Title: The 2005 Sharing A Vision Conference will feature the
1Creative Expressions Art Gallery
The 2005 Sharing A Vision Conference will feature
the exhibition and silent auction of young
childrens artwork gathered from around the State
of Illinois.
Where Doubletree Hotel, Chicago-Oak
Brook When October 19, 20 and 21, 2005
In order to make this a successful event, we are
requesting donations from students who are
enrolled in early childhood programs. Items will
be collected from November 1, 2004 through August
1, 2005.
- Select items that show creativity and
originality. - No items will be returned.
- Conference participants will have the
opportunity to bid on exhibited items. - All funds collected from the sale of items and
silent auction will be used to support the
Sharing A Vision Conference. - A signed Parental Consent Form must accompany
each item. Your Art Committee Representative
will provide you with a permission slip. - We would like to display pictures of children
engaged in creating. Please take digital or
regular snapshots and attach to the exhibit item.
- 3-Dimensional objects can not exceed 8½ x 11
base and 24 high. - Media Clay, paper, wood, metal, plastic, etc.
- Paintings, drawings and collages can not exceed
16 x 20. - No fragile items (items must be transportable).
Contact one of your local art committee
representatives to make arrangements for the
delivery of quality art gallery items.
Maria Hadley 309/663-1240 ml-hadley_at_wiu.edu
Jodi Knapp 309/432-2047 j-knapp_at_wiu.edu
Nataki Edmond 773/535-0113 nnedmond_at_cps.k12.il.us
Gary Dozier 618/632-3935 garydozier1_at_aol.com
Jennifer Weidner 217/923-5141 jennifer_at_erbainc.org