Title: Truly Tapeless Workflow(s)
1Truly Tapeless Workflow(s)
- IT is Going Outside
- Files Are Going HD
- Videotape is Going
- Gone!
- Theres No Stopping IT
Peter Fasciano Fellow, Advance Development Co-Foun
der, Avid Technology
2Tapeless Workflow(s), Defined
- The NLE workflow began-
- NLE, an island, an IT guest in the house of video
- Play video in, do stuff, play video out to tape
- Local storage for each NLE system, Paint system
3Tapeless Workflow(s), Defined
- The NLE workflow is maturing
- Workgroup or Enterprise central/shared storage
- Titles/graphics, effects, video editing, audio
sweetening - Ingest from field systems based on videotape
- Original footage on videotape provides a safety
net - Original footage becomes a preliminary archive
- Publish to playout servers, Web, DVD, videotape,
4Tapeless Workflow(s), Defined
- The NLE workflow is becoming critical
- Workgroup or Enterprise central/shared storage
- Needs to be 6? reliable, carrier class, digital
dialtone - Ingest from field systems based on ??
- Original footage Whats original footage?
- Original footage becomes a problem to archive
- Publish to playout servers, Web, DVD, videotape,
5Tapeless Workflow(s), Defined
- The NLE workflow and 6? reliability
- Ingest and 6?
- Double write on ingest Local write / push to
Enterprise - Dual Ingest Store locally / push to NN
mirrored files - Playout and 6?
- Flatten, Forward Store
- The less playout technology, the better
- Nothing more complex than concatenated flatfile
6Tapeless Workflow(s), Defined
- The NLE workflow and 6? reliability
- Bandwidth and 6? For many competing workflows
- High QoS production fabric - bandwidth for all
clients - The client count is going up need more viewing
stations - Production fabrics peak load design/management
- Data files move at max wirespeeds, not
videospeeds - File Xfer to playout systems ASAP
7Tapeless Workflow(s), Outdoors
- The NLP workflow I.T. is going outside
- Adding field acquisition with I.T. based cameras
- Completely eliminates videotape (raw footage)
- Casual, ubiquitous screening/preview becomes an
issue - Need more workflow options/strategies in the
field - Field data copying archiving
- File sequence transport options
8Tapeless Workflow(s), Ahead
- The NLP workflow I.T. needs standards
- MXF AAF good technologies a good start
- Moving files from camcorders to NLEs
- I.T. Media Plug-n-Play is the goal
- Metadata MXF eliminate need to re-wrap files
- OP-Atom is preferred for NLE performance
9Tapes Workflow a look back
- Tape based systems are naturally diffuse
- Failures are physically isolated events
- The rest of the facility remains unaffected
- Enterprise failures
- What happened? Was it a virus?
- Bandwidth and subnetting divide conquer
- Distribute the fabric breakaway bandwidth
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