Title: Transitioning from Shapefiles to Geodatabases
1Transitioning from Shapefiles to Geodatabases
- Intros
- Review GDB Concepts/Formats
- Tips and Tricks/Lessons Learned
- Hands-on Converting SHP to GDB
3Why use GDBs?
- Improve data integrity, consistency, speed
- Faciliate data management (editing, multi-user,
etc.) - Handy storage container
- Expanded functionality
- Subtypes, domains, relationship classes
- Topology rules
- Enforce spatial references
- Networks, Terrains
- But, GDBs are not appropriate for all
4GDB Pitfalls
- Complexity complicates utilization
- Map display of related features, identification
of attributes - Querying across relationships often requires SQL
statements - Data delivery challenges
- Creation and maintenance requires good GIS skills
- Relationship Classes ltgt Database Integrity
5SHP Pitfalls
- Flat-file format
- Restrictive naming convention
- Lacks topology
- Hard to track updates/versions
- No inherent mechanisms to enforce
- data integrity
- Multiple conversions required when
- dealing with GPS and other data sources
(Analogy courtesy of Joel Cusick AKRO!)
6GDB Options at 9.2
7(No Transcript)
Feature Dataset
Feature Classes
Relationship Classes
Object Tables
In a feature class, a row stores a feature
(sort of similar to a row in a DBF of a shapefile)
- Allow categorization of features
- for display
- for analysis
- for validation
- Defined at feature class level
10Relationship Classes
- Associate feature classes to object tables or
- object tables to object tables
- assign behaviors (e.g. cascades)
- assign rules (a type of integrity)
- Not materialized as database relationships!!!
- Data validation and integrity
- Defined at geodatabase level
- Useable across all FCs, tables
123 GDB Raster Data Types
Raster Datasets
Raster Catalogs
Raster Attributes in feature classes or tables
13Raster Attribute Tables
- Anyone remember .VAT (value attribute tables)
in Arc/INFO?
14Topology Rules
- Manage how feature classes share geometries
(nodes/points, arcs/lines, polys) - Enforce geometric relationships and consistencies
- Enhance editing, data validation (visually)
- Examples of rules (currently there are 25)
- Line must not self-intersect
- Line must not have dangles
- Polygons must not have overlaps
15Other Features of 9.2 GBDs
- Annotation feature classes
- Networks/Routing
- Terrains
- Versioning, Replication and Archiving
- Cartographic Representations
- High Precision Coordinates
- ArcGIS Help (surprisingly useful)
- http//webhelp.esri.com
- EGIS ESRI UC 2007 site
- http//egis.nps.gov/services/esriuc2007.aspx
- ESRI Virtual Campus
- http//data2.itc.nps.gov/gis/esri/vc.cfm
- Tools/Utilities (Geodatabase Designer, XML
Export, Case Tools, ArcToolbox)
17Converting to GDBs
- What are your goals?
- How will your data be used?
- Who are your users?
- Who maintains the data?
- Storage vs. Usage
- Read-only vs. Active Editing
- Sophisticated GDB capabilities do you really
need them?
18Tips and Tricks
Lessons Learned
Aneth Wight and Russ DenBleyker (NCPN, CANY,
COLM) - Vegetation Geodatabases Heather Stanton
(GRE) - Data models, topology and personal
SDE Judy Daniels and Branon Barrett (SRI) - File
geodatabases and imagery Peter Lindstrom (CAVE)
- Park data management and workflows
19Soil Resource Inventory and Geodatabases
- Judy Daniels
- Project/Data Manager
- 303.969.2091
20SRI File Geodatabase
- Limitless storage capability
- No Lock Files!
- Increased performance
- for large files
- Raster Catalog
- Imagery Management
- no need to cache images referenced by the file
GDB - Store individual images (SRI does not use
mosaics) - Do not use the add data function in ArcMap
drag image catalog object from ArcCatalog to
ArcMap TOC (prevents loading of overlapping
images) - Note Raster datasets are continuous single
21SRI Personal GDB
- Locking issue with MSAccess
- In ArcGIS (desktop and server), MDB file will
lock if opened by someone with read/write
permission (i.e. the author) - No lock files produced with multiple users who
have read-only access - Therefore, problems occur with mixed user
permissions and are a concern when distributing
22Using Help Files Stored on a Server
- On Window Server 2003 OS
- SRI uses help files to share soil characteristics
- When complied as HTML, Windows sees it as a
security risk - Open in HTML help window blocked as security
risk - LOL - both are MS products!!!
- When complied as individual HTML pages, not a
security risk - Open with a Internet Explorer window
- Problem resolved!!!
23Data Modeling and Design
- Choose a practical level of detail/normalization
- Start with a schema (exported as XML or designed
in ArcCatalog) - Or, just hack away at it (exports/imports in
ArcCatalog, use interchange files)
24Data Prep Some Tips
- BACKUPS!!!!!
- Geometry Issues
- Run Repair and Clean (example tool/script)
- Data clean-up (duplicates, etc.)
- Skeleton of GDB model match up data
- Data interchange (temp tables, XML, etc.)
- Test structure and logic understand initial
pitfalls of your data - Script everything you can easy do overs