Topic 4 Formation of contract - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topic 4 Formation of contract


Lapses time to accept the offer? Is a display of goods an offer? ... undue delay, the offeror informs the offeree that it considers the offer as having lapsed. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topic 4 Formation of contract

Topic 4Formation of contract
  • 2005 Inga Martinkute,

  • Offer
  • Acceptance
  • Form
  • Pre-contractual obligations
  • Capacity of parties

  • CC 6.162 6.186
    AGENTS SECTION 1 FORMATION Art 2.1.1 2.1.21
  • Principles of European Contract law CHAPTER 2
    FORMATION Art 2 101 2211

Goods, price
What if?
  • Offeror changes his mind?
  • Lapses time to accept the offer?
  • Is a display of goods an offer?
  • Is silence an acceptance?
  • Acceptance modifies the offer?

Offer - CC
  • 6.167 straipsnis. Oferta
  • 1. Pasiulymas sudaryti sutarti laikomas oferta,
    jeigu jis pakankamai apibudintas ir ireikia
    oferento ketinima buti sutarties saistomam ir
    isipareigojanciam akcepto atveju.
  • 2. Oferta gali buti adresuota konkreciam asmeniui
    arba nenustatytam asmenu skaiciui (vieoji

Offer - CISG
  • Article 14
  • (1) A proposal for concluding a contract
    addressed to one or more specific persons
    constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently
    definite and indicates the intention of the
    offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. A
    proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates
    the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or
    makes provision for determining the quantity and
    the price. (2) A proposal other than one
    addressed to one or more specific persons is to
    be considered merely as an invitation to make
    offers, unless the contrary is clearly indicated
    by the person making the proposal.

  • ARTICLE 2.1.2
  • (Definition of offer)
  • A proposal for concluding a contract constitutes
    an offer if it is sufficiently definite
  • and indicates the intention of the offeror to be
    bound in case of acceptance.

Offer European principles
  • Article 2201 Offer
  • (1) A proposal amounts to an offer if
  • (a) it is intended to result in a contract if the
    other party accepts it, and
  • (b) it contains sufficiently definite terms to
    form a contract.
  • (2) An offer may be made to one or more specific
    persons or to the public.
  • (3) A proposal to supply goods or services at
    stated prices made by a professional supplier in
    a public advertisement or a catalogue, or by a
    display of goods, is presumed to be an offer to
    sell or supply at that price until the stock of
    goods, or the supplier's capacity to supply the
    service, is exhausted.

Revocation of offer - CC
  • 6.168 straipsnis. Ofertos galiojimas
  • 1. Oferta isigalioja, kai ja gauna akceptantas.
  • 2. Oferta, net ir neataukiama, oferentas gali
    panaikinti, jeigu praneima apie jos panaikinima
    adresatas gauna anksciau negu oferta arba kartu
    su ja.
  • 6.169 straipsnis. Ofertos ataukimas
  • 1. Kol sutartis nesudaryta, oferta galima
    ataukti, jeigu praneima apie jos ataukima
    akceptantas gauna prie isiusdamas akcepta.
  • 2. Taciau oferta negali buti ataukta, jeigu
  • 1) ofertoje nurodant tam tikra termina jai
    akceptuoti ar kitokiu budu nustatyta, kad ji
  • 2) akceptantas turejo protinga pagrinda manyti,
    kad oferta yra neataukiama ir, remdamasis ja,
    atitinkamai veike.
  • 6.170 straipsnis. Ofertos pabaiga
  • Oferta netenka galios, kai atsisakyma ja
    akceptuoti gauna oferentas arba per nustatyta
    termina negauna atsakymo.

Revocation of offer - CISG
  • Article 15
  • (1) An offer becomes effective when it reaches
    the offeree. (2) An offer, even if it is
    irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal
    reaches the offeree before or at the same time as
    the offer.
  • Article 16
  • (1) Until a contract is concluded an offer may be
    revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree
    before he has dispatched an acceptance. (2)
    However, an offer cannot be revoked
  • (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed
    time for acceptance or otherwise, that it is
    irrevocable or
  • (b) if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely
    on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree
    has acted in reliance on the offer.
  • Article 17
  • An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is
    terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.

Revocation - UNIDROIT
  • ARTICLE 2.1.3
  • (Withdrawal of offer)
  • (1) An offer becomes effective when it reaches
    the offeree.
  • (2) An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be
    withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches
  • the offeree before or at the same time as the
  • ARTICLE 2.1.4
  • (Revocation of offer)
  • (1) Until a contract is concluded an offer may be
    revoked if the revocation reaches
  • the offeree before it has dispatched an
  • (2) However, an offer cannot be revoked
  • (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed
    time for acceptance or otherwise, that
  • it is irrevocable or
  • (b) if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely
    on the offer as being irrevocable and
  • the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.
  • ARTICLE 2.1.5
  • (Rejection of offer)
  • An offer is terminated when a rejection reaches
    the offeror.

Revocation - European
  • Article 2202 Revocation of an Offer
  • (1) An offer may be revoked if the revocation
    reaches the offeree before it has dispatched its
    acceptance or, in cases of acceptance by conduct,
    before the contract has been concluded under
    Article 2205(2) or (3).
  • (2) An offer made to the public can be revoked by
    the same means as were used to make the offer.
  • (3) However, a revocation of an offer is
    ineffective if
  • (a) the offer indicates that it is irrevocable
  • (b) it states a fixed time for its acceptance or
  • (c) it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on
    the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree
    has acted in reliance on the offer.
  • Article 2203 Rejection
  • When a rejection of an offer reaches the offeror,
    the offer lapses..

Acceptance - CC
  • 6.173 straipsnis. Akceptas ir jo formos
  • 1. Akceptanto pareikimas arba kitoks jo elgesys,
    kuriuo pareikiamas ofertos priemimas, laikomas
    akceptu. Tylejimas arba neveikimas savaime
    nelaikomas akceptu.
  • 2. Akceptas sukelia teisines pasekmes nuo to
    momento, kai ji gauna oferentas.
  • 3. Jeigu ofertoje numatyta galimybe ja akceptuoti
    nepraneant apie tai oferentui (tylejimu ar
    konkliudentiniais veiksmais) arba tokia ivada
    darytina atsivelgiant i egzistuojancius aliu
    santykius arba paprocius, tai akceptas sukelia
    teisines pasekmes nuo atitinkamu akceptanto valia
    reikianciu veiksmu atlikimo.

Acceptance - CISG
  • Article 18
  • (1) A statement made by or other conduct of the
    offeree indicating assent to an offer is an
    acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in
    itself amount to acceptance. (2) An acceptance of
    an offer becomes effective at the moment the
    indication of assent reaches the offeror. An
    acceptance is not effective if the indication of
    assent does not reach the offeror within the time
    he has fixed or, if no time is fixed, within a
    reasonable time, due account being taken of the
    circumstances of the transaction, including the
    rapidity of the means of communication employed
    by the offeror. An oral offer must be accepted
    immediately unless the circumstances indicate
  • (3) However, if, by virtue of the offer or as a
    result of practices which the parties have
    established between themselves or of usage, the
    offeree may indicate assent by performing an act,
    such as one relating to the dispatch of the goods
    or payment of the price, without notice to the
    offeror, the acceptance is effective at the
    moment the act is performed, provided that the
    act is performed within the period of time laid
    down in the preceding paragraph.
  • Article 19
  • (1) A reply to an offer which purports to be an
    acceptance but contains additions, limitations or
    other modifications is a rejection of the offer
    and constitutes a counter-offer. (2) However, a
    reply to an offer which purports to be an
    acceptance but contains additional or different
    terms which do not materially alter the terms of
    the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the
    offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to
    the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that
    effect. If he does not so object, the terms of
    the contract are the terms of the offer with the
    modifications contained in the acceptance.
  • (3) Additional or different terms relating, among
    other things, to the price, payment, quality and
    quantity of the goods, place and time of
    delivery, extent of one party's liability to the
    other or the settlement of disputes are
    considered to alter the terms of the offer

Acceptance - UNIDROIT
  • ARTICLE 2.1.6
  • (Mode of acceptance)
  • (1) A statement made by or other conduct of the
    offeree indicating assent to an offer is an
    acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in
    itself amount to acceptance.
  • (2) An acceptance of an offer becomes effective
    when the indication of assent reaches the
  • (3) However, if, by virtue of the offer or as a
    result of practices which the parties have
    established between themselves or of usage, the
    offeree may indicate assent by performing an act
    without notice to the offeror, the acceptance is
    effective when the act is performed.

Acceptance - European
  • Article 2204 Acceptance
  • (1) Any form of statement or conduct by the
    offeree is an acceptance if it indicates assent
    to the offer.
  • (2) Silence or inactivity does not in itself
    amount to acceptance.

When the contract is concluded?
  • CC
  • 6.181 straipsnis. Sutarties sudarymo momentas
  • 1. Sutartis laikoma sudaryta nuo to momento, kai
    oferentas gauna akcepta, jeigu sutartyje
    nenumatyta ko kita.
  • CISG
  • Article 23
  • A contract is concluded at the moment when an
    acceptance of an offer becomes effective in
    accordance with the provisions of this
  • ARTICLE 2.1.6
  • (Mode of acceptance)
  • (2) An acceptance of an offer becomes effective
    when the indication of assent reaches the
  • European
  • Article 2205 Time of Conclusion of the Contract
  • (1) If an acceptance has been dispatched by the
    offeree the contract is concluded when the
    acceptance reaches the offeror.
  • (2) In case of acceptance by conduct, the
    contract is concluded when notice of the conduct
    reaches the offeror.
  • (3) If by virtue of the offer, of practices which
    the parties have established between themselves,
    or of a usage, the offeree may accept the offer
    by performing an act without notice to the
    offeror, the contract is concluded when the
    performance of the act begins.

Time for acceptanceCC
  • 6.174 straipsnis. Akceptavimo terminas
  • 1. Oferta turi buti akceptuojama per oferento
    nurodyta termina, o kai jis nenurodytas, per
    protinga termina, atsivelgiant i konkrecias
    aplinkybes, tarp ju ir i aliu naudojamu ryio
    priemoniu galimybes.
  • 2. odine oferta turi buti akceptuojama
    nedelsiant, jeigu atsivelgiant i konkrecias
    aplinkybes nedarytina kitokia ivada.
  • 6.175 straipsnis. Akceptavimas per nustatyta
  • 1. Oferento telegramoje ar laike nurodytas
    akceptavimo terminas pradedamas skaiciuoti nuo
    telegramos atidavimo isiusti arba nuo laike
    nurodytos datos, o kai i data nenurodyta, nuo
    ant voko esancios datos. Telekomunikaciju
    galiniais irenginiais oferento nurodytas
    akceptavimo terminas pradedamas skaiciuoti nuo to
    momento, kai oferta pasiekia adresata.
  • 2. Valstybiniu venciu ar ne darbo dienos
    iskaiciuojamos i nustatyta akceptavimo termina.
    Taciau jeigu praneimo apie akcepta negalima
    iteikti oferentui del to, kad paskutine termino
    diena yra valstybine vente ar ne darbo diena,
    tai terminas baigiasi pirma po jos einancia darbo
  • 6.176 straipsnis. Paveluotas akceptas
  • 1. Paveluotas akceptas galioja, jeigu oferentas
    nedelsdamas apie gavima pranea akceptantui arba
    nusiuncia jam atitinkama patvirtinima.
  • 2. Kai i laiko ar kito raytinio praneimo,
    kuriuo atsiunciamas paveluotas akceptas, galima
    nustatyti, jog jis isiustas laiku, ir
    normaliomis aplinkybemis oferentas ji butu gaves
    laiku, tai paveluotas akceptas laikomas
    galiojanciu, jeigu oferentas nedelsdamas
    nepranea akceptantui, kad jo oferta neteko

Time for acceptanceCISG
  • (1) A period of time for acceptance fixed by the
    offeror in a telegram or a letter begins to run
    from the moment the telegram is handed in for
    dispatch or from the date shown on the letter or,
    if no such date is shown, from the date shown on
    the envelope. A period of time for acceptance
    fixed by the offeror by telephone, telex or other
    means of instantaneous communication, begins to
    run from the moment that the offer reaches the
    offeree. (2) Official holidays or non-business
    days occurring during the period for acceptance
    are included in calculating the period. However,
    if a notice of acceptance cannot be delivered at
    the address of the offeror on the last day of the
    period because that day falls on an official
    holiday or a non-business day at the place of
    business of the offeror, the period is extended
    until the first business day which follows.
  • Article 21
  • (1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective
    as an acceptance if without delay the offeror
    orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a
    notice to that effect. (2) If a letter or other
    writing containing a late acceptance shows that
    it has been sent in such circumstances that if
    its transmission had been normal it would have
    reached the offeror in due time, the late
    acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless,
    without delay, the offeror orally informs the
    offeree that he considers his offer as having
    lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.

Time for acceptanceUNIDROIT
  • ARTICLE 2.1.7
  • (Time of acceptance)
  • An offer must be accepted within the time the
    offeror has fixed or, if no time is
  • fixed, within a reasonable time having regard to
    the circumstances, including the rapidity
  • of the means of communication employed by the
    offeror. An oral offer must be accepted
  • immediately unless the circumstances indicate
  • ARTICLE 2.1.8
  • (Acceptance within a fixed period of time)
  • A period of acceptance fixed by the offeror
    begins to run from the time that the offer
  • is dispatched. A time indicated in the offer is
    deemed to be the time of dispatch unless
  • the circumstances indicate otherwise.
  • ARTICLE 2.1.9
  • (Late acceptance. Delay in transmission)
  • (1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective
    as an acceptance if without undue
  • delay the offeror so informs the offeree or gives
    notice to that effect.
  • (2) If a communication containing a late
    acceptance shows that it has been sent in
  • such circumstances that if its transmission had
    been normal it would have reached the
  • offeror in due time, the late acceptance is
    effective as an acceptance unless, without
  • undue delay, the offeror informs the offeree that
    it considers the offer as having lapsed.

Time for acceptanceEuropean
  • Article 2206 Time Limit for Acceptance
  • In order to be effective, acceptance of an offer
    must reach the offeror within the time fixed by
  • (2) If no time has been fixed by the offeror
    acceptance must reach it within a reasonable
  • (3) In the case of an acceptance by an act of
    performance under art. 2205 (3), that act must
    be performed within the time for acceptance fixed
    by the offeror or, if no such time is fixed,
    within a reasonable time.
  • Article 2207 Late Acceptance
  • (1) A late acceptance is nonetheless effective as
    an acceptance if without delay the offeror
    informs the offeree that he treats it as such.
  • (2) If a letter or other writing containing a
    late acceptance shows that it has been sent in
    such circumstances that if its transmission had
    been normal it would have reached the offeror in
    due time, the late acceptance is effective as an
    acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror
    informs the offeree that it considers its offer
    as having lapsed.

Modification of acceptance
  • CC - 6.178 straipsnis. Akceptas su ilygomis
  • 1. Atsakymas i oferta, kai jame yra papildymu,
    ilygu ar kitokiu ofertos salygu pakeitimu,
    laikomas ofertos atmetimu ir yra prieprieine
  • 2. Atsakymas i oferta, kai jo tikslas
    akceptuoti, bet jame yra ofertos salygu esmes
    nekeicianciu papildomu ar skirtingu salygu,
    laikomas akceptu, jeigu oferentas, gaves
    atsakyma, nedelsdamas nepareikia prietaraujas
    tokiems papildymams ar pakeitimams. Jeigu
    oferentas to nepadaro, tai sutartis laikoma
    sudaryta pagal ofertos salygas su akcepte
    esanciais pakeitimais.
  • CISG
  • Article 19
  • (1) A reply to an offer which purports to be an
    acceptance but contains additions, limitations or
    other modifications is a rejection of the offer
    and constitutes a counter-offer. (2) However, a
    reply to an offer which purports to be an
    acceptance but contains additional or different
    terms which do not materially alter the terms of
    the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the
    offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to
    the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that
    effect. If he does not so object, the terms of
    the contract are the terms of the offer with the
    modifications contained in the acceptance.
  • (3) Additional or different terms relating, among
    other things, to the price, payment, quality and
    quantity of the goods, place and time of
    delivery, extent of one party's liability to the
    other or the settlement of disputes are
    considered to alter the terms of the offer
  • ARTICLE 2.1.11
  • (Modified acceptance)
  • (1) A reply to an offer which purports to be an
    acceptance but contains additions,
  • limitations or other modifications is a rejection
    of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.
  • (2) However, a reply to an offer which purports
    to be an acceptance but contains
  • additional or different terms which do not
    materially alter the terms of the offer
  • constitutes an acceptance, unless the offeror,
    without undue delay, objects to the
  • discrepancy. If the offeror does not object, the
    terms of the contract are the terms of the
  • offer with the modifications contained in the

Revocation of acceptance
  • CC
  • 6.177 straipsnis. Akcepto ataukimas
  • Akceptas netenka galios, jeigu praneima apie jo
    ataukima oferentas gauna anksciau arba tuo paciu
    momentu, kai akceptas isigalioja.
  • CISG
  • Article 22
  • An acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal
    reaches the offeror before or at the same time as
    the acceptance would have become effective.
  • ARTICLE 2.1.10
  • (Withdrawal of acceptance)
  • An acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal
    reaches the offeror before or at
  • the same time as the acceptance would have become

Battle of forms
  • CC
  • 6.179 straipsnis. Standartiniu salygu kolizija
  • Jeigu abi alys sudaro sutarti apsikeisdamos
    standartinemis sutarties salygomis, tai sutartis
    laikoma sudaryta pagal i esmes sutampancias
    standartines sutarties salygas, iskyrus atvejus,
    kai viena alis i anksto aikiai nurodo, jog ji
    nesutinka su kitos alies pasiulytomis
    standartinemis salygomis, arba apie toki
    nesutikima nedelsdama pranea tas salygas gavusi.
  • 6.180 straipsnis. Raytinis patvirtinimas
  • Kai alies raytiniame praneime, kuris pasiustas
    per protinga termina po sutarties sudarymo ir
    kuriuo patvirtinamas sutarties sudarymo faktas,
    yra nurodoma papildomu ar pakeistu salygu, ios
    salygos tampa sutarties dalimi, jeigu jos i
    esmes nekeicia sutarties salygu arba praneimo
    gavejas nedelsdamas nepareikia nesutinkas su
    tokiais papildymais ar pakeitimais.
  • ARTICLE 2.1.12
  • (Writings in confirmation)
  • If a writing which is sent within a reasonable
    time after the conclusion of the contract
  • and which purports to be a confirmation of the
    contract contains additional or
  • different terms, such terms become part of the
    contract, unless they materially alter the
  • contract or the recipient, without undue delay,
    objects to the discrepancy.
  • European
  • Article 2209 Conflicting General Conditions
  • (1) If the parties have reached agreement except
    that the offer and acceptance refer to
    conflicting general conditions of contract, a
    contract is nonetheless formed. The general
    conditions form part of the contract to the
    extent that they are common in substance.
  • (2) However, no contract is formed if one party
  • (a) has indicated in advance, explicitly, and not
    by way of general conditions, that it does not
    intend to be bound by a contract on the basis of
    paragraph (1) or

  • Form of a contract

Form - CC
  • 1.71 straipsnis. Sandoriu forma
  • 1. Sandoriai sudaromi odiu, ratu (paprasta
    arba notarine forma) arba konkliudentiniais
  • 1.72 straipsnis. odine sandoriu forma
  • 1. Sandoriai, kuriems istatymai ar aliu
    susitarimas nenustato raytines formos, gali buti
    sudaromi odiu.
  • 2. Su raytines sutarties vykdymu susije
    sandoriai gali buti sudaromi odiu, jeigu tai
    neprietarauja istatymams ar sutarciai.
  • 1.73 straipsnis. Raytine sandoriu forma
  • 1. Paprasta raytine forma turi buti sudaromi
  • 1) fiziniu asmenu sandoriai, kai sandorio suma
    sudarymo metu yra didesne kaip penki tukstanciai
    litu, iskyrus sandorius, kurie ir ivykdomi
    sudarymo metu
  • 2) juridiniu asmenu steigimo sandoriai
  • 3) prekiu pirkimo?pardavimo isimoketinai
  • 4) draudimo sutartys
  • 5) arbitrainiai susitarimai
  • 6) kilnojamojo daikto nuomos ilgesniam nei
    vieneriu metu terminui sutartys
  • 7) preliminarines sutartys
  • 8) asmens ilaikymo iki gyvos galvos (rentos)
  • 9) taikos sutartys
  • 10) kiti sandoriai, kuriems is kodeksas ar kiti
    istatymai nustato privaloma paprasta raytine
  • 2. Raytines formos sandoriai sudaromi suraant
    viena dokumenta, pasiraoma visu sandorio aliu,
    arba alims apsikeiciant atskirais dokumentais.
    Raytines formos dokumentui prilyginami aliu
    pasirayti dokumentai, perduoti telegrafinio,
    faksimilinio ryio ar kitokiais telekomunikaciju
    galiniais irenginiais, jeigu yra utikrinta
    teksto apsauga ir galima identifikuoti paraa.
  • 3. alys susitarimu gali nustatyti papildomu
    raytines sandorio formos reikalavimu (tam tikru
    asmenu parau buvimas, dokumento antspaudavimas,
    specialios formos dokumento suraymas ir t. t.)
    bei numatyti tokiu papildomu reikalavimu
    nesilaikymo teisines pasekmes. Kai alys iu
    reikalavimu nesilaiko, sandoris laikomas
    nesudarytu, jeigu aliu susitarimu nenustatyta ko

Form - CISG
  • Article 11
  • A contract of sale need not be concluded in or
    evidenced by writing and is not subject to any
    other requirement as to form. It may be proved by
    any means, including witnesses.
  • Article 12
  • Any provision of article 11, article 29 or Part
    II of this Convention that allows a contract of
    sale or its modification or termination by
    agreement or any offer, acceptance or other
    indication of intention to be made in any form
    other than in writing does not apply where any
    party has his place of business in a Contracting
    State which has made a declaration under article
    96 of this Convention. The parties may not
    derogate from or vary the effect or this article.
  • Article 13
  • For the purposes of this Convention "writing"
    includes telegram and telex.

  • ARTICLE 2.1.2
  • (Definition of offer)
  • A proposal for concluding a contract constitutes
    an offer if it is sufficiently definite
  • and indicates the intention of the offeror to be
    bound in case of acceptance.

  • Now
  • Pre - contractual relations

  • 6.163 straipsnis. aliu pareigos esant
    ikisutartiniams santykiams
  • 1. alys privalo elgtis sainingai ir esant
    ikisutartiniams santykiams.
  • 2. alys turi teise laisvai pradeti derybas bei
    deretis ir neatsako u tai, jog nepasiekiamas
    aliu susitarimas.
  • 3. alis, kuri pradeda derybas del sutarties
    sudarymo ar derasi nesainingai, privalo
    atlyginti kitai aliai padarytus nuostolius.
    Laikoma, kad derybos pradedamos ar deramasi
    nesainingai, kai derybu alis neturi tikslo
    sudaryti sutarti, taip pat atlieka kitus
    sainingumo kriteriju neatitinkancius veiksmus.
  • 4. alys privalo atskleisti viena kitai joms
    inoma informacija, turincia esmines reikmes
    sutarciai sudaryti.
  • 6.164 straipsnis. Konfidencialumo pareiga
  • 1. Jeigu viena alis derybu metu suteikia kitai
    aliai konfidencialia informacija, tai kita
    alis, suinojusi ar gavusi ia informacija,
    privalo jos neatskleisti ar nenaudoti savo
    tikslams neteisetu budu nepaisant to, ar sutartis
    sudaryta, ar ne. ia pareiga paeidusi alis
    privalo atlyginti kitai aliai padarytus
  • 2. Minimalus nuostoliai tokiais atvejais yra
    tokio dydio, kokia yra gauta nauda, ireikta
  • 6.165 straipsnis. Preliminarioji sutartis
  • 1. Preliminariaja sutartimi laikomas aliu
    susitarimas, pagal kuri jame aptartomis salygomis
    alys isipareigoja ateityje sudaryti kita
    pagrindine sutarti.
  • 2. Preliminarioji sutartis turi buti raytine.
    Formos reikalavimu nesilaikymas preliminariaja
    sutarti daro negaliojancia.
  • 3. Preliminariojoje sutartyje alys turi nurodyti
    termina pagrindinei sutarciai sudaryti. Jeigu is
    terminas nenurodytas, pagrindine sutartis turi
    buti sudaryta per metus nuo preliminariosios
    sutarties sudarymo.
  • 4. Jeigu preliminariaja sutarti sudariusi alis
    nepagristai vengia ar atsisako sudaryti
    pagrindine sutarti, ji privalo atlyginti kitai
    aliai padarytus nuostolius.
  • 5. Jeigu alys per preliminariojoje sutartyje
    nustatyta termina pagrindines sutarties nesudaro,
    tai prievole sudaryti ia sutarti pasibaigia.

  • Article 7
  • (1) In the interpretation of this Convention,
    regard is to be had to its international
    character and to the need to promote uniformity
    in its application and the observance of good
    faith in international trade.

UNIDROIT Principles
  • ARTICLE 2.1.15
  • (Negotiations in bad faith)
  • (1) A party is free to negotiate and is not
    liable for failure to reach an agreement.
  • (2) However, a party who negotiates or breaks off
    negotiations in bad faith is
  • liable for the losses caused to the other party.
  • (3) It is bad faith, in particular, for a party
    to enter into or continue negotiations
  • when intending not to reach an agreement with the
    other party.
  • ARTICLE 2.1.16
  • (Duty of confidentiality)
  • Where information is given as confidential by one
    party in the course of
  • negotiations, the other party is under a duty not
    to disclose that information or to use it
  • improperly for its own purposes, whether or not a
    contract is subsequently concluded.
  • Where appropriate, the remedy for breach of that
    duty may include compensation based
  • on the benefit received by the other party.

Principles of European Contract Law
  • Section 3 Liability for negotiations
  • Article 2301 Negotiations Contrary to Good
  • (1) A party is free to negotiate and is not
    liable for failure to reach an agreement.
  • (2) However, a party who has negotiated or broken
    off negotiations contrary to good faith and fair
    dealing is liable for the losses caused to the
    other party.
  • (3) It is contrary to good faith and fair
    dealing, in particular, for a party to enter into
    or continue negotiations with no real intention
    of reaching an agreement with the other party.
  • Article 2302 Breach of Confidentiality
  • If confidential information is given by one party
    in the course of negotiations, the other party is
    under a duty not to disclose that information or
    use it for its own purposes whether or not a
    contract is subsequently concluded. The remedy
    for breach of this duty may include compensation
    for loss suffered and restitution of the benefit
    received by the other party.

Finally - Capacity
  • CC
  • 2.5 straipsnis. Fiziniu asmenu civilinis
  • 1. Fizinio asmens galejimas savo veiksmais igyti
    civilines teises ir susikurti civilines pareigas
    (civilinis veiksnumas) atsiranda visikai, kai
    asmuo sulaukia pilnametystes, t. y. kai jam
    sueina atuoniolika metu.
  • 2.74 straipsnis. Juridiniu asmenu teisnumas
  • 1. Privatieji juridiniai asmenys gali tureti ir
    igyti bet kokias civilines teises ir pareigas,
    iskyrus tas, kurioms atsirasti reikalingos
    tokios fizinio asmens savybes kaip lytis, amius
    bei giminyste.
  • 2. Vieieji juridiniai asmenys turi specialuji
    teisnuma, t. y. jie gali tureti ir igyti tik
    tokias civilines teises ir pareigas, kurios
    neprietarauja ju steigimo dokumentams ir veiklos
  • 3. Juridiniams asmenims mutatis mutandis taikoma
    io kodekso 2.4 straipsnio 3 dalis.
  • 2.77 straipsnis. Juridiniu asmenu veiklos
  • 1. Istatymu nustatytais atvejais juridiniai
    asmenys gali imtis tam tikros ruies veiklos tik
    gave istatymu nustatyta tvarka iduota licencija.
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