Title: The Physics of Run II
1The Physics of Run II
- John Womersley
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- DØ Software and Analysis Meeting
- Prague, Czech Republic, September 1999
- http//d0server1.fnal.gov/users/womersley/PragueSe
2Run II redefined
- The Long Run II
- 2 fb-1 by 2002
- 9 month shutdown
- install new silicon layers
- 15 fb-1 (or more) by 2006
- Fermilab schedule slippage (always a sore point)
- New schedule will be fixed in October
- Data taking now seems unlikely before the end of
3Run I ? Run II
- The Tevatron is a broad-band parton-parton
Huge statistics for precision physics at low
mass scales
Number of Events
Formerly rare processes become high
statistics processes
Increased reach for discovery physics at highest
Run II
Run I
Subprocess ?s
Extend the third orthogonal axis the breadth of
our capabilities
4Three ways in which we gain
- Statistics
- Huge statistics at low mass scales
- B-physics, QCD, W-mass
- Formerly rare processes enter the precision
domain - QCD with vector bosons, thousands of top events
- lay to rest some undead Run I anomalies
- the high-ET jet excess, the CDF ee?? event
- Increased reach at the highest mass scales
- electroweak symmetry breaking
- SUSY, Higgs, etc.
- New detector capabilities
- displaced vertex b-tagging
- much improved muon momentum resolution
- tracking triggers
5Some of our strengths
Inclusive jet cross section
EM calorimetry
Missing ET
?? X
mW 80.450 ? 0.093 GeV DØ electrons
6New Tools charged particle tracking
7In Run I only one of these three muons would
have been found!
W ? ?
b ? ?
W ? ?
8New tools heavy flavor tagging
55 at large pT
9New tools all new software
- Full rewrite of online code,level 3 trigger and
offline reconstruction in C
10Physics Goals of Run II
- b-physics
- Targeted program including CP violation in B ?
- Nucleon structure (parton distributions,
diffraction) - Jets, photons, Drell-Yan, vector bosonsjets,
heavy flavour production - Standard-Model Physics
- High-statistics study of the top quark (mass,
cross section, rare decays, single top
production) - Precision measurement of the W mass (lt 50 MeV)
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Supersymmetry
- Higgs searches
- Technicolor, compositeness, new vector bosons,
etc. - Take a closer look at the highlighted topics
low, medium and high mass scales
11B Physics
- Slides from Rick Jesik, Indiana University
12Run II B Physics Topics
- Spectroscopy
- Lifetimes
- Branching ratios
- Rare decays
- CKM measurements
13QCD measurements
- Cross sections vs. pTmin
- single leptons (muons and electrons)
- dileptons
- muons with jets
- J/y, y(2s)
- Differential cross sections
- B? ? J/y K ?
- Correlations
- dilepton Df
- muon jet
- forward - central
- Charmonium
- color octet model
14Exclusive B decays
Expected yields in 500 pb-1
15B Physics in the 21st Century
- Experiments will confront the Standard Model
interpretation of CP violation
- A and l have been measured to a few percent
- unitarity condition
16B ? J/? KS Reconstruction
- J/? ? ? ? - require two central tracks with pT
gt 1.5 GeV/c - KS ? ? ? - use long lifetime to reject
background Lxy/? gt 5 - Perform 4-track fit assuming B? J/? KS
- constrain ? ? and ?-? to mass of KS and J/?
respectively - force KS to point to B vertex and B to point to
17Sin2b Expectations for 2fb-1
For a time independent analysis
But, since most of the background is at small
ts, a time dependent analysis gives reduced
error ? (sin2b ) 0.07
And this is just in the first two years - 2 fb-1.
We wont stop there...
18Expectations beyond 2fb-1
192002 - exciting times
- BaBar and BELLE will have results from their
first physics runs (not at design luminosity) - 1 - 30 fb-1 ? d(sin2b) 0.12 - 0.18
- We (and CDF) should have 1.0 - 2.0 fb-1 analyzed
- d(sin2b) 0.10 - 0.07
- Tevatron could beat the B-factories
- everyone combined could signal new physics.
- The new detector puts us in a great position to
do significant B physics measurements in Run II,
but we have a lot of hard work ahead of us - getting the detector and triggers ready and
working - reconstruction programs for B0 ? J/y Ks 0
- But hey, look what we did in Run I without an
inner tracker.
20Top quark physicsSlides from Ann Heinson, UC
Riverside DØ Workshop, Seattle, June 1999
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32Beyond the Standard Model
33Where do we stand, circa 2000?
- The Standard Model works at the 10-3 level
- All observations are consistent with a single
light SM Higgs, though no such beast has yet been
observed - mH gt 95.2 GeV (LEP) and mH lt 245 GeV (SM fit,
Eidelman Jegerlehner)
34Beyond the Standard Model
- General arguments for new physics at the EW scale
(250 GeV) - Standard Model fits suggest the new physics is
weakly coupled - Indirect pointers to supersymmetry
- Direct searches all negative so far
- LEP2
- squarks (stop, sbottom) gt 80-90 GeV
- sleptons (selectron, smuon, stau) gt 70-90 GeV
- charginos gt 70-90 GeV
- lightest neutralino gt 36 GeV
- Tevatron Run I
- squarks and gluinos
- stop, sbottom
- charginos and neutralinos
35Your mission (should you choose to accept it)
- At your earliest convenience, please carry out
one or more of the following challenges - Discover the SM Higgs
- Discover or exclude lightest SUSY Higgs with
masses up to 130 GeV - Discover one or more superpartners
- Exclude supersymmetry at the TeV scale by
discovering some other new physics - Can any of this be done in the next five years?
36SM Higgs LEP2 prospects
- Eilam Gross at EPS99
- mH excluded lt 108.5 GeV with 150 pb-1 per
expt at ?s 200 GeV
37Higgs Production at the Tevatron
- gg ? H dominates, but huge QCD background
- WH and ZH seem to offer the best potential
- SUSY enhances associated b production
- Run II SUSY/Higgs workshop
- http//fnth37.fnal.gov/higgs.html
- repeated and extended previous studies, combining
all possible channels - simulated average of CDF and DØ (SHW
parameterized simulation) program
38SM Higgs Channels
- mH lt 130-140 GeV
- WH ? l? bb backgrounds Wbb, WZ, tt, single top
- factor 1.3 improvement in S/B with neural
network - possibility to exploit angular distributions (WH
vs. Wbb) Parke and Veseli, hep-ph/9903231 - WH ? qq bb overwhelmed by QCD background
- ZH ? l l bb backgrounds Zbb, ZZ, tt
- ZH ? ?? bb backgrounds QCD, Zbb, ZZ, tt
- requires relatively soft missing ET trigger (35
GeV?) - mH gt 130-140 GeV
- gg ? H ? WW backgrounds Drell-Yan, WW, WZ, ZZ,
tt, tW, ?? signalbackground ratio 7 ? 10-3
! - Angular cuts to separate signal from
irreducible WW background
39Combined reach
15 fb-1
2 fb-1
- Bayesian combination of two experiments
- 30 improvement in bb mass resolution over Run I
- SHW acceptance but no neural network improvement
assumed - 10 systematic error on backgrounds
40SM Higgs Issues
- LEP2 analysis is clear-cut, and the reach is
predictable - The Tevatron analysis is an exciting prospect.
Is it credible? - In my view, yes it is an exercise similar in
scale to the top discovery, with a similar number
of backgrounds and requiring similar level of
detector understanding. - but it will be harder the irreducible
signalbackground is worse - it has caught the imagination of experimenters
- the single biggest problem with the studies so
far (in my opinion) is the assumptions about the
bb dijet mass resolution - can the assumed resolution really be achieved
(and in a high luminosity environment)? - can it be improved (through the use of smarter
algorithms)? e.g. kT?
41Mass resolution
- Directly influences signal significance
- Requires corrections for missing ET and muon
- Z ? bb will be a calibration signal
42Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
- i.e. SM particles plus two Higgs doublets and
their SUSY partners - Even this minimal spectrum can have many faces
- Is R-parity conserved?
- Is the LSP (lightest supersymmetric particle)
stable? - How is supersymmetry broken?
- Supergravity-inspired (mSUGRA) the typical
benchmark - parameters m1/2, m0, A0, tan b, sign(m)
- radiative EWSB occurs naturally from large top
mass - the c01 is the LSP
- c01 , c02 , c?1 , sleptons and h are light
- c03 , c04 , c?2 , squarks and gluinos are
heavy - Gauge-mediated (GMSB) LSP can be Gravitino
- signatures with photons and/or slow-moving
particles which may decay within or outside
detector - Anomaly mediated
- lightest chargino and neutralino almost
43Hadron collider SUSY signatures
- The highest production cross section at a hadron
collider is for the pair production of squarks
and gluinos - As long as R-parity is conserved, jets missing
transverse energy
Missing ET SUSY backgrounds
44DØ search for squarks and gluinos
- Demand
- 3 jets, ET gt 25 GeV, one jet ET gt 115 GeV
- HT gt 100 GeV
- veto electrons, muons
- Main Backgrounds top, QCD jets, W/Zjets
- Cascade decays to charginos can give leptons in
final state complementary analysis requiring - 2 electrons, 2 jets Missing ET
Run II limit gluino mass 400 GeV
Run I excluded
45Chargino/neutralino production
- golden trilepton signature
- Run II reach on ?? mass 180 GeV (tan ? 2, µlt
0) 150 GeV (large tan ?) - this channel becomes increasingly important as
squark/gluino production reaches its kinematic
limits (masses 400-500 GeV) - Low pT triggering?
- Can we include tau modes?
46Stop and Sbottom
- Stop
- stop ? b chargino or W (top like signatures)
- stop ? c neutralino
- top ? stop and gluino ? stop
- Sbottom
- 2 acollinear b-jets ETmiss
CDF Run I stop and sbottom limits
Sbottom sensitivity 200 GeV in Run II
115 GeV
145 GeV
47Gauge Mediated SUSY
- Is this selectron pair production?
- All we can say is that searches for related
signatures have all been negative - CDF and DØ ?? missing ET
- DØ ? jets missing ET
2 events observed 2.3 0.9 expected
48A taxonomy of GMSB signatures
- Are event generators available for non-prompt
scenarios? - Interface to detector simulation maybe
non-trivial - Standard searches pick up taus, multileptons and
missing ET. - Prompt photons are easy
- Challenges Displaced photons, kinked tracks and
49Displaced photons
- Run II DØ direct reconstruction with ?z 2.2 cm,
?r 1.4 cm - Non-pointing photon analysis used at LEP
excludes neutralino masses lt 85 GeV for c? lt 1 m
50Massive charged particles
- Kinked tracks
- c? lt 1 cm ? OK impact parameter
- 1 cm lt c? lt 1 m ? difficult hard to trigger
- Cannonballs
- LEP limits stau gt 76 GeV, sleptons gt 85 GeV
- Tools dE/dx and timing (TOF counter in CDF
muon system in DØ)
180 GeV
51Anomaly mediated SUSY
- delayed decay of chargino cannonball type
signatures - decays may be in detector, soft pion plus missing
ET - Do event generators exist?
52Large extra dimensions
- Gravitons propagate into higher dimensional
space? - Direct searches for
- ee- ? ? nothing
- pp ? ? nothing, jetnothing
- Indirect effects in ee- ? ??, ??, ??
- Do event generators exist?
53R parity violation
- Usual assumption decay chain as in mSUGRA but
LSP decays via B or L violating operator (hence
no missing ET) - LEP sensitivity comparable to mSUGRA with R
conserved - CDF and DØ searches for ee jets again,
comparable sensitivity - R violation in production process
- HERA leptoquark searches ep ? squark
- LEP ee- ? sneutrino ? tau pairs
54Supersymmetry Issues
- The basic menu of Run II searches is well-defined
and we should have no trouble in exploring - minimal SUGRA
- GMSB with prompt photon signatures
- some subset of R violation
- Concerns what have we forgotten?
- This is especially true at the Tevatron where
triggering is a crucial issue - For example, can we cover
- slow moving massive particles
- GMSB with detached photons or taus
- anomaly-mediated (e.g. ? ? ?0 soft)
- extra dimension signatures ...
- Lets look at the DØ straw-man trigger list
- http//www-d0.fnal.gov/lucotte/TRG/trigger_list.h
55MSSM Higgs at LEP2
- Complementary processes ee- ? (h/H)Z and (h/H)A
- General MSSM scans find a few points that can
evade limits - Invisible Higgs decays included in searches
Summer 1999 mh gt 81 GeV mA gt 81
GeV Excludes 0.9 lt tan ? lt 1.6 max mixing 0.6 lt
tan ? lt 2.6 no mixing but no exclusion if mtop
180 GeV
56MSSM Higgs sector at the Tevatron
- Assuming 1 TeV sparticle
- masses, ? lt 0
But not always so straightforward Fixed A (
? 1.5 TeV here) suppresses hbb, h?? couplings
for certain (mA, tan?)
Enhances h ? ?? (branching ratio as high as
57Strong SUSY Higgs Production
- bb(h/H/A) enhanced at large tan ?
- ? 1 pb for tan? 30 and mh 130 GeV
bb(h/A) ? 4b
CDF Run I 3 b tags
tan ? 30
150 GeV
58Charged Higgs
- Tevatron search in top decays
- Standard tt analysis, rule out competing decay
mode t ? H?b - Assumes 2 fb-1, nobs 600, background 50 ? 5
- LEP not really sensitive to MSSM region (expect
mH gt mW)
LEP summer 99 77 GeV
59Non-Supersymmetric EWSB
- Dynamical schemes like technicolor and topcolor
predict - new particles in the mass range 100 GeV - 1 TeV
- with strong couplings and large cross sections
- decaying to vector bosons and (third
generation?) fermions - Plus we should always be looking for
- Leptoquarks
- Fourth generation fermions or isosinglet fermions
- W and Z
- contact interactions, etc etc.
60Some final remarks
61Common Features
- To fully explore the broad range of physics in
Run II we will need to seek out the common
features in this menu so as to make the most of
our bandwidth and our personnel - for example
- isolated, moderate pT leptons (W/Z, SUSY, top . .
.) - b-jets
- other examples
- Wjets is QCD, top, single top, SUSY,
technicolor, Higgs . . . - Photons are QCD, SUSY, technicolor . . .
- This is why I would like to see a strong,
continuing role for the physics object ID groups
62Run II Strategy
- play to our strengths
- EM calorimetry
- Jets
- Missing ET
- put in the effort to exploit our new tools
- charged particle tracking
- muon acceptance and resolution
- heavy flavor tagging
- remain grounded
- dont all start searching for the Higgs with 500
63A message to our European colleagues
- DØ wants you!
- Run II offers a broad and compelling physics
program, but its going to take a lot of work on
the detector, trigger, infrastructure software,
calibration . . . - We need to make sure that all our collaborators
are full participants in this enterprise we
cant do it without your help
- The Tevatron is an immensely productive facility
- ?s from 10 GeV to 1 TeV
- Run II offers three ways to gain over Run I
- increased statistics for standard model processes
- increased reach for new particle searches
- increased detector capabilities
- Theres nowhere more
- exciting to do physics!