Title: Fragments
2What is a fragment?
A set of words that lacks a subject or a
predicate. It can be a phrase or series of words
that needs to be connected to another series in
order to express a complete thought.
3Examples of Fragments
Sent me a bouquet of roses on my
birthday. After the game was over and everyone
had gone home. It takes a long time. To pay for
a car on an installment plan.
These don't make sense!
4How do you fix a fragment?
1st-Add word/words to make the fragment express a
complete thought. 2nd-Join it to another sentence
or group of words to make it a complete thought.
5Repaired Fragments
1-She sent me a bouquet of roses on my
birthday. 2-After the game was over and everyone
had gone home, we cleaned up. 3-It takes a long
time to pay for a car on an installment plan.
6What is a run-on?
When two sentences run together without having
the proper punctuation/word(s)-semicolon,
conjunction, or punctuation mark
7Examples of Run-ons
1-Lazy Lou heard that a machine would do half his
work he ordered two. 2-We went to the ball game
on Friday night it was fun! 3-Winter is
approaching soon we will need to dress in heavy
8How do you fix a run-on?
1st-Form two sentences. End the first sentence
with a period followed by a capital
letter. 2nd-Link the parts together using a comma
and a conjunction forming a compound
sentence. 3rd-Form a compound sentence by
connecting the parts with a semicolon.
9Repaired Run-ons
1-Lazy Lou heard that a machine would do half of
his work. He ordered two! 2-We went to the ball
game on Friday night, and it was fun! 3-Winter is
approaching soon, we will need to dress in heavy