Title: 1C8 Microbiology and Biotechnology
11C8Microbiology and Biotechnology
- OB65
- investigate the presence of micro-organisms in
air and soil - OB67
- list three common illnesses caused by viruses and
three caused by bacteria
3OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
- An organism in a single cell
- Examples of micro-organisms
- Bacteria e.g. E.coli, Samonella
- Virus - e.g. flu virus, HIV
4OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
5OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
Each cell divides to give two/four/eight..
6OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
How can I see micro-organisms?
If micro-organisms are given the right
conditions, they will grow in numbers large
enough to let us see a group of them
7OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
What conditions do micro-organisms need in order
to multiply?
- Micro-organisms need
- Food
- Correct temperature
- Suitable medium on which to grow
8OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
What food do micro-organisms like?
Any source of carbohydrate and protein
e.g Bovril, chicken stock, or milk
9OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
What is a suitable temperature?
Bacteria grow quickly between 300C and 400C
10OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
What is a suitable medium?
Micro-organisms can be easily seen growing in
colonies if a clear medium is used e.g. agar
jelly gelatin
11OB65 investigate the presence of microorganisms
in air and soil
How do I recognise micro-organisms?
12OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
- prepare and plan
- procedure, safety, observation
- analysis
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13OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
Different soils contain different bacteria
14OB65 investigate the presence of micro-organisms
in air and soil
How does a virus spread from person to person
through the air?
15OB67 list three common illnesses caused by
viruses and three caused by bacteria
Name some common illnesses.
16OB67 list three common illnesses caused by
viruses and three caused by bacteria
click here to check your answers
17OB67 list three common illnesses caused by
viruses and three caused by bacteria
18OB67 list three common illnesses caused by
viruses and three caused by bacteria
YOUR TASK find out which micro-organism causes
the following
19ANTIBIOTICSthese are chemical made by some
micro-organisms to kill bacteria. Humans have
learned to use them as a medicine. With that in
mind, what is your answer to each of the
- Why are we advised to eat natural yogurt when we
are taking antibiotics? - Why is it useless to take antibiotics to try to
cure a cold or flu? - Why is it important that we finish a course of
antibiotics fully?
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20BIRD FLU VIRUSan epidemic of flu began
spreading through the worlds bird population in
2005. What is your answer to the following?
- Why is it that the larger the flock of birds, the
more quickly the flu spreads among them?Why does
it spread more quickly in indoor flocks than in
outdoor flocks?Why are all members of an
infected flock slaughtered?
21Do you know?
During World War One, what caused the majority of
- OB66
- State two uses of biotechnology in industry and
two uses of biotechnology in medicine
23OB66 state two uses of biotechnology in industry
and two uses of biotechnology in medicine
Biotechnology is the use of living things to
make products
24OB66 state two uses of biotechnology in industry
and two uses of biotechnology in medicine
25OB66 state two uses of biotechnology in industry
and two uses of biotechnology in medicine
261C8Microbiology and Biotechnology