Title: Netbeans QuickStart
1Netbeans QuickStart
2Creating a project
- File-gtNew Project
- For now you want General-gtJava Application
- Then fill in the project details
3Creating a project
Netbeans allows You to have multiple project open
at once. The main project is the one that
toolbar operations will affect.
When you choose Run project Netbeans will run
the Main Class it created during this step
4Editing Files
When you choose Run project Netbeans will run
the Main Class it created during this step
The projects pane shows your source files under
Source Packages. (You can also see these in the
Files pane. Double click a file to edit
Right-click on Source Pacakges to add a new
5Running your program
Click to run your program (or use the Run menu to
run your program.)
When you choose Run project Netbeans will run
the Main Class it created during this step
Clicking here will set a breakpoint Breakpoints
cause your code to halt at a specific point for
you to examine variables, the stack, etc and
step line By line through the code.
- Once you set a breakpoint you can debug your
program by running the code in debug mode.
8Debugging Tools
- Once you set a breakpoint you can debug your
program by running the code in debug mode.
Keep running to next breakpoint
Step to the next line in this file (call a method
and return)
Step out of this method to the caller
Step into the method call on this line
View the stack
Check the value of an expression (using variables
from your program)
Add a variable to watch window (not shown in this
slide, but will be shown when you run the
9Submitting Code
- In order to grade your code, youll be submitting
a Jar (Java Archive) file with your compiled
classes. - A Jar file is a compressed file (like a Zip file)
to package multiple files together. - You can configure Netbeans to create the Jar file
for you.
10Adding source to a Netbeans Jar
- In Netbeans to include your source code
- Right click on your project name (in the projects
window) - Select properties
- Select Build-gtPackaging
- Remove everything in the "Exclude from Jar"
texfield. - Click ok.
- When you build the software the Jar file created
in ltltproject namegtgt/dist/ltltproject namegtgt.jar
will include the source and compiled Java
classes. This is the file to turn in.
11Other Notes
- The windows menu has many other optional
windows you can open. - Right-clicking on a keyword/method/variable name
will give you options to see where it is used or
any documentation about it - There are many other things you can do with
Netbeans. See the tutorials on the class website
or just view the help in Netbeans!