Title: Chapter One
1Chapter One
2Why Digital ?
- Advantages
- Digital signals are more easily regenerated
- Digital circuits are more reliable and can be
produced at lower cost - Different types of digital signals can be treated
as identical signals in transmission and
switching - Digital techniques are naturally to signal
processing functions that protect against
interference and jamming, or provide encryption - Costs
- Very signal-processing intensive
- Need to synchronize at various levels
- Non-graceful degradation
3Pulse Degradation and Regeneration
4Typical Digital Communication System
5Digital Communication Transformations
- Formatting
- Analog source audio, speech, video signal
- Digital source computer data, digital image
- Convert the source into a sequence of binary
sequence - Source encoding
- Efficiently convert the digital symbol into a
sequence of binary digits - Data compression MEG encode, JPEG, Huffiman
coding, MP3 - Channel encoder
- Introduce some redundancy in the binary
information sequence that can be used at the
receiver to overcome the effects of noise and
encounter the channel
6Digital Communication Transformations
- Pulse modulation
- Map the binary information sequence into signal
waveform - Bandpass signaling
- Coherent PSK, FSK, GMSK
- Non-coherent DPSK, FSK
7Basic Digital Communication Nomenclature
(Textual messages)
(7-bit ASCII)
(Bandpass digital waveform)
8Performance Criteria
- Analog communication systems
- The figure of merit is a fidelity criterion
- For example signal-to noise ratio, percent
distortion, or expected mean-square error between
the transmitted and received waveforms - Digital communication systems
- Probability of incorrectly detecting a digit, or
9Classification of Signals
- Deterministic and Random signals
- Deterministic signal means that there is no
uncertainty with respect to its value at any
time, for example x(t)5 cos 10t - Random signal means that there is some degree of
uncertainty before signal actually occurs - Random waveform is NOT possible to write an
explicit expression, can be described by
probabilities and statistical averages - Periodic and Non-periodic signals
- A signal x(t) is periodic in time if there exits
a constant T0 such that - No value of T0 that satisfies equation (1.2) is
called non-periodic signal
10Classification of Signals
- Analog and Discrete signals
- x(t) and x(kT)
- Energy and Power signals
- Energy signal is defined by the signal has
nonzero but finite energy for all time - Power signal is defined by the signal has finite
but nonzero power for all the time - Periodic signal and random signal are generally
classified as power signals - Both deterministic and non-periodic signals are
generally classified as energy signals
11Spectral Density
- Energy spectral density
- Where is defined as
energy spectral density (ESD) of the signal x(t) - Power spectral density
- The power spectral density (PSD) is
- See Example 1.1
- A measure of how closely the signal matches a
copy of itself as the copy is shifted t in the
time -
13Random Process
14Random Process
- Stationary
- Strict-sense stationary if none of statistics are
affected by a shift in the time origin - Wide-sense stationary if
- Ergodic
- Time averages equal ensemble averages
- For example,
- The statistical properties of the process can be
determined by time averaging over a single sample
15Some Useful Probability Distributions
- Binormial Distribution
- Let X be a discrete random variable X1 or X0,
with probability p an 1-p - Uniform Distribution
- Gaussian (normal) Distribution
- Chi-square (exponential) Distribution
- Rayleigh Distribution
- Ricean Distribution
- Lognormal Distribution
16Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density
17Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density
18Normalized Gaussian Probability Density Function
19White Noise
Figure 1.8 (a) Power spectral density of white
noise.(b) Autocorrelation function of white noise.
20Linear Systems
- Frequency response
- Power spectral density
- Distortionless transmission
21Ideal Filter
- Transfer function
- Impulse response
22Impulse Response of the Ideal Low-pass Filter
23Realizable Filter
24Butterworth Filter
- Magnitude frequency response for the n-th order
25RC Filtering an Ideal Pulse
26Baseband versus Bandpass
27Bandwidth Dilemma
Strictly bandlimited signal
Strictly time limited signal
- For all bandlimited spectra, the waveform are not
realizable, - and for all realizable waveforms, the absolute
bandwidth is infinite.
28Bandwidth Criteria
Fig. Bandwidth of digital data. (a) Half-power.
(b) Noise equivalent. (c) Null to null. (d) 99
of power. (e) Bounded PSD (defines attentuation
outside bandwidth) at 35 and 50 dB.