Title: KGP A Computational Logic Based Model of Agency
1KGP A Computational Logic Based Model of Agency
- Fariba Sadri
- Imperial College London
- ICCL Summer School Dresden
- August 2008
- KGP introduction
- KGP extension with normative concepts
3KGP IntroductionThe SOCS Project
- The KGP model was initially developed within the
EU SOCS project, 2002-2006. - SOCS
- Societies of Computational Entities
- http//lia.deis.unibo.it/research/socs/
- SOCS Partners Imperial College, City, Cyprus,
Pisa, Bologna, Ferrara
4KGP Introduction
- Knowledge Goals Plan
- Inspired by BDI!
5KGP Introduction KGP integrates various
aspects of agency
- Autonomy
- Reasoning (e.g. for Planning/Proactivity)
- Reactivity
- Situatedness awareness of the environment/other
agents - Interaction amongst agents
- Goal introduction
- Declarative control
- (some) Belief revision
6KGP Introduction
- General purpose
- Highly modular
- Based on computational logic
- Includes
- an abstract model (declarative semantics)
- a computational model (operational semantics)
- a prototype implementation (PROSOCS)
8KGP Introduction
- Heterogeneity
- Dynamic open environments
- Adaptability to changes in the environment
- Dynamic context-dependent control
9KGP Introduction KGP agent Decides its goal
Write a paper
Attend to the garden
Book my travel
Make dinner
Repair the roof
10KGP Introduction KGP agent Decides its goals
Write a paper
Attend to the garden
Book my travel
Make dinner
Repair the roof
11KGP Introduction KGP agent Observes its
- It is raining. Water is pouring in
through the roof.
12KGP Introduction KGP agent adjusts its goals
to the observations
Write a paper
Attend to the garden
Book my travel
Make dinner
Repair the roof
13KGP Introduction KGP agent Plans (partially)
for its goals and executes actions
Repair the roof
Call roofer at T2, T2gtT1
Check bank balance at T1
Make domestic arrangements at T4, T4gtT2, T4gtT3
Call decorator at T3, T3gtT1
14KGP Introduction KGP agent Adjusts its plans
Additional Goal Find Money
15KGP Introduction KGP agent Reacts to
information/interaction from the environment
What should my answer be?
Can you lend me money on the 10th?
Policies for communication and negotiation
16KGP Architecture
- An agent is characterised by
- An internal mental state
- A set of reasoning capabilities with associated
knowledge bases - A set of physical and sensing capabilities
- A set of formal state transition rules
- A set of selection operators
- A control (cycle) theory
Agents activities
Other Conditions
Selection Operators
The Capabilities and Associated KBs
18(No Transcript)
19KGP Architecture Agent Internal Mental State
- lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- KB0 a KB holding dynamic knowledge of the agent
- F a forest of trees representing the goal
structure of the agent - C the temporal constraint store
- ? a set of equalities instantiating time
20KGP Architecture KB0in state lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- KB0 of agent x records
- actions executed by x ( time of execution)
executed(a, t) - properties (fluent literals) observed by x (
time of observation) observed(fl, t) - actions x observes as being executed by other
agents y ( time of execution by y time of
observation by x) observed(y, at', t)
21KGP Architecture KB0 cntd.
- KB0 is updated as the agent
- Observes the world
- (via its sensing capability)
- Executes actions
- (via its actuating capability)
- KB0 is contained within all the other KBs (and
used by all the reasoning capabilities).
22KGP Architecture Fin state lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- F is a forest of trees
- Each tree represents a goal hierarchy
(goal/subgoal relationships) - Each node is a (timed) goal which is
- Non-exectuable (subgoal)
- Executable (action)
- The root nodes represent a conjunction of
literals and the leaf nodes together represent a
(partial) plan for the goal at the root
23KGP Architecture Fin state lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- G1 G2 .. Gn
- G11 G12 G21 An1 Gn1
- A11 A12
- The top level goals, Gi, are conceptually
24KGP Architecture F Informal example of a Tree
in F
G repair_roof(T), 5ltTlt20
G1 have_resource(r1,T1) 5ltT1lt18
A1 tell(a,b,request(assistance),T3) T3lt20,
T3gtT1, T3gtT2
G2 have_resource(r2,T) 5ltT2lt18
A2 tell(a,c,request(r1),T4) T4ltT1
25KGP Architecture F cntd.
- Goals can be
- Mental (under the control of the agent) e.g.
repair_roof(T) - Sensing ( not under the control of the agent and
observable by sensing the external environment) - e.g. weather_is_dry(T)
26KGP Architecture F cntd.
- Actions can be
- Physical
- e.g. clear_table(T) book_ticket(london,
tokyo, T) - Sensing (actively observe)
- e.g. sense(connection_on, T)
- Communicative
- e.g. tell(x, y, request(r1), d, T)
27KGP Architecture C - Temporal Constraint Store
- C is the temporal constraints store.
- In the previous example C will include
- 5ltT1lt18, 5ltT2lt18
- T3lt20, T3gtT1, T3gtT2
- T4ltT1
28KGP declarative modelReasoning Capabilities
- Planning generates partial plans for given sets
of goals in the State - Temporal reasoning reasons about the evolving
environment, and makes predictions about
properties holding in the environment - Reactivity reacts to perceived changes in the
environment by generating goals and actions to be
added to the State
29Reasoning Capabilities cntd.
- Identification of preconditions and effects of
actions to determine appropriate sensing
actions, to check if an action can be executed
and if recently executed actions have been
successful. - Goal decision to revise the top-most level goals
of the agent, adapting to the perceived changes
in the environment and the agents preferences.
30Reasoning Capabilities General
- Each reasoning capability
- uses a KB and
- is defined formally by means of an entailment
wrt the KB (and, where appropriate, a time point,
now) - The knowledge bases are either abductive logic
programs or logic programs with priorities.
31Reasoning Capabilities Formal specifications
- Abductive logic programming for
- Planning
- Temporal reasoning
- Reactivity
- Identification of preconditions and effects of
actions - Logic programming with priorities for
- Goal decision
32Reasoning Capabilities Planning
- KBplan Abductive Event Calculus for
Planning - KBplan lt Pplan, Aplan, Iplan gt
- Logic program Abducible Integrity
- with predicates constraints
- constraints
33Reasoning CapabilitiesPlanning cntd.
- Formal specification of the Planning capability
- The idea is
- Planning is specified via the semantics of
abductive logic programs - To plan for a goal we take into account
- all dynamic information received via observations
and - all other partial plans already in the state.
34Reasoning CapabilitiesPlanning cntd.
- Formal specification of the Planning capability
- Let KBnowplan be KBplan?time_now(now) .
- Let S ltKB0, F, C, ? gt .
- Let GgT be a mental goal in a leaf in F.
- Let ?0 be the set of all abducibles already in F.
- Let C 0 C ? ?.
35Reasoning CapabilitiesPlanning cntd.
- Then S, G nowplan (?, Tc)
- where
- such that(? , Tc) is an abductive answer to the
query holds_at(G, T) wrt (KBnowplan , ?0 , C0). - To allow partial planning
- holds_at(F,T) ifassume_holds(F,T)
36Reasoning Capabilities Underlying (C)LP-based
- The KGP model is parametric on
- ?ALP some semantics for ALPs
- ?pr some semantics for logic programs with
priorities (and negation) - ? some semantics for constraint satisfaction
- Operational model of the KGP assumes concrete
instances of the above.
37Reasoning Capabilities Reactivity
- In the KGP reactivity is used for
- To specify reactions to the environment, similar
to condition-action rules - To specify interaction policies
- To specify plan repair steps
38Reasoning Capabilities Reactivity
- KBreact
- KBplan
- some additional integrity constraints we call
Reactive Constraints
39Reasoning Capabilities ReactivityFormal
- Reactivity computes all the necessary reactions
to the current state of the agent, including its
current goals and its observations recorded in
KB0. - Snowreact (Gs, Tc)
- where
- Gs is a set of assume_happens atoms and
assume_holds atoms in some ? such that - (? , Tc) is an abductive answer to the query true
wrt (KBnowplan , ?0 , C0).
40Reasoning Capabilities Goal Decision
- KBgd is an abductive logic program with
priorities. - Example
- Basic part
- gd(garden) garden(T) ? holds_at(finished_work,T)
- gd(repair) repair(T) ?holds_at(leaky_roof, T)
- Auxiliary part
- Typeof(garden,optional)
- typeof(repair,required)
- more-urgent-wrt-type(required, optional)
- Behaviour part
- gd_pref(X,Y)gd(Y)gtgd(X) ? typeof(X,TX),
typeof(Y,TY), - more-urgent-wrt-type(TY,TX)
41Reasoning Capabilities Goal Decision cntd.
- Formal specification of GD
- SnowgdGs iff
- Gs is a maximal set G1, G2, , Gn of pairs
Giltgi(Ti), TCigt such that - KBnowgd pr ltg1(T1), TC1gt ?ltg2 (T2), TC2gt
?. ? ltgn (Tn), TCngt
42Reasoning CapabilitiesSummary
- plan KBplan
- tr KBtr Abductive logic
- react KBreact prgogrammin
- gd KBgd Logic programming with priorities
- pre KBpre
- eff KBef Logic programming
43Physical capabilities
- Sensing capability
- Links the agent to its environment, including
other agents - Allows agents to observe actions and fluents
- sensing(L, t) L
- E.g. sensing((rain, door-open, window-open), 10)
ltrain, truegt, ltwindow-open, falsegt - Actuating capability
- actuating(As, t) As
- Transitions use the capabilities and change the
state of the agent - Transitions are of the form
- Slt KB0, F, C, ? gt, Input at time now
- S lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
45Transitions Brief Descriptions
- Goal Introduction - GI introduces new top level
goals - Plan Introduction - PI performs partial planning
for the selected set of goals and updates the
state accordingly - Reactivity - RE extends the state with the
generated reactions - Action Execution - AE executes the selected set
of actions
46Transitions Brief Descriptions cntd.
- Passive Observation Introduction - POI senses
the environment and records whatever is observed - Active Observation Introduction - AOI senses the
environment for a specific set of fluents and
records the result - Sensing Introduction - SI introduces new actions
in the state for sensing the preconditions of
some existing actions in Plan
47Transitions Brief Descriptions cntd.
- State Revision - SR revises the state by
removing timed out goals/actions and
goals/actions that are no longer needed.
48Transitions an exampleAction Execution
- AE lt KB0, F, C, ? gt, SAs now
- lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- SAs will be a non-empty set of sensing and
non-sensing actions. - Then KB0 is updated by recording in it
- the non-sensing actions that were executed by the
actuating capability, and - any information that the sensing actions bring in
about the environment. - ? is updated by recording all the new time
49Example 1
- John is a businessman in Europe, and psa is his
personal service agent. - GI psa has the goal gain entry to museum
- PI buy a ticket
- POI psa hears that it is European Heritage
day when all museums are free. - SR goal and plan are deleted as the goal is
already achieved and the plan is no longer
50Example 2
- psa has the goal to have a plane ticket for a
trip from London to Madrid. - PI Buy ticket online
- The action has pre-conditions
- -have internet connection sensing
goals - -destination available online
- SI Introduce sensing actions for these
preconditions - AE The sensing actions are executed first.
- Depending on their outcome
- Either AE To buy the ticket,
- Or SR and PI To revise the state and re-plan.
51Cycle theories for declarative control
- Cycle theory determines the sequences of
transitions dynamically and declaratively
Allowing Flexible control, e.g. tailored to agent
profile/environment/application - Different cycle theories give rise to different
profiles of agent behaviour - Control via cycle theories can in principle be
adopted by any agent architecture
52Cycle theories
53Cycle theories Introduction
- Idea
- To decide what the agent should do next
- Work out what the possibilities are
- Then choose one (or more) via the agents profile
and preferences
54Cycle theories Introduction
- A cycle theory is a (meta-)logic program with
priorities Tcycle to reason about which
transition should be chosen when - It consists of
- a basic part Tbasic to reason about which
transition could be next (in some state and at
some time)- initially or after a transition that
has just been executed - a behaviour part Tbehaviour to decide which
transition (amongst the many possible) will be
next - An auxiliary part
55Selection Operators
- Recall input to transitions
- Slt KB0, F, C, ? gt, Input at time now
- S lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- Selection operators compute these inputs and help
cycle theories determine next transition - 4 selection operators (used in Tbasic)
- Action selection (to execute)
- Goal selection (to plan for)
- Fluent selection (to sense)
- Precondition selection (to sense)
Agents activities
Other Conditions
Selection Operators
The Capabilities and Associated KBs
57Predicative representation of transitions
- Within the cycle theory and
- the agent behaviour, a transition
- (T) SltKB0, F, C, ? gt, X ?
- S ltKB0, F, C, ? gt
- is represented as an atom in the predicate T
- T(S, X, S',?)
- (sometimes with some parameters omitted)
- An instance could be PI(s, (g1,g2), s, 1) .
58Cycle Theories and Agent Behaviour
- Given an agents cycle theory Tcycle, the agent
- behaviour is a (possibly infinite) sequence of
- Transitions
- T1(S0,X1,S1,t1),.,Ti(Si-1,Xi,Si,ti),
Ti1(Si,Xi1,Si1,ti1), . - S0 is some initial state for the agent
- ti is given by some internal clock
- Tcycle , Ti(Si-1,Xi,Si,ti), time_now(T ) ?pr
59Cycle Theories and Agent Behaviour cntd.
- Here ?pr is entailment for logic programming with
priorities - (also underlying the Goal Decision reasoning
60Cycle theories syntax
- Tbasic contains rules of the form
- r T1 T2 (S',X') T2 (S',X') T1 (S,X,S'),
EC(S', t, X'), time-now(t) - S, S' states, X' input to T2, EC enabling
conditions (core selection operator) - Tbehaviour contains rules of the form
- RTN1N2 rTN1(S,X1 )gtr T N2(S,X2)
BC(S,X1,X2,t), time-now(t) - S state, X1 input to N1, X2 input to N2,
- BC behaviour conditions (heuristic selection
61Cycle theories example of Tbasic
- r PIAE(S',As)
- AE(S',As) PI(S,Gs,S'),
- Asfas(S',t), As ¹ , time_now(t )
- meaning a Plan Introduction transition may be
followed by an Action Execution transition, if
there are actions to be executed (identified by
the core selection operator for action selection
62Cycle theories example of Tbasic
- r POIRE(S',_) RE(S',_) POI(S,_,S')
- meaning a Passive Observation Introduction
transition may be followed by a Reactivity
transition, unconditionally.
63Cycle theories example of Tbehaviour
- r PIAE(S,As) gt rPIN(S,X)
- unreliable_pre(As)
- for all transitions N ? AE
- r PISI(S,Ps) gt r PIAE(S,As)
unreliable_pre(As) - meaning after Plan Introduction, the
transition Action Execution should be given
higher priority, unless there are actions amongst
the actions selected for execution whose
preconditions are unreliable and need checking,
in which case Sensing Introduction will be given
higher priority
64Agent Profiles
- Different agent behaviours can be programmed by
changing various modules of the model. - For example, changing the
- Basic part of cycle theories
- Behaviour part of cycle theories
- Selection operators
65Cycle Theories and Agent Profiles
- In Sadri-Toni paper in CLIMA 05
- Focussed
- agent remains committed to one goal (and its
descendents) until it is either achieved or
becomes infeasible. - Obtainable via particular goal/action selection
strategies. - Careful (Common sense)
- agent never does anything unnecessary
66The Careful Profile
- Profile Never does anything unnecessary
- Never plans for a goal that needs no plan
- Never reacts unnecessarily
- Never executes an action which is not needed
- How to achieve this?
- Write a cycle theory that ensures every other
transition is SR. - We can then formally prove, via the operation
trace that the profile is achieved.
67The Careful Profilecntd.
- Writing a cycle theory that ensures every other
transition is SR - Add to Tbasic
- r T SR (S',) SR (S', ) T(S,X,S't)
- for any T different from SR.
- Romove from Tbasic any rule that speaks of 2
consecutive transitions both of which are
different from SR.
68The Careful Profilecntd.
- Looking at the trace of a careful agent
Ti1(Si,Xi1,Si1,ti1), - it will never be the case that
- For example
- If Ti is AE then, Xi,the set of actions to be
executed, contains an action which has an
ancestor that already holds. - If Ti is RE then, the reaction is to a goal or an
action which has an ancestor that already holds
or is timed out.
69Other profiles (in SOCS deliverables)
- Impatient
- Attempts an action a pre-specified number of
times, and if it does not succeed it gives up. - Cautious
- Before executing an action always checks the
preconditions in its KB. - Actively cautious
- Before executing an action always checks the
preconditions in its KB, and if unknown senses
the environment for them. - Objective
- Immediately after executing actions it checks if
the actions have succeeded. - Punctual
70Computational counterpart of the KGP model
- Computational counterpart exploits the modularity
of the model - Computational counterpart
- an abductive proof procedure (CIFF) for the
components of the model based on abductive LP - an argumentation-based proof procedure (Gorgias)
for the components of the model based on LP with
- We can put together the components modularly. In
the future we could add, for example - A learning capability
- A belief revision capability
72Formal Properties and Verification
- KGP declarative and computational models,
including control component are formal and
logic-based - Facilitates formal specification and verification
of properties
73Some Formal Properties
- Coherence, e.g.
- agents never attempt to execute incompatible
actions concurrently - agents never waste time on solving goals that are
descendents/siblings of other timed-out goals - So, at least KGP agents do not do anything that
is obviously useless!
74Some Formal Propertiescntd.
- Effectiveness in goal achievement
- Progress towards achieving goals
- Various notions of preference between states,
State2gtgtState1, and proofs of how the KGP
transitions can lead to more preferred states. - Reactive awareness
- Agents with fair control always reach a state in
which they are fully aware of all necessary
75More InformationSOCS Home
- http//lia.deis.unibo.it/research/socs/
- Includes deliverables with many details of
design, implementation, properties and
76More Information KGP
- A. Kakas, P. Mancarella, F. Sadri, K. Stathis, F.
Toni, The KGP model of agency, ECAI04, General
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
August 23-27, 2004, Valencia, Spain, pp 33-37 - A. Bracciali, N. Demetriou, U. Endriss, A. Kakas,
W. Lu, P. Mancarella, F. Sadri, K. Stathis, G.
Terreni, F. Toni, A. Bracciali, N. Demetriou, U.
Endriss, A. Kakas, W. Lu, P. Mancarella, F.
Sadri, K. Stathis, G. Terreni, F. Toni, The KGP
Model of Agency for Global Computing
Computational Model and Prototype Implementation,
Global Computing 2004 Workshop, Springer Verlag
LNCS 3267, 2005, p. 342 (to appear), Global
Computing 2004 Workshop, Springer Verlag LNCS
3267, 2005, p. 342
77More Information Cycle theories, Analysis
- A.C. Kakas, P.Mancarella, F.Sadri, K.Stathis, and
F.Toni, Declarative agent control, 5th Workshop
on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent
Systems(CLIMA V), 29-30 September 2004, J.Leite
and P.Torroni,eds - Fariba Sadri and Francesca Toni,
- Profiles of behaviour for logic-based agents,
CLIMA05 - F. Sadri, F. Toni,A formal analysis of KGP
agents,Jelia 2006.
78More InformationPROSOCS
- Kostas Stathis, Antonis C. Kakas, Wenjin Lu,
Neophytos Demetriou, Ulle Endriss, and Andrea
Bracciali. PROSOCS a platform for programming
software agents in computational logic. In
J. Müller and P. Petta, editors, Proceedings of
the Fourth International Symposium From Agent
Theory to Agent Implementation'' (AT2AI-4 -
EMCSR'2004 Session M), pages 523-528, Vienna,
Austria, April 13-16" 2004. - Andrea Bracciali, Neophytos Demetriou, Ulle
Endriss, Antonis Kakas, Wenjin Lu, and Kostas
Stathis. Crafting the Mind of a PROSOCS Agent.
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2005. To
79More InformationPlanning, Proof Procedures
- P.Mancarella, F.Sadri, G.Terreni, and F.Toni,
- Planning partially for situated agents,
- 5th Workshop on Computational Logic in
Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA V), 29-30 September
2004, J.Leite and P.Torroni, eds - U. Endriss, P. Mancarella, F. Sadri, G. Terreni,
F. Toni, The CIFF proof procedure for abductive
logic programming with constraints, JELIA'2004,
International Conference on Logics in AI, Lisbon,
Portugal, September 2004, Springer Verlag LNAI
80Extending the KGP with Normative Concepts
- A reference
- F. Sadri, K. Stathis, F. Toni,
- Normative KGP Agents, Journal of Computational
and mathematical Organization Theory, 2006.
81Extending the KGP with Normative Concepts
- Objectives
- Simple deontic theory in terms of obligations and
prohibitions and permission - Integration with the existing model and
functionalities - Allowing provable conformance of agents to the
theory - More generally, allowing agents to prioritise
between their private and social goals and
actions. - Scenario artificial society relying on
organisation and division of tasks
- Responsibility defined in terms of Roles.
- Roles associated with
- Obligations
- permissions
- prohibitions
83Approach (cntd.)
- Adapting the event calculus used for planning and
reactivity - Reactivity
- Makes agents aware of their obligations and
prohibitions depending on their observations - Forces them to conform to their obligations and
prohibitions - Planning
- Allows agents to plan activities to conform to
their obligations and prohibitions
- role(Agent, Role)
- Roles are initiated and terminated by actions of
(authorised) agents - initiates(assign(Y,X,traffic_warden(Area, Ts,
Te)), T,
role(X, traffic_warden(Area, Ts,
Te))) ? - authorised(act(assign(Y,X,traffic_warden(Area,Ts,T
- obliged(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs)
- obliged(fluent(Fluent, Actor), T, TCs)
- Obligations held by agents are generated by means
of reactive rules in KBreact. -
86Obligations Reactive Rule specification
- holds_at(role(Actor, Role),T) Conditions(Actor,
T) ? - obliged(act(ACT, Actor),T,TCs).
- holds_at(role(Actor, Role),T) Conditions(Actor,
T) ? - obliged(fluent(Fluent, Actor),T,TCs).
87Obligations Examples
- holds_at(role(X, traffic_warden(Area, STime,
ETime)),T) observed(parked(Car,Area),T)
STimeltTltETime ? - obliged(act(issue_fine(Car),X), T, T T1)
- holds_at(role(X, owner(Car)),T)
observed(issue_fine(Car),T) ? - obliged(act(pay_fine(Car),X), T, T T5)
- prohibited(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs)
- prohibited(fluent(Fluent, Actor), T, TCs)
- Specification similar to obligations
- holds_at(role(Actor, Role),T) and
- Conditions(Actor, T) ?
- prohibited(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs).
- Similarly for fluents.
89Prohibitions Example
- holds_at(role(X, traffic_warden(Area,STime,
ETime)),T) STimeltTltETime ? - prohibited(act(leave(Area),X),T,T T)
90Obligations and Agent Personalities
- Different agents can interpret obligations
differently. - Responsible agents will try to fulfil their
91Obligations and Responsible Agents
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T)
- obliged(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs) ?
- happens(Act(Actor),T) TCs
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T)
- obliged(fluent(Fluent, Actor), T, TCs)
?holds_at(Fluent(Actor),T) TCs
92Prohibitions and Responsible Agents
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T)
- prohibited(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs)
- happens(Act(Actor),T) TCs ? false
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T)
- prohibited(fluent(Fluent, Actor), T, TCs)
- holds_at(Fluent(Actor),T) and TCs ? false
93Informal example of integration in KGP
- a1 Responsible Traffic Warden Agent for Chelsea
from time 9 to 17, with reactive rules - holds_at(role(X, traffic_warden(Area, STime,
ETime)),T) observed(parked(Car,Area),T)
STimeltTltETime ? - obliged(act(issue_fine(Car),X), T, T T1)
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T) and
- obliged(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs) ?
- happens(Act(Actor),T) and TCs
94Informal example of integration in KGP cntd.
- a1
- POI records observed(parked(w1,chelsea),10)
- RE triggers the reactive rule
- holds_at(role(X, traffic_warden(Area, STime,
ETime)),T) observed(parked(Car,Area),T)
STimeltTltETime ? obliged(act(issue_fine(Car),X),
T, T T1) - Generates
- obliged(act(issue_fine(w1), a1), T, T11)
95Informal example of integration in KGP cntd.
- obliged(act(issue_fine(w1), a1), T, T11)
- in turn triggers
- holds_at(responsible(Actor), T)
- obliged(act(ACT, Actor), T, TCs) ?
- happens(Act(Actor),T) TCs
- and generates
- happens(issue_fine(a1,w1), T) T11.
- AE schedules this action for execution and
executes it at time 11.
96Informal example of integration in KGP cntd.
- If the obligation was to bring about a fluent
- obliged(fluent(report_filed(w1), a1),T,T11)
- RE will generate a goal
- holds_at(report_filed(w1,a1), T) T11
- PI will generate a (partial) plan for the goal
- AE starts executing the actions in that plan.
97Further extension
- Obligations and prohibitions may be incompatible
with the agents private goals and actions. - So the KGP is modified
- Internal state of the agent is modified
- lt KB0, F, C, ? gt
- F is divideded into two parts
- Fs representing tree of all goals and actions
resulting from obligations or prohibitions - Fp representing tree of all other goals and
98Further extension
- A new knowledge base is added that specifies the
agents priorities allowing them to choose
between incompatible social/private goals and
actions. - The state is always revised before any planning
or action execution steps by removing all
incompatibilities according to the agents
99Conclusions of KGP Extension
- Study of how to incorporate normative concepts
within the KGP model of agency - Agents can reason about their obligations and
prohibitions and integrate them with their
activities - Normative concepts can be communicated by one
agent to another - Suitable for building multi-agent system
100Related Work
- SOCS-SI expectations
- IMPACT share abductive approach but they focus
on legacy systems. - Artikis et al birds eye view vs single agent
view based on formal model. - BOID focus on internal conflict and priorities
rather than integration with plans and reactivity.