Title: History of Coastal Restoration in Louisiana
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3History of Coastal Restoration in Louisiana
- 1965 Mississippi Delta Region Authorization
(Davis Pond and Caernarvon) - 1967 Louisiana Coastal Area, LA Authorization
- 1989 Act 6- Created CRD, Established Wetland
Conservation and Restoration Authority and
Wetland Trust Fund - 1990 Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection and
Restoration Act (Breaux Act) Authorized - 1993 Breaux Act Restoration Plan
- 1998 Coast 2050 Toward a Sustainable Coastal
Louisiana - 2002 Initiated LCA Comprehensive Study
4Programs to Address Coastal Wetland Loss
5The Goal
- A Federal and State commitment to a
large-scale ecosystem restoration program in
Coastal Louisiana
- Comprehensive Plan for LA Coastal Restoration
- Collaborative effort of agencies
- Regional and National consensus
- Programmatic Authorization
- Long-term Federal interest defined
- Widespread Federal agency support
- Implementation of Plan
- Federal and Non-Federal Funding long-term
- Use of multiple funding sources
- Adaptive management
7Report Contents
- Problem definition, including future
without-project scenario - Recommended plan
- Plan implementation strategy
- Program management
- Federal and State resources
- Funding sources and responsibilities
- Science-based decision support systems
- Delegated authority
- Programmatic environmental impact statement
8Louisiana Coastal AreaPotential Solutions
- Keystone Strategies
- River reintroductions
- Barrier shoreline restoration
- Saltwater intrusion control
9Traditional Process
LCA Comprehensive Process
LCA Comp
PIR Phase/Design
Adaptive Management
Traditional vs. LCA Process
10Comprehensive Project Authorization Strategy
Approval Of Comprehensive Plan by Congress WRDA
PIR Authorized for Approval by Cong. Committee
Authorized for Construction
PIR Authorized by Congress In Future WRDAs
Group I
Group II
Group III
11Technical Studies
- Plan Formulation
- Socio-economic
- Environmental
- Cultural and Historic Resources
- Design and Cost Estimates
- Modeling
- Public Involvement
12LCA Public Involvement Process How can I be
informed of study progress?
- Be on our mailing list
- Breaux Act newsflash
- Attend LCA public meetings
- Visit the LCA website www.coast2050.gov for
current information - Request a presentation to your local school,
civic, religious, trade, or environmental group
13LCA Public Involvement ProcessHow can I
- Comment at coastwide LCA public meetings
- Comment on the study using a comment card on the
LCA website www.coast2050.gov - Write letters or emails to document your concerns
- Encourage your local civic, religious, trade, or
environmental group to involved in the study. - You can join existing Stakeholder Groups that are
involved in the study. - Encourage Federal Interest
- Tell your family and friends
14- When and Where are the Next Public Meetings
- When - April and May of 2003
- Where You tell us!
The effects of the LCA will be far reaching, so
get involved, make a difference, be heard, be a
part of it all.
The effects of the LCA will be far reaching, so
get involved, make a difference, be heard, be a
part of it all.