MTBF International Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MTBF International Experience


... since 1998 (spearheaded by Blair Government) announced through Economic and ...; FAQ's editing in progress will be published; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MTBF International Experience

MTBF International Experience Introduction
to the MTBF projectbyFarooq Khan
MTBF Forum, Lahore22 October 2004
Objectives for this session
  • To summarise the international experience based
    on the Study Tour to UK and South Africa in
    March, 2004
  • To provide progress update on federal MTBF project

The Study Tour to United Kingdom and South Africa
  • Tour led by Additional Secretary, Budget Wing,
    Finance Division
  • Representatives of Finance Division, Planning
    Development Division, Health Division and
    Population Welfare Division

The United Kingdom situation
  • Unitary state moving towards greater devolution
  • Proactive role by HMT (Her Majestys Treasury)
  • Public Expenditure Reforms backed by full
    political support and are part of a wider public
    sector reforms since 1998 (spearheaded by Blair
    Government) announced through Economic and Fiscal
    Strategy Report
  • Sense of continuous improvement

The United Kingdom Key Reforms
  • Financial management systems are advanced and
    making extensive use of technology
  • Reforms are moving towards more advanced features
    like Resource Accounting Budgeting (full
    accrual based accounts)
  • WGA (Whole Government Accounts)
  • The new budget regime is establishment of
    Department Expenditure Limit (DEL) spending which
    includes most departmental programme expenditure
    and is planned and controlled on a three year
    basis through the Spending Review Process
    involving departments having greater flexibility
    by ceilings and are fixed through Annually
    Managed Expenditure (AME) which is reviewed twice
    yearly as part of budget and pre-budget process

The United Kingdom Key Reforms
  • Firm and fixed DEL plans are set for three years
    going forward, and are reviewed every two in
    biennial Spending Reviews. To enable spending
    programmes to be planned over the medium term and
    to avoid wasteful end of year spending, the new
    regime allows end-year flexibility (EYF) that
    is,departments can carry forward any unspent
    into future years
  • Spending departments are allowed to move funds
    from current to capital budgets
  • The overall spending envelope available is
    determined by Governments fiscal rules
  • PSA (Public Sector Agreements) between the
    Treasury and line departments are agreed and
    publicly announced
  • Accountability for outputs and outcomes in with
    reference to the stated agreed parameters.

South African Situation (I)
  • After the transition to majority rule in 1994
    health services underwent a massive
    re-orientation away from tertiary health care for
    white urban elite to primary health care for a
    largely black rural population
  • South Africa has a federal structure with wide
    disparity between provinces in terms of
    population, income, fiscal capacity and
    rural/urban mix
  • South Africa is a middle income country
  • - with a relatively small well educated urban
  • - large rural population
  • National consensus on health care policy
  • Weak accounting systems and IT support is weak as
    compared to the UK.

1. Need for consensus on roles and
responsibilities in public finance
  • The focal point of information is the Public
    Finance Management Act 1999
  • Act sets out in a very compact and clear form the
    roles and responsibilities of the various players
    at both federal and provincial level
  • Act is accompanied by very clear and well written
    Treasury Regulations

2. Need for Agreed Program Structure
  • South Africa like UK is moving from a unitary
    control to a more devolved set-up . The center
    retains effective influence
  • Basic program structure discussed and agreed
    between all three levels of government, federal,
    provincial and district
  • Federal role is principally policy coordination
    and administration of a limited number of
    federal grants in aid for provinces with
    limited resources or for national activities
    carried out in a provincial context

3. Informative Budget Statement
  • The budget statement contains lots of management
  • Information on program and sub-programs
    objectives and rationale
  • Historical information on program costs over the
    last 4 years
  • Budget revisions for the current year
  • Estimates and forward estimates over the three
    year time horizon of the MTBF

4. Nature of Estimates
  • Estimates are at a broad major object level
    leaving departments considerable discretion to
    re-allocate resources
  • South Africa has invested time and effort in
    helping managers to understand the classification
  • Example Reference Guide to the New Economic
    Reporting Format
  • Estimates contain both qualitative and
    quantitative information

5. Service Delivery Measures
  • South Africa has begun to develop service
    delivery measures
  • Limitations of financial reporting system make it
    unrealistic to expect any strong ability to link
    resource use to outcomes for some time to come

6. Role of the Chief Financial Officer
  • CFOs appointed at both federal and provincial
  • Positions are well paid and seem to have
    attracted competent and experienced people
  • Regulations require CFO to report directly to
  • Despite competitive salary and benefits package
    it has been difficult to find and retain good

Study Tour Lessons learnt
  • Comprehensive Report on Study Tour
  • MTBF is not simply about filing in a different
    set of forms stating objectives/goals
    unconnected with spending progress
  • MTBF is about continuous and deepening budget
  • Wider set of reforms required in order to
    implement MTBF covering
  • Resource forecasting
  • Budget preparation
  • Budget execution
  • Participation and oversight by central
  • Financial management and reporting
  • Compliance.

MTBF Project - Pakistan
  • Strengthening the
  • Medium Term Budgetary Framework

The purpose of the MTBF project
  • To improve transparency and accuracy of
    Pakistans federal budget process and to put in
    place the building blocks of an MTBF providing a
    sounder basis for linking policy and

Five Outputs
  • Increased understanding in MoF and MoPD and
    selected pilot ministries (MoH and MoPW) of MTBF
    benefits, objectives and techniques, and
    increased commitment to fully implement an MTBF
  • Enhanced capacity of MoF and selected pilot
    ministries to implement an MTBF
  • Improved budgetary systems and procedures at
    Federal level, in a way consistent with a full
    implementation of an MTBF
  • Building blocks for an MTBF are in place in MoF
    and in the selected line ministries
  • Improved linkages between federal and provincial
    work on MTBF.

Timing and Counterparts
  • Project started in March 2003 with slight delay
  • Duration 30 months, covering three budgets
  • Consultancy inputs by PricewaterhouseCoopers (UK)
  • Counterparts
  • Ministry of Finance (MoF), lead counterpart
    Additional Secretary, Budget Wing
  • Two Pilot Ministries Health and Population
  • Others Central Board of Revenue, Expenditure
    Wing of MoF, Planning Development Division,
    Economic Affairs Division.

Timing and Counterparts
  • Steering Committee headed by Finance Secretary
  • Two sub-committee formed to review
  • - Funds release mechanism
  • - Economic forecasting function.

Progress to Date
  • Divided into two phases
  • Conceptual Stage (April 2003 June 2004)
  • Implementation Stage (July 2004 to date)

Conceptual Stage
  • Resulted in 15 Technical Notes
  • Detailed analytical studies on various aspects
  • Wider sensitization of Pilot Ministries
  • Progress on Funds Release sub-committee

Implementation Stage
  • WEF July 2004
  • Team restructured more hands on
  • Working Groups established to monitor the project
    on day to day basis
  • Detailed implementation plan
  • Work proceeding as per work plan
  • In order to ensure resource availability Budget
    Ceiling Committee established
  • Budget Ceiling to be finalized shortly

Implementation Stage
  • Work in process on developing BCC especially for
    two pilot ministries on MTBF basis
  • MTBF guidelines being developed
  • BCC to consist of guidelines, budget ceilings and
  • A medium term planning and budgeting exercise
    kicked off in MoPW

Implementation Stage
  • The medium term planning budgeting exercise in
    MoPW had the following objectives
  • Align expenditure with Population Policy of
  • Cover FY 2005-08
  • Plan / prioritize and re-prioritize activities
  • Cost activities and initiatives
  • Link budgets to outputs
  • Exercise with full participation of MoF and PD
  • Currently the results are being analyzed

Implementation Stage
  • Improving the financial management capacity is
    one of the major objectives during implementation
  • Initial work on establishment of Financial
    Management Unit in MoH in progress
  • Financial Management Application being developed
    for MoH
  • At Section Officer to monitor current and
    development budget
  • At DFA to track funds release
  • Financial Management reporting for Principal
    Accounting Officer

Implementation Stage
  • MTBF web site developed and can be assessed on
  • FAQs editing in progress will be published
  • Work progressing as per work plan

Way forward
  • Issuance of BCC
  • Highest level commitment at Federal Level
  • Pilot Ministries seeing benefit from MTBF
  • Lessons being learnt for roll-out

MTBF Project
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