Title: Ecological and economic monitoring of the environment
1Ecological and economic monitoring of the
- Authors
- Professor Valentin Vasilyevich Naidenko,
Doctor Sciences (Engng), Member of the Russian
Academy of Architecture and Construction
Sciences, Rector of Nizhny Novgorod State
University of Architecture and Civil Engineering - Professor Aleksandr Nikolayevich Kosarikov -
Doctor Sciences (Econ.), UNESCO Chair
Environmentally Safe Development of a Large
Region Volga River Basin, Nizhny Novgorod
State University of Architecture and Civil
Engineering - Professor Leonid Nikandrovich Gubanov - Doctor
Sciences (Engng), Head of the Chair of Ecology
and Nature Management Nizhny Novgorod State
University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. - Irina Mikhailovna Afanasyeva, Candidate of
Sciences (Biol.), Associate Professor of the
Chair of Ecology and Nature Management Nizhny
Novgorod State University of Architecture and
Civil Engineering - Aleksandr Vladimirovich Ivanov - Associate
Professor of the Chair of Ecology and Nature
Management Nizhny Novgorod State University of
Architecture and Civil Engineering, expert on
integrated municipal planning of the foundation
Institute of Urban Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Reviewers Professor Manfred Kiy, Faculty
of Economics, Fachhochschule, Cologne,
Germany. Professor D.B.Gelashvili, Doctor of
Sciences (Biol.), Head of the Chair of Ecology,
Nizhny Novgorod State University
Computerized course for network studies
2Purpose of the course
- Improvement of the educational services offered
by Nizhny Novgorod State University of
Architecture and Civil Engineering and provision
of modern educational standards on the basis of
particularization of the ecological and economic
knowledge in application to the relevant
monitoring procedures
3Course objectives
- The course is oriented to the application of the
fundamental conceptions of analysis and
forecasting with consideration given to the
ecological sustainability and effectiveness of
4Methodological originality of the course
- Integration of the course with the latest
developments in the area of modern computer
technologies - Large scale use of materials dedicated to the
analysis of regional experience in the
development and construction of the regional
systems of monitoring and estimation of the
progress in implementation of ecological
programs - Large scale application of mathematical tools
allowing a wide use of intensive teaching methods
in the educational process.
5The place of the course among other social
science disciplines and humanities
- The course is intended for the fifth year
students pursuing the program in specialty 060800
Economics and management of an enterprise with
ecological and economic specialization, and for
graduate students aiming at masters degree in
the direction 521600 Economics, program 521618
Economics of nature management. - The course provides deep knowledge in monitoring
complicated ecological/economic systems - The course helps specify the ecological and
economic information which is required for
effective management decision making
6Innovative aspects of the course (scientific,
substantial comparative analysis in contrast
with similar courses offered in Russia and abroad
- The existing course books on ecological
monitoring in Russia are mostly oriented to
environmental conditions diagnostics. - This course book offers many examples based on
- information on air condition monitoring in a
large metropolitan area - materials on implementation of the specialized
program of social and hygienic monitoring in a
large metropolitan area - system of sustainable development indicators
adopted by the EPA, USA indicators of social
and economic conditions in the cities developed
by the foundation Institute of Urban Economics
, and the sustainable development indicators by
the Russian Academy of Sciences
7Course sections
- Basic principles and concepts of environmental
monitoring - Modeling of ecological and economic systems
- Processing and analysis of ecological and
economic information intended for monitoring
systems - Ecological and economic monitoring of natural
objects and systems - Regional and municipal systems of ecological and
economic monitoring - Monitoring ecological effectiveness of the
environmental programs implemented by individual
industrial enterprises - Monitoring projects and programs introducing
market based mechanisms of dealing in pollution
8Course trial
- The trial of the course was conducted in the
academic group pursuing the program 330100
Occupational and public safety in technosphere,
from October 2002 till May 2003