  • Macro diamond results are awaited from one 23
    large diameter drill hole in the south lobe and
    two 12.25 holes in the east lobe
  • Further results will be available Q4 2007

Geological Model
Mini-Bulk Sampling BK3, BK6, BK7 (PL36 Folio
  • BK3 (8.5 Hectares)
  • Outlined by pitting in 1969 as 0.6 ha pipe
  • 1997 electro-magnetic work indicated 9 ha pipe
  • Garnet mineral chemistry very similar to BK9
    BK12 (Damtshaa Mine)
  • 5 holes each had 300kg of kimberlitic chip
    material sent for micro diamond analysis
  • 5 x 12.25 mini bulk sample holes completed
    (889m) and 105 tonnes of kimberlitic material
    recovered and sent for further processing
  • BK6 (3.5 Hectares)
  • Delineated by drilling in 1969 as 0.6 ha pipe
  • 1997 electro-magnetic work indicates kimberlite
    gt0.6 Ha
  • 1998, four delineation holes drilled confirming
    size to be lt6 Ha from geophysics estimate
  • 4 holes each had 300kg of kimberlitic chip
    material sent for micro diamond analysis
  • 4 x 12.25 mini bulk sample holes completed
    (638m) and 106 tonnes of kimberlitic material
    recovered and sent for further processing.
  • BK7 (2.5 Hectares)
  • Discovery similar to BK6, outline by percussion
    drilling to be 0.5ha
  • 1997 EM work, 7 holes drilled, 2 intersected
    kimberlite at 40m and 75m
  • 4 holes each had 300kg of kimberlitic chip
    material sent for micro diamond analysis
  • 4 x 12.25 mini bulk sample holes completed
    (689m) and 115 tonnes of kimberlitic material
    recovered and sent for further processing.

Mini-Bulk Sampling BK13, AK10, AK9
  • BK13 (1.7 Hectares)
  • Discovered 1970
  • Very low Indicator recoveries, mineral chemistry
    rating needs to be upgraded.
  • 3 core holes each had 245kg of kimberlitic chip
    material sent for micro diamond analysis
  • 4 x 12.25 mini bulk sample holes completed
    (679m) and 83.7 tonnes of kimberlite recovered
    and sent for further processing.
  • Poor diamond results geological model currently
    being re-assessed.
  • AK10 (3 Hectares)
  • Upgraded from 0.01Ha
  • 2003 limited mini bulk sampling (12.25"
    drilling) 19 stones, 2.235 carats
  • Southern extension is poorly constrained on
    western side
  • 6 core holes being drilled with three holes
    completed totalling 795m
  • 5 x 12.25 mini bulk sampling holes completed and
    107 tonnes of kimberlite recovered and sent for
    further processing.
  • AK9 (3 Hectares just upgraded from 1.5
  • Delineation drilling to 60m did not go through
  • 2004 mini bulk sampling yielded 90 tonnes of
    kimberlite and 43 stones totalling 2.3 carats
  • Detailed geophysical delineation suggest the
    kimberlite body is larger at depth (gt5ha)
  • 4 x 12.25 mini bulk sampling holes completed and
    110 tonnes of kimberlite recovered and sent for
    further processing.

Magnetics RTP Vertical Derivative
Exploration Projects
  • Large scale exploration programme continues
  • Several new potential targets to be drilled
  • Complete Boteti Technical Review almost complete
    report Q4 2007

Possible application of new prospecting technology
15 kimberlite pipes to be re-assessed AK12,
AK13, BK27, BK29, BK44, BK28, BK39, BK45, BK47,
AK24, BK46, BK51, BK5, BK44 BK10
Diamond Growth OpportunitiesBugeco (DRC)
  • AFD owns 35.42 of Bugeco SA, a private Belgian
    company with a JV with De Beers.
  • The DRC is one of the last places left in the
    world that has elephant hunting potential for
    high-value discoveries.
  • Bugeco secured 49 exploration licences (17,480
    km2) in Kasai Oriental in June 2003, now reduced
    to 22.
  • A JV was signed with De Beers in May 2005, giving
    them a 70 option on Bugeco
  • De Beers carries out all exploration activities
    in the joint venture area at no cost to Bugeco.
  • Two new high interest kimberlite clusters have
    been discovered with 10 kimberlite pipes (gt25Ha
    in total size) showing good mineral chemistry and
    the existence of micro-diamonds.
  • The pipes will be bulk sampled in 2007

Kimberlite Pipe Geophysical Signature
Airborne Geophysics
Diamond Growth OpportunitiesWest African
Diamonds PLC
  • Corporate
  • Strong management team appointment of new COO
  • Portfolio of projects spanning the delivery
  • Solid relationships both at a business and
    political level
  • Sound institutional shareholding
  • Near-term production
  • Plant 11 Undersize Dump 7Mt gold diamond
    deposit, 150tph plant coming on stream Q3 2007.
  • Bomboko alluvials gt25cpht and potentially gt0.75M
    carats. Mining to commence H2 2007
  • Advanced projects
  • Droujba 6-Ha kimberlite pipe, gt2M cts to 120m
  • Kimberlite Pipe 3 re-assessment during Q2-Q3
    2007 good results
  • Kimberlite dykes 14-km of strike mapped
  • Early stage exploration
  • EPL11 gold diamond opportunities
  • Fangamadou diamond ruby opportunities
  • Growth opportunities
  • ex-DB assets in Guinea people equipment
  • Newly acquired assets Plant 6 Dumps production

Over 1,100 cts _at_ USD228/ct from Pipe 3
The Orapa area has Orapa, Letlhakane Damtshaa
Mines, soon to be followed by AK6 and perhaps
more from the Boteti JV
BK13 AK10 AK9
Boteti PL36 gt 100 anomalies
Bugeco (DRC)
West African Diamonds PLC
gt6,000 kimberlites
850 Diamondiferous Kimberlites
50 Economic Kimberlites
Less than 20 of Kimberlites contain diamonds
only 1 of kimberlites are significant mines
Any Questions?
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AK6 Final Geological Model
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