Title: Metering, Monitoring
1Metering, Monitoring TargetingKevin
- Metering
- Monitoring
- Analysis Reporting
- Fiscal monitoring
- Devolved budget
- Things go wrong
4If it can go wrong, it will - and it will cost
5Steps towards MT
- What to measure
- Technology
7Metering What to measure
- Building Regulations
- 90 to be accounted for
- Risk
- Ease of detection
- Auto/Manual controls
- Capacity
- Cost
- 4,000
8Metering - Technology
- Pulse
- Optical
- Meter download
- Smart Meters
- Signature Analysis
- Collate data sources
- Manual
- Frequency
- Accuracy
- Utility data
- Portable monitor
- Communications methods
10Monitoring - Communications
- Hard wired
- Telephone Line
- Elec network
- Radio
11Analysis Reporting
- Principles
- Targets
- Reporting
- Profile Analysis
- Benchmarking
- Software
12Analysis Reporting - Principles
- Regular monitoring
- Continuous records
- Driving factors
- Degree Days
- Occupation
- Regression analysis
13Analysis Reporting - Targets
14Analysis Reporting - Targets
15Analysis Reporting - Targets
16Analysis Reporting - Targets
Intercept Before 225,000 kWh After 235,000
kWh Saving 10,000 pa
17Analysis Reporting - Targets
18Analysis Reporting - Reporting
19Analysis Reporting - Profile Analysis
Helps to identify Peak loads Out of hours
use Recurring loads
20Analysis Reporting Benchmarking
- Published figures or comparison of similar
buildings - Future savings potential identified to bring
buildings to good practice - Target areas of need
- Avoid over-investment
- Compare buildings on same site/different sites
21Analysis Reporting Benchmarking
- Broad brush
- Annual figures only
- Often dated
22Analysis Reporting Software
- Hold data
- Fiscal
- Manual reads
- ½ hourly
- Selective regression analysis
- Cusum
- Overspend league table
- Regular monitoring
- Driving factors
- Regression analysis
- Overspend League Table
- Benchmarking
- Profiling
- Action
- Not just energy
- Saving
24Summary Further Information
- GIL65 Metering Energy Use in new non-domestic
buildings - GPG310 Degree Days for energy management
- CTC713 Advanced metering fro SMEs
- CTV027 - Metering
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did
nothing because he could only do a little
Edmund Burke 1729 - 1797