Title: Why are your children coming to IslandWood
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2Why are your children coming to IslandWood?
3The average seven year-old can identify up to
200 corporate logos but cannot name the type of
tree in front of his or her home. - National
Environmental Education Training Foundation
4IslandWoods Mission to provide exceptional
learning experiences and inspire lifelong
environmental and community stewardship.
5IslandWood is a school designed by and for kids
just like them.
6Where is IslandWood?
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8When they arrive
9Sleeping Lodge
10Student Room
11Student Bathroom
Be Respectful Be Safe Have Fun
13What will they be doing at IslandWood?
830 Get ready for Field Study 900
Friendship Circle 930 Field Study
700 Wake Up 730 Breakfast
15Friendship Circle
16Working as a Team
17Art Science
18Exploring Observing
1200 Lunch
700 Wake Up 730 Breakfast 830 Get ready
for Field Study 900 Friendship
Circle 930 Field Study
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100 Field Study
700 Wake Up 730 Breakfast 830 Get ready for
Field Study 900 Friendship Circle 930 Field
Study 1200 Lunch
22Where will they explore?
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24Macs Stream
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26Blakely Harbor
400 Lodge Time 500 Dinner
700 Wake Up 730 Breakfast 830 Get ready
for Field Study 900 Friendship
Circle 930 Field Study 1200 Lunch 100 Field
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29Dining Hall
700 Wake Up 730 Breakfast 830 Get ready for
Field Study 900 Friendship Circle 930 Field
Study 1200 Lunch 100 Field Study 400 Lodge
Time 500 Dinner 600 Lodge Time
700 Evening Programs 815 Reflection
in Lodges 900 Quiet Time 930 Lights Out
31What should they bring?
32Many items can be borrowed from IslandWood
33What to Bring Warm Socks Comfortable Walking
Shoes Warm Layers Rain Jacket Rain
Pants Warm Hat Gloves Backpack Water
Bottle Sleeping Bag/Comforter Pillow Towel
Soap may be borrowed
34and a great attitude!
35What will they take home from IslandWood?
36New knowledge, skills experiences
37and the desire to make a difference at home.
38- If I really try my hardest I can make a big
impact on the world around me
- I have a whole different side to me. I also
found out I love nature and electronics arent
what keep me satisfied.
I have more brains than I thought.
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