Title: 22nd Annual MnDOTACECMN Consultant Conference
122nd Annual Mn/DOT-ACEC/MN Consultant Conference
Potential Consultant Projects in District 6
2DISTRICT 6 ROCHESTER Major Consultant Work
3Interstate 35 Hwy 14 InterchangeITS
Deployment Plan
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2008
- VMS sign type locations, Camera type
locations Detection needs Power source needs
Communications backbone ITS Deployment Plan
4Interstate 35 ITS Deployment Plan
- VMS sign type locations, Camera type
locations Detection needs Power source needs
Communications backbone ITS Deployment Plan
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2008
5Winona Bridge, Approaches Hwy 43
Preliminary Design of Bridge, Approaches and Hwy
43 in Winona
RFP Contract FY 2009
6Winona Bridge, Approaches Hwy 43
Environmental Documents EA Expected
7Winona Bridge, Approaches Hwy 43
Possible Realignment of Hwy 43
Origin-Destination Study
8Winona Bridge, Approaches Hwy 43
Cultural and Natural Resource Issues Right of Way
9Highway 52 From Hader to Cannon Falls
Preliminary DesignEnvironmental
DocumentDetermine InterchangeLocations and
AccessControlOfficial Mapping
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2009
10Red Wing Traffic Plan at the Connection of
Highway 58, 61 63
Preliminary Design Traffic Flow Improvements in
Downtown Red WingNew Signal Design at
Intersection of Highways 58 and 61
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2008
11- Lake City (Hwy 61) Bridge Approaches
- Preliminary Design of Bridge Over Gilbert Creek
Approaches - Intersection Modification North of Bridge
- Consideration of Future Four-lane Extension
12- Highway 63 Corridor Preliminary Design From
the 48th Street Interchange in Rochester to
Stewartville - Preliminary Design and Environmental Documents
- Possible Realignment of Highway 30 to
Accommodate Rochester - Airport Modifications
- Redesign of I-90 Interchange and Airport
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2009
13Highway 63 75th Street (CR 14) Intersection
- Preliminary Design and Environmental Documents
- Turn Lanes, Channelization and Possible Signal
Hwy 63
75th Street
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2009
14District-wide Design Work
- Preliminary and Final Design Work TBD
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2009
15District Freight Plan
Roadways Railroads Ports waterways
Air cargo facilities Intermodal facilities
Border crossings
Pre-Qualification Contract FY 2010