Title: The White Paper Towel Roll
1The White Paper Towel Roll By Nina Mehta
2Shhh! Class, its clean up time! Each table will
have to wash their table off with the soap and
brown napkins! But remember, class, You may NOT
use the white paper towel roll! You may ONLY use
the brown napkins!
4Okay team! We can win! Ill go wash first, then
you two rinse it off. Nina will go last and dry
the table!
5Okay class! Ready?? On the count of
three. ThreeTwo One GO!
6Go Dylan! Youre doing great!!
8Oh my gosh! Dylan, were in the lead! YAYYY!!!!!
9Ahhh its our turn! Lets go! Ahhhh!
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11Okay Nina. Youre the last one! You can do this!
12Oh no! Look at this line. Well never win now.
And its all my fault
13I could just use the white paper towel rollthey
would never find out, and our group might win
then but I might get in trouble and were not
supposed tobut I dont want to let my team down
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16Nina! Look what you did! You werent supposed to
use the white paper towels! Now you wasted the
whole roll! Go sit down, clean up time is OVER!
17Oh no. Look what Ive done. I feel so bad. Ill
never break the rules and take something that
isnt mine ever again.
18The end! YAY!