Title: Questions for Memoirists
1Questions for Memoirists
2What are my earliest memories? How far back can I
3What are the most important things that have
happened to me in my life so far?
4what my family and I are like?
Whats an incident that shows
5Whats an incident that shows what my friends and
I are like?
6Whats an incident that shows what my pets and I
are like?
7Whats something that happened to me at school
that Ill always remember?
8Whats something that happened to me at home that
Ill always remember?
9Whats an incident that changed how I think or
feel about something?
10What have I seen that I cant forget?
11Whats an incident that changed my life?
12Whats a time or place that I was perfectly
13Whats a time or place that I laughed a lot?
14Whats a time with a parent that Ill never
15Whats a time with a grandparent that Ill never
16Whats a time or place when it felt as if my
heart were breaking?
17Whats a time with a brother or sister that Ill
never forget?
18Can I remember a time I learned to do something,
or did something for the first time?