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Explain: Null hypothesis. P-value, and what different values mean. Type I error. Type II error ... The null hypothesis is that there is no change in the teenage ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Dr Liddy Goyder Dr Stephen Walters
  • At the end of session, you should know about
  • The process of setting and testing statistical
  • At the end of session, you should be able to
  • Explain
  • Null hypothesis
  • P-value, and what different values mean
  • Type I error
  • Type II error
  • Understand what is meant by the term Power
  • Demonstrate awareness that the p-value does not
    give the probability of the null hypothesis being
  • Demonstrate awareness that pgt0.05 does not mean
    that we accept the null hypothesis
  • Distinguish between statistical significance
    and clinical significance

Teenage Pregnancy
  • Our young doctor has noticed that there are
    differences between the teenage pregnancy rates
    in the two general practices that she has worked
  • The two practice populations are very different
    in terms of deprivation
  • She is interested in investigating whether there
    is a statistically significant relationship
    between deprivation and teenage pregnancy?

Teenage Pregnancy Example
  • What is the research question (what is being
  • Is there a relationship between teenage pregnancy
    change and deprivation?
  • What is the outcome variable (how will they
    measure this)?
  • Teenage pregnancy rate

Statistical Analysis (1)
  • Last session we discussed why we take samples
    rather than study the whole population
  • We examine the behaviour of a sample as it is
    often not feasible to look at the entire
  • From a sample we want to make inferences about
    the population from which it is drawn.
  • We do this by a process of statistical hypothesis
    testing formulating a hypothesis and testing it
  • This session we will look at how you formulate
    and test a hypothesis.
  • You are not expected to know about individual
    tests, but need to understand the concept of
    setting and testing statistical hypotheses

Statistical Analysis (2) Population and Sample
Statistical Analysis (3)
  • The main aim of statistical analysis is to use
    the information gained from a sample of
    individuals to make inferences about the
    population of interest
  • There are two basic approaches to statistical
  • Estimation (confidence intervals)
  • Hypothesis testing (p-values)

Hypothesis testing the main steps
Set null hypothesis
Set study (alternative) hypothesis
Carry out significance test
Obtain test statistic
Compare test statistic to hypothesized critical
Obtain p-value
Make a decision
State your hypotheses (H0 H1 )
  • State your null hypothesis (H0)
  • (statement you are looking for evidence to
  • State your study (alternative) hypothesis (H1 or
  • Often statistical analyses involve comparisons
    between different treatments (eg standard and
  • we assume the treatment effects are equal until
    proven otherwise
  • Therefore the null hypothesis is usually the
    negation of the research hypothesis new
    treatment will differ in effect from the standard
  • NB It is easier to disprove things than prove

Teenage pregnancy example
Is there a relationship between teenage pregnancy
rate and deprivation Teenage pregnancy
rate There is no relationship between teenage
pregnancy rate and deprivation There is a
  • What is the research question?
  • What is the outcome variable?
  • What is the null hypothesis?
  • What is the alternative hypothesis?

Teenage pregnancy example
Carry out significance test
  • Calculate a test statistic using your data
    (reduce your data down to a single value). The
    general formula for a test statistic is
  • test statistic observed value-hypothesized
  • se of the hypothesized value
  • Compare this test statistic to a hypothesized
    critical value (using a distribution we expect if
    the null hypothesis is true (e.g. Normal
    distribution)) to obtain a p-value

Teenage pregnancy example
Teenage Pregnancy example
  • We can quantify the relationship using a
    regression analysis
  • This measures what the average change in the
    teenage pregnancy rates is for a given change in
    the deprivation score
  • The null hypothesis is that there is no change in
    the teenage pregnancy rate as the deprivation
    rate changes
  • The alternative hypothesis is that the teenage
    pregnancy rate does change as deprivation changes

Teenage pregnancy results
Coefficient value P-value for result
Regression coefficient 0.006 per 1,000 women aged 15-17 years lt 0.001
  • Thus as the deprivation score increases by 1 unit
    there are an additional 0.006 pregnancies per
    1,000 women aged 15-17 years.
  • As deprivation score varies between about 1,000
    and 8,000 the above expression can be rescaled
  • Thus as deprivation score increases by 1,000
    units there are an additional 6 pregnancies per
    1,000 women
  • A significance test for the regression
    coefficient gives also p-values of less than 0.001

Making a decision (1)
  • When making a decision you can either decide to
    reject the null hypothesis or not reject the null
  • Whatever you decide, you may have chosen
    correctly and
  • rejected the null hypothesis, when in fact it is
  • not rejected the null hypothesis, when in fact it
    is true
  • Or you may have chosen incorrectly and
  • rejected the null hypothesis, when in fact it is
    true (false positive)
  • not rejected the null hypothesis, when in fact it
    is false (false negative)

Making a decision (2)
Making a decision (3)
Making a decision (4)
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is actually false is called the POWER of
the study (Power1-ß). It is the probability of
concluding that there is a difference, when a
difference truly exists
Making a decision (5)
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is actually false is called the POWER of
the study (Power1-ß). It is the probability of
concluding that there is a difference, when a
difference truly exists
Making a decision (6)
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is actually false is called the POWER of
the study (Power1-ß). It is the probability of
concluding that there is a difference, when a
difference truly exists
A p-value is the probability of obtaining your
results or results more extreme, if the null
hypothesis is true. It is the probability of
committing a false positive error i.e. of
rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact it is
Making a decision (7)
  • Use your p-value to make a decision about whether
    to reject, or not reject your null hypothesis
  • A p-value can range from 0 to 1
  • But how small is small? The significance level is
    usually set at 0.05. Thus if the p-value is less
    than this value we reject the null hypothesis

Statistical significance (1)
We say that our results are statistically
significant if the p-value is less than the
significance level (?) set at 5
We cannot say that the null hypothesis is true,
only that there is not enough evidence to reject
Statistical significance (2)
  • The significance level is usually set at 5
  • The level is conventional rather than fixed
  • Sometimes, for stronger proof we require a
    significance level of 1 (or Plt0.01)

Misinterpretation of P-values (1)
  • A common misinterpretation of the P-value is that
    it is
  • The probability of the data having arisen by
  • The probability that the observed effect is not a
    real one
  • The distinction between this incorrect definition
    and the true definition is the absence of the
    phrase when the null hypothesis is true

Misinterpretation of P-values (2)
  • The omission of when the null hypothesis is true
    leads to the incorrect belief that it is possible
    to evaluate the probability of the observed
    effect being a real one
  • The observed effect in the sample is genuine, but
    we do not know what is true in the population
  • All we can do with this approach to statistical
    analysis is to calculate the probability of
    observing our data (or data more extreme) when
    the null hypothesis is true

Teenage pregnancy making a decision
Coefficient value P-value for result
Regression coefficient 0.006 per 1,000 women aged 15-17 years lt 0.001
  • A p-value is the probability of obtaining your
    results or results more extreme, if the null
    hypothesis is true
  • The P-value for the regression coefficient is lt
  • Thus we reject the null hypothesis and conclude
    that there is statistically significant change in
    teenage pregnancy rates as deprivation rate
  • The result is statistically significant at the 5

Teenage pregnancy example making a decision
  • If however the P-value had been greater than 0.05
    we would have concluded that there is
    insufficient evidence to reject the null
  • The results would not be statistically
    significant at the 5 level
  • We do not conclude that the null hypothesis is
    true, only that there is insufficient evidence to
    reject it

Recap making a decision
Set study hypothesis
Set null hypothesis
Carry out significance test
Obtain test statistic
Compare test statistic to hypothesized critical
Obtain p-value
Make a decision
Limitations of a hypothesis test
  • All that we know from a hypothesis test is how
    likely the difference we observed is given that
    the null hypothesis is true
  • The results of a significance test do not tell us
    what the difference is or how large the
    difference is
  • To answer this we need to supplement the
    hypothesis test with a confidence interval which
    will give us a range of values in which we are
    confident the true population mean difference
    will lie

Statistical Clinical Significance (1)
  • A clinically significant difference is one that
    is big enough to make a worthwhile difference
  • Statistical significance does not necessarily
    mean the result is clinically significant
  • Supplementing the hypothesis test with an
    estimate of the effect with a confidence interval
    will indicate the magnitude of the result. This
    will help the investigators to decide whether the
    difference is of interest clinically

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)

Statistical Clinical Significance (2)
Statistical Clinical Significance (3)95
Confidence intervals added
Statistical and clinical significance (4)
  • With a large enough sample the smallest of
    changes may be statistically significant but not
    clinically important.
  • If the sample size of the study is too small and
    has low power, a clinically significant result
    may not be regarded as statistically significant.
  • Therefore it is important that the size of the
    sample is adequate to detect the clinically
    significant result, at the 5 significance level
    with at least 80 power (something to look for in
    the methods section when reading the literature).

Relationship between confidence intervals and
statistical significance (1)
  • There is a close relationship between hypothesis
    testing and confidence intervals
  • If the 95 CI does not include zero (or more
    generally the value specified in the null
    hypothesis) then a hypothesis test will return a
    statistically significant result
  • If the 95 CI does include zero then the
    hypothesis test will return a non-significant

Relationship between confidence intervals and
statistical significance (2)
  • 95 certain that the CI includes the true value
  • Thus there is a 5 probably that the true value
    lies outside the CI
  • If the CI does not include zero there is a less
    than 5 probability that the true vale is zero
  • The p-value represents the probability that you
    conclude there is a difference when in fact there
    is no difference
  • Thus when p0.05 there is a 5 probability that
    we conclude there is a difference when in fact
    there is no difference i.e. there is 5
    probability that the true value is zero

Relationship between confidence intervals and
statistical significance (3)
  • The CI shows the most likely size of the
    difference given the data and the uncertainty or
    lack of precision around this difference. The
    p-value alone tells you nothing about the size
    nor its precision. Thus the CI conveys more
    useful information than p-values alone
  • eg whether a clinician will use a new treatment
    that reduces blood pressure will depend on the
    amount of that reduction and how consistent the
    effect is
  • So, the presentation of both the p-value and the
    confidence interval is desirable

  • Research questions need to be turned into a
    statement for which we can find evidence to
    disprove - the null hypothesis.
  • The study data is reduced down to a single
    probability - the probability of observing our
    result, or one more extreme, if the null
    hypothesis is true (P-value).
  • We use this P-value to decide whether to reject
    or not reject the null hypothesis.
  • But we need to remember that statistical
    significance does not necessarily mean clinical
  • Confidence intervals should always be quoted with
    a hypothesis test to give the magnitude and
    precision of the difference.

  • You should now know about
  • The process of setting and testing statistical
  • You should now be able to
  • Explain
  • Null hypothesis
  • P-value
  • Type I error
  • Type II error
  • Power
  • Demonstrate awareness that the p-value does not
    give the probability of the null hypothesis being
  • Demonstrate awareness that pgt0.05 does not mean
    that we accept the null hypothesis
  • Distinguish between statistical significance
    and clinical significance

Next week..
  • In the next Critical Numbers session we are going
    to look at risk!

One-sided vs two-sided significance testing
  • Two-sided does not specify the
  • direction of any effect
  • There is a difference between treatment A and
    treatment B
  • One-sided specifies the direction
  • of the effect
  • Treatment A is better than treatment B

One-sided significance testing
  • One-sided tests are rarely appropriate, even when
    there is a strong prior belief as to the
    direction of the effect, as by doing a one-sided
    test you do not allow for the possibility of
    finding an effect in the opposite direction to
    the one you are testing
  • This is similar to history taking, when it is
    important not to ask leading questions in case
    you miss the correct diagnosis
  • The decision to do one-sided tests must be made
    before the data are analysed it must not depend
    on the outcome of the study
  • An example of when a one-sided test might be
    appropriate is in clinical trials looking at
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