Random Number Generators - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Random Number Generators


Simple tests might look for an equal number of each numerical outcome ... See Numerical Recipes the Art of Scientific Computing, by Press et al, Chapter ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Random Number Generators

Random Number Generators
  • Random Number Generators (RNGs) used very widely
    in computer simulations of all sorts of
  • Basis for doing numerical experiments in
  • Weather and climate
  • Social studies
  • Traffic analysis
  • All sorts of Monte Carlo simulations
  • Network systems

What is Random ?
  • Uncorrelated withwhatever it is you are
    interested in
  • We believe quantum systems are truly random
  • Some (practical and commercial) attempts to make
    random number generators from radioactive sources
  • Actually for simulations we often want
    repeatable random sequences

Pseudo Random
  • Computer generated random numbers are obviously
    no longer truly random
  • But they can be made random enough
  • We refer to them as pseudo-random
  • Usually implemented by some algorithm that
    generates a very long sequence of random
    deviates given a particular starting point

Desireable Properties
  • A very, very long sequence - ideally that does
    not recur in any practicable compute time - eg
    lifetime of the known universe
  • But this is a moving target as computers get
    faster and faster

Well-understood bit properties
  • Ideally want a generator that is made up of
    completely random bits
  • That way we can make whatever sort of numbers
    we like from them
  • In practice algorithms often generate either
    integers or real numbers
  • We have to be very careful how we decompose
    them into bits - not all the bits will be

Decorrelated Number Sequence
  • Want successive deviates to be decorrelated
  • Simple tests might look for an equal number
    of each numerical outcome
  • eg coin tosses - expect 50/50
  • 16 bit integers practical to histogram and
    test that for a large sample size we do get
    roughly equal occurrences of all combinations
  • Scatter plot tests show no obvious patterns
  • Lots of other good statistical tests

  • Generator needs some means whereby the user
    can get the same sequence again if they want
  • (Need to verify/reproduce an experiment)
  • Alternative is often to seed the generator
    using the system clock, if we do not care about
  • Also want to be able to obtain same results on
    a different platform (architecture and
    Operating system..)

Speed and Performance
  • For numerical simulations the size of system
    of the quality of our experiment may depend on
    how fast our generator runs
  • Want the cost of generating a good quality
    deviate to approach one per machine cycle

Generator Algorithms
  • Computer Systems often come with an RNG
    built in
  • eg rand() or random()
  • Unfortunately they are not always very good
  • They may not be very random and may not have
    very long repeat sequences, may exhibit
    discernible correlation patterns and in short
    usually plain suck!

Linear Congruential Generator
  • A sequence of random values X_n whereby
  • X_n1 ( a X_n c ) mod m
  • with well-chosen values of a, c, m
  • Period is at most m (and can be shorter for
    bad choices..)
  • Quite fast however, and if we combine several
    such generators to do shuffles etc we might
    get a good one.
  • Often formulated to generate integers

Lagged Fibonacci
  • Using the Fibonacci sequence definition
  • S_n S_n-1 S_n-2
  • We can exploit as
  • S_n (S_n-j OP S_n-k ) mod m, for 0 lt j lt k
  • Where OP is some binary operator such as ,
    - or XOR
  • And we need to keep k past states
  • eg Marsaglia generator generates good quality
    24-bit floating point deviates

Mersenne Twistor
  • http//www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/m-mat/MT/em
  • Based on a matrix linear recurrence over a finite
    binary field
  • Generates 64-bit integers

Combining Generators
  • We can use one generator to shuffle a table
    of deviates from another
  • This can improve the decorrelation a lot
  • Can also use to lengthen the repeat cycle of the

Software Practicalities
  • Generate Integers or Real numbers?
  • Rarely we get a generator that does bits
  • Can make uniform deviates from integers?
  • Uniform most useful define d to be a flat
    distribution between 0 inclusive and 1
  • Written as 0,1) and very useful for probability
    calculations etc

What Data Primitives?
  • 32 bit or 64 bit or longer ints available?
  • Signed or unsigned?
  • 32 or 64 bit floats?
  • What does your CPU chip support?
  • What about Virtual Machines or Interpreters?

Memory Considerations
  • Simple generators have state of one machine
    word - eg a seed integer
  • Some restrictions on sensible initial values
    eg non-zero, and with some maximum value
  • More sophisticated generator need to store a
    longer state table
  • How to save/reload the state table?
  • Serialise it? Binary data files?

Other Distributions
  • Various transforms to obtain other
    distributions apart from Uniform.
  • Gaussian or Normal Distribution is common
  • Use Box-Muller transformation (circle embedded
    in square) to transform pairs of uniform
    deviates into a Gaussian pair.
  • Other transforms let us generate Poissonian
    deviates, Binomial distributions,

Parallel RNG Issues
  • May have several processors or auxilliary
    units generating and consuming deviates
  • Need to make sure parallel processors working
    on the same application have different
    sequences to work on or are at least well
    separate in the same sequence if using the same
    generator algorithm
  • Saving/restarting can be expensive

Further Information
  • See the Web - plenty on Wikipedia on RNGs
  • See Numerical Recipes the Art of Scientific
    Computing, by Press et al, Chapter 7 gives good
    review of Random Number Generators
  • Numerous articles by G.Marsaglia, P. LEcuyer,
    and others
  • The Art of Computer Programming Vol 2.
    Seminumerical Algorithms D. Knuth
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