Title: Air TrafficAirway Facilities Human Factors Research Program
1Air Traffic/Airway Facilities Human Factors
Research Program
- Dino Piccione
- Human Factors Research and Engineering Division
- May 10, 2004
- Program organization
- Acquisition Support
- Research partners
- 04 Research projects
3Program Description
- Support the Air Traffic Organization (ATO)
mission through Air Traffic (AT) and Airway
Facilities (AF) Human Factors Research - Address Human Factors aspects of ATC including
system design to assure safe and efficient
operation - HF aspects of ATC Safety (e.g., Operational
Errors) - HF aspects of Capacity (1.5X, 2X, 3X?)
- Maintain performance of critical FAA AT
occupational specialties - Selection
- Retention (e.g., Age 56 retirement)
- Typical year has around 27 projects
4Challenge For The Future
- How does the ATC system handle 2X or 3X todays
traffic load? - The human element in the system will be the
limiting factor.
- Research Program Management ATO-P
- Research Performers
- Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI)
- Tech Center Human Factors Lab
- Volpe
- CSSI/Titan
- Grants/CRA (e.g., MIT, SJSU)
- Currently externally funded
- Research Requirements
- Technical Community Requirement Groups (TCRG)
articulate the needs - Research Sponsors
- 14 sponsoring organizations
6Linkage to Acquisition
- Human Factors Acquisition Working Group
- primary conduit to maintain contact with system
development and emerging research needs - HF practitioners in the acquisition community are
viewed as a primary consumer of research products - HF practitioners are invited to participate in
the TCRGs as sponsors to articulate requirements
7Linkage To Other HF Research Programs
- Inter-Agency Research Management Team provides
interaction with other researchers - NASA
- MIT/Lincoln Labs
- Inter-agency Human Factors working group will
meet in July - Meeting theme is Building An Interlocking Human
Factors Research Program
8Phases in Research Lifecycle
Phase 1 Requirement Definition
Phase 3 Implementation
Phase 4 Knowledge Transfer
Phase 2 Decision Process
AT Systems Development
Tasking To Performer
HF Research Group
Decision if Product fulfills Research need
NAS Target System Description
ATO-P Research Program
Progress Reports
Place Product In FAA-HF Database
AF/AT Operational Need
Div. Budget
Reports are made Accessible to Public
ATO Budget
Sponsoring Organization
Future Research Planning
Users / Sponsors In-the-loop
FAA Budget Request
Update Practitioners
Formulation of Research Need
Research Product In Operational Context
Research Product
Finalized Research Requirement
9Defining Research Requirements
- All research projects need linkage to a
requirement - Statement of Need
- Operational shortfall or knowledge gap in the
human factors area that needs investigation - Benefit in closing the shortfall or gap
- Description of desired product to satisfy the
need - Traceability to performance plans, Concept of
Ops, etc. - Sponsoring organization specified
- Schedule for major milestones including
10Function of the AT TCRG
- Advocate a segment of the research program
- Coordinate research performed in a functional
area - Assess the value of each requirement
- Identify high priority projects
- Research Manager has responsibility for
- Define the program and projects from group output
- Determine research performer
- Match requirements to projects and performers via
Program Descriptions - Sponsors articulate/own the requirement and
provide AT resources - Performers provide methods for meeting the needs
11Technical Community Representative Groups
Advanced AF Systems
Advanced AT Systems
Individual Team Performance
- AF CHI Standardization
- AF Workstation Integration
- En Route,TRACON, Tower, Oceanic Workstation
Evolution - Inter-operability of ATC tools
- Flight Data Handling
- ATC Display Complexity
- Human Factors Design Standard
- Reduce ATC operational errors (e.g., Janus)
- Reduce runway incursions
- Controller taskload and performance metrics
- ATC intra-team communications
- Employee Attitude Survey
- Shiftwork and fatigue
Personnel Selection
- Impact of Age on performance and policy
- Workforce planning
- Job/task analysis
- Workforce selection
12FY 04 AT/AFHuman Factors RED
1304 Human Factors Research
- Advanced AT Systems
- En Route workstation evolution
- Dynamic resectorization
- Integration of weather for TRACON controller
- Self-separation on final approach
- Collocation tool data analysis
- HF for Electronic Flight Data Handling
- ATC Display Complexity Model
- ATC Color Display Guidelines
- Identification of HF issue in future National Air
Space (NAS) architecture - Human Factors Design Standard update
1404 Human Factors Research
- AF
- HF aspects of technology for productivity
(wearable computers) - HF design standards for alerts and alarms at
maintenance workstations - HF aspects of communication and coordination
between maintainers and ATC operators - Investigation of password alternatives for
1504 Human Factors Research
- Individual and Team Performance
- Janus reporting and analysis tool for ATC
operational errors - Janus Flight and Janus Ground for runway
incursions - Operational error severity index
- AF fatigue countermeasures
- NATPRO on Intranet
- Employee Attitude Survey
- Intra-team communications and performance in AT
- Baseline development of verbal ATC communications
- Validation of ATC human performance metrics
- Intra-team communications in ATC towers
- Strategic human capital metrics
1604 Human Factors Research
- Personnel Selection
- Age 56 Exceptional Controller criteria and
metric development - Workforce retirement and attritions model
- Controller selection test longitudinal validation
- Controller selection test parallel form
development - Job/Task analyses for selected AF occupations
- Individualized assessment of ATCS applicant
temperament - Assess existing supervisory and managerial
selection process