Title: How do children treat each other
1Nahid Islam Yr5
How do children treat each other?
3I drew 10 pictures
- The pictures had questions on them or described a
situation - 5 situations were mean
- 5 situations were nice.
- I asked 7 children in year 5.
- I asked them if they had experienced these
4Pasta shells
- Children would put pasta shells on top of the
drawing if they had experienced what was in the
drawing - 3 pasta shells if they strongly agreed with what
the picture represented - 2 pasta shells if they agreed
- 1 if they agreed slightly
- 0 if they did not agree
5My results
6When do you feel neglected? If you try to be
friends with someone and they just be completely
rude and look at you with a frown on their face.
They might tell you to get lost
72 Somebody not passing in football (or
no teamwork in any other sport). Pass it hereI
aint passing to you, youre rubbish 1,1,2,1,3,2,
8- Somebody is being rude. Do you want to play
with me? The other person replies Get Lost. -
- 3,0,0/1, 0,0,1,1
9 People making fun of the stuff you wear.
The boy says Nice dress, NOT! and then the girl
frowns. 3,0,0,2,2,2,2
10 Do people listen to you? (Two monkeys
sitting on a log. One asks hey can I take a
banana from your banana tree? The other one just
hums.) 2,3,3,1,2,3,2
12 Somebody complementing somebody else. One
boy says Hey, nice hair! . the other person
says Backatcha (this mean back to you)
13 Somebody playing football with another
person. One player says Nice shot and the other
player says thanks. 2,0,3,3,2,3,2
14Are people friendly? One person asks Do you
need some help? and the other person nods his
head. He is working on a Save the World
poster. 3, 3,3,1,2,2,3.
15Somebody getting help after falling over. In the
picture one person says thank you and the other
person says dont mention it 3, 3,2,3,1,2,2.
16Do people show teamwork in sport other than
football? (In the picture a popular person shows
encouragement and teamwork to an unpopular
person) 2,3,3,0,3,2,3.
- All children have experienced neglect from other
children - This might be because someone has ignored them or
been rude to them - The good news is that all children have been
complemented by other children - A lot of them have experienced kindness from
other children very strongly (3 pasta shells)
- Sport provides a chance for children to show good
sportsmanship which children sometimes do and
sometimes dont. - I think all children should get along together,
because we share the same wild sky, clouds, rain
and sun.