Title: Web Services Conversation Language (WSCL)
1Web Services Conversation Language(WSCL)
- Introduction
- Elements of a WSCL specification
- - Document types
- - Interactions
- - Transitions
- - Conversations
- Example
3What is WSCL?
- Web Services Conversation Language.
- WSCL conversation definitions are themselves XML
documents. - Specifies the XML documents being exchanged, and
the allowed sequencing of these document
exchanges. - WSCL and WSDL are highly complimentary WSDL
specifies how to send messages to a service and
WSCL specifies the order in which such message
can be sent.
4Elements of a WSCL Specification
- There are four main elements of a WSCL
specification - Document type descriptions
- Interactions
- Transitions
- Conversations
5Document type descriptions
- Specify the types (schemas) of XML documents the
service can accept and transmit in the course of
a conversation. - The document schemas are separate XML documents
referenced by their URL in the XMLDocumemtType
elements of the conversation specification - InboundXMLDocument
- OutboundXMLDocument
- hrefSchema - refers to the schema to which the
documents corresponds. - id - can be used within the rest of the
conversation definition. - Example An input document that conforms to a
purchase order schema defined in
ltInboundXMLDocument hrefSchemahttp//foo.o
rg/PurchasePrderRQ.xsd idPurchaseOrderRQ
- An interaction is an exchange of documents
between a service and its client. - WSCL only models business level interactions. It
only specifies which business level documents are
exchanged and does not model how this exchange is
carried out by lower-level messaging protocols. - One-Way Interactions
- Send the service sends out an outbound
document. - Receive the service receives an inbound
- Two-Way Interactions
- SendReceive the service sends out an outbound
document and then expects to receive an inbound
document in reply. - ReceiveSend the service receives an inbound
document and then sends out an outbound document. - Empty does not contain any documents exchanged,
but is used only for modeling the start and end
of a conversation.
9Example One-Way Interactions
- One-Way interactions represent a single one-way
message being sent or received by a participant. - This example represents a Receive interaction
that receives a login document.
ltInteraction interactionType"Receive"
id"LoginRegInput"gt ltInboundXMLDocument
lt/InboundXMLDocumentgt lt/Interactiongt
10Example Two-Way Interactions
- A SendReceive example Each SendReceive
interaction is the logical unit of sending a
request and then receiving a response. The
interaction is not complete until the response
has been exchanged.
ltInteraction interactionType"SendReceive"
id"Payment"gt ltOutboundXMLDocument
id"Invoice" hrefSchema"http//foo.o
rg/InvoiceRS.xsd"gt lt/OutboundXMLDocumentgt
ltInboundXMLDocument id"Payment
lt/InboundXMLDocumentgt lt/Interactiongt
11Example Two-Way Interactions
- This example shows a Purchase interaction that
specifies two additional outbound document types
for the case of invalid payment and out of stock.
ltInteraction interactionType"ReceiveSend"
id"Purchase" gt ltInboundXMLDocument
" gt lt/InboundXMLDocumentgt
ltOutboundXMLDocument id"PurchaseOrderAcceptedRS"
eOrderAcceptedRS.xsd" gt lt/OutboundXMLDocumentgt
ltOutboundXMLDocument id"InvalidPaymentRS"
PaymentRS.xsd" gt lt/OutboundXMLDocumentgt
ltOutboundXMLDocument id"OutOfStockRS"
gt lt/OutboundXMLDocumentgt lt/Interactiongt
- Transitions specify the ordering relationships
between interactions. - SourceInteracion precede the DestinationInteract
ion when the conversation is executed. - DestinationInteraction follow the
SourceInteraction when the conversation is
executed. - SourceInteractionCondition an additional
condition for the transition. (Optionally)
ltTransitiongt ltSourceInteraction
href"Login"/gt ltDestinationInteraction
href"Login"/gt ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"InvalidLoginRS"/gt lt/Transitiongt
ltTransitiongt ltSourceInteraction
href"Login"/gt ltDestinationInteraction
href"Purchase"/gt ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"ValidLoginRS"/gt lt/Transitiongt
14Initial and Final Interactions
- Part of defining the possible ordering of
interactions is the specification of the first
and last interactions of a conversation. - initialInteraction references the ID of the first
interaction to be executed in the conversation. - finalInteraction references the ID of the last
interaction to be executed in the conversation. - Example
ltConversation nameExampleConversation
initialInteraction Login
finalInteraction Purchasegt
15Initial and Final Interactions
- There might be more than one interaction with
which the conversation can start or end. - To specify several possible start and end
interactions, interactions of type Empty is used. - An interaction type Empty is an interaction in
which no documents are exchanged. Currently, the
only situation in which Empty interactions can be
used in a conversation definition is when several
possible final or initial interactions need to be
- Conversations list all the interactions and
transitions that make up the conversation. - A conversation contains additional information
about the conversation, including the
conversations name and the interaction the
conversation can start with and end with. - The Conversation element contains the following
two sub elements - ConversationInteractions list all Interaction
elements. - ConversationTransitions lists all Transition
- The Conversation element contains the following
attributes - initialInteraction and finalInteraction
- name the name of the conversation
- version(optional) the version of the
conversation. - targetNamespace(optional) the namespace of this
conversation as it should be used when elements
of this conversation are referenced in other XML
documents. - hrefSchema(optional) the URL of the file
containing this conversation definition. - description(optional)
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltConversation namesimpleConversation"
- version"1.01
- xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2002/02/wscl10"
- initialInteraction"Start"
- finalInteraction"End
- description"Conversation for a Store Front
Service" - ltConversationInteractionsgt
- list of all the interactions
- lt/ConversationInteractionsgt
- ltConversationTransitionsgt
- list of all the transitions
- lt/ConversationTransitionsgt
- lt/Conversationgt
19Example purchase conversation definition
login ReceiveSend
Purchase ReceiveSend
OutOfStockRS InvalidPaymentRS
shipping Send
20Example purchase conversation definition
- ltConversation namepurchaseConversation"
- xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2002/02/wscl10"
- initialInteraction"Start"
- finalInteraction"End" gt
- ltConversationInteractionsgt
- ltInteraction interactionType"ReceiveSen
d" id"Login"gt - ltInboundXMLDocument
hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/LoginRQ.xsd" - id"LoginRQ"/gt
- ltOutboundXMLDocument
hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/ValidLoginRS.xsd - id"ValidLoginRS"/gt
- ltOutboundXMLDocument
- id"InvalidLoginRS" /gt
- lt/Interactiongt
21Example purchase conversation definition
- ltInteraction interactionType"ReceiveSend"
id"Purchase" gt - ltInboundXMLDocument hrefSchema"http//conv123
.org/PurchaseOrderRQ.xsd" - id"PurchaseOrderRQ" /gt
- ltOutboundXMLDocument id"PurchaseOrderAccepted
RS" - hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/Purchase
OrderAcceptedRS.xsd" /gt - ltOutboundXMLDocument id"InvalidPaymentRS
- hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/InvalidP
aymentRS.xsd" /gt - ltOutboundXMLDocument id"OutOfStockRS"
- hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/OutOfSto
ckRS.xsd" /gt - lt/Interactiongt
- ltInteraction interactionType"Send" id"Shipping"
gt - ltOutboundXMLDocument id"ShippingInformation"
- hrefSchema"http//conv123.org/Shipping
Information.xsd" /gt - lt/Interactiongt
- ltInteraction interactionType"Empty" id"Start"
/gt - ltInteraction interactionType"Empty" id"End" /gt
- lt/ConversationInteractionsgt
22Example purchase conversation definition
- ltConversationTransitionsgt
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Start"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"Login"/gt
- lt/Transitiongt
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Login"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction
href"Purchase"/gt - ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"ValidLoginRS"/gt - lt/Transitiongt
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Login"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"Login"/gt
- ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"InvalidLoginRS"/gt - lt/Transitiongt
23Example purchase conversation definition
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Purchase"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"Shipping"/gt
- ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"PurchaseAcceptedRS"/gt - lt/Transitiongt
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Shipping"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"End"/gt
- lt/Transitiongt
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Purchase"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"End"/gt
- ltSourceInteractionCondition href"InvalidPaymen
tRS"/gt - lt/Transitiongt
24Example purchase conversation definition
- ltTransitiongt
- ltSourceInteraction href"Purchase"/gt
- ltDestinationInteraction href"End"/gt
- ltSourceInteractionCondition
href"OutOfStockRS"/gt - lt/Transitiongt
- lt/ConversationTransitionsgt
- lt/Conversationgt
25(No Transcript)