Title: Context: High Indebted Poor Countries HIPC initiative 1999
1Context High Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC)
initiative (1999)
- Debt relief that mobilizes more resources for the
countries than ordinary ODA - Moving from projects to programs, from hardware
to policies - Weak relationship between resources and outcomes
and the need to help countries identify efficient
and equitable policies
2Weak relationship between resources and outcomes
Pseudo efficiency curve
School Life Expectancy (years)
Public expenditure in education as a of GDP
3The need to help countries identify better
education policies
- In 2000, the assessment was that the knowledge
was insufficient to help the countries identify
the relevant policies - Country Status Report (CSR) has been designed to
fill that gap
4Analytical dimension of the CSR
- ? A diagnosis of the education system as a
whole - - economic analysis of education,
- - results-oriented empirical approach based on
inter and intra-country comparative statistics - ?Identification of the constraints weighing on
the education system as a whole and possible
leeway (macro context) - ?Focusing on outcomes, the analysis stresses both
quality of learning as well as social (health)
and economices (labor market ) outcomes - ?Equity consideration both on access and coverage
as well as on the distribution of the public
ressources - ?Managment issues, in particular on the
distribution of ressources (teachers) to
individual shools and transformation of
ressources into student learning at the local
level - ?Financial Simulation Model, compagnon to the CSR
5Capacity building dimension of the CSR
- ? An analytical capacity building exercise the
method is applied by national teams in African
countries with technical support from the
development partners team (World Bank and/or Pôle
de Dakar, etc. )
6Communication and dialogue tools for
- ?at country level between ministries in charge
of the sector and ministry of economy and
finance, teacher unions, parents etc. - ?between the country and its technical and
financial partners - As a basis for the Fast track initiative FTI
- The CSR is not a document of recommendations or a
program document (like an action plan) a CSR
enables the identification of problems but does
not say how to solve them. It can however provide
ideas for problem solving
7Main achievement
- Production of CSR
- Complete CSR 23
- CSR Update 3
- Country Policy Note 4
- Financial simulation model 22
- Use of CSR
- Sector plan 19
- FTI endorsement 14
- Knowledge on key strategic issue
- Resources and policies do matter but management
aspects have a huge importance and require strong
attention both from countries and international
community (AGEPA initiative)
8Few example
9Schooling profile
of cohort reaching class x
Case I
Case II
Case III
- Case I Good access but survival problems
- Case II Problems of access but good survival
- Case III Problems of access and survival
10PCR 1999-2005
11Average gains in percentage points per annum over
2 periods 1990-99 and 1999-2005 for GER and PCR
12Average gains in percentage points per annum over
2 periods 1990-99 and 1999-2005 for GER and PCR
- - GER increases 3 times faster per annum over
the period 1999-2005 than the period 1990-1999 - - PCR increases 14 times faster per annum over
the period 1999-2005 than the period 1990-1999
13Simulation Model
- 2 types of Education finance simulation model
(EFSM) - National, country specific
- Country specific structure, adjustable
- Specific country policy taking into account no
comparative data nor cross country homogeneity - First generation of International modeling (FTI
model) - Homogenous treatment for each single country
- Common features with no country specificity
14Second generation of International modeling (on
- Include detailed structure for all levels of
education - Better integration of country level of
development (salary and non-salary) - Taking into account geographic specificity (
rural in population) for development of primary
and lower secondary - Taking into account labor market in determination
of policy for the upper part of the system (TVET
and Higher education)
15Integration of country level of development
- Better integration of country level of
development by - Adjusting teacher salary for the poorest country
(gt3.5 for country with GDP/Clt300) - Adjusting the part of spending on goods
(pedagogical material, etc.) to international
level. As a result for poor countries, the of
spending other than teacher salary rises up to
50 of total recurrent spending vis à vis the
FTI benchmark 33
16Integration of geographical dimension is
- Primary education
- Large part of those who are not yet in school are
from rural area and for this latest part the unit
cost of schooling is higher than the average
(small schools, difficulties to stabilize teacher
labor force, etc.) - Lower secondary education
- around 85 of its development will take place in
rural area (i.e. primary)
17Indicative framework for service delivery in
post-primary education