Title: Forensic Analysis DNA and Protein Assays
1Forensic Analysis DNA and Protein Assays
- Load the gel
- Poaching
- Equipment in a Forensics Lab
- Tests that the Forensics Lab can do
- Species ID
- Gender determination
- Genotyping
- Determining if the bear remains found in
Yellowstone belong to the bear hide found in the
suspects house - Analyze the Gel
- Out of season
- Taking of more fish or game then the law allows
- Killing of protected wildlife
- Wrong gender
- Trespassing
- Numerous others
4Why Poach???
- Sometimes for the meat
- Ungulates-Antlers, horns, tails
- Black bear-gall bladders (2,000 each) and paws
(175 each) - Raptors-Feathers and falconers
5Different Kinds of Evidence
6Lab Equipment
- Some of the equipment you will see in the lab
- Can you identify the equipment?
- How do you think scientists use this equipment?
- Why do you think scientists need these pieces of
7Lab Equipment
8Lab Equipment
9Lab Equipment
10Services Available for Forensic Analysis
- Species Identification
- Gender Analysis by PCR
- Matching of Items Using Microsatellites
11Bear hide from the house of the person suspected
of shooting the animal in Yellow Stone
12Gathering the Evidence
- Processing the evidence
- Can you think of ways that evidence can be
destroyed or ruined by the way that you handle it?
13Determining the Species
- Instead of a DNA test we use a protein assay
14(No Transcript)
15DNA Extractions
- DNA is found in every cell except red blood
cells. This allows for extraction of DNA from
tissue, blood (from white blood cells), bones,
antlers, horns, and most major organs.
16Gender DNA Analysis XX-Female XY-Male
Example of a gender gelOne band pattern is
XX-femaleTwo band pattern is XY-Male
17Polymerase Chain Reaction
18Gender determination
19Genotyping by Microsatellite Matching
Chromosomes Different parts of chromosomes are
examined to see if they match
- Activity Sheet 1 Gender Determination and
Genotyping - Activity Sheet 2 DNA Extraction from Fruit