Title: Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
1Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
2Genetic Algorithms
- Weve covered enough material that we can write
programs that use genetic algorithms! - More advanced example of using arrays
- Could be better written in most cases using
3Evolution in Computers
- Genetic Algorithms most widely known work by
John Holland - Based on Darwinian Evolution
- In a competitive environment, strongest, most
fit of a species survive, weak die - Survivors pass their good genes on to offspring
- Occasional mutation
4Evolution in Computers
- Same idea as Darwinian Evolution
- Population of computer program / solution treated
like biological organisms in a competitive
environment - Computer programs / solutions typically encoded
as a bit string - Survival Instinct have computer programs
compete with one another in some environment,
evolve with mutation and sexual recombination
5The Simple Genetic Algorithm
- Generate an initial random population of M
individuals (i.e. programs or solutions) - Repeat for N generations
- Calculate a numeric fitness for each individual
- Repeat until there are M individuals in the new
population - Choose two parents from the current population
probabilistically based on fitness - Cross them over at random points, i.e. generate
children based on parents - Mutate with some small probability
- Put offspring into the new population
Bit Strings Genotype representing some
phenotype Individual 1 001010001 Individual
2 100110110 New child 100110001 has
characteristics of both parents, hopefully
better than before
Bit string can represent whatever we want for our
particular problem solution to a complex
equation, logic problem, classification of some
data, aesthetic art, music, etc.
7Chromosome Examples
Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Output 1
0 6 53 0 2 15 23 3 2 14 129 3 2 1
8Chromosome Examples
9Code Trees
Samples for Computer Ant
10Code Trees - Crossover
11Program Example
- The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
- Member of a class of problems called NP-Complete
- Hard problems with no known polynomial time
solution, only exponential time - Other NP problems map to a NP-Complete problem in
polynomial time, suggesting these are the hardest
problems in the class - NP-Complete problems are good candidates for
applying genetic algorithms and approximation
techniques - Problem space too large to solve exhaustively
- Generally not guaranteed to solve the problem
12- Formal definition for the TSP
- Start with a graph G, composed of edges E and
vertices V, e.g. the following has 5 nodes, 7
edges, and costs associated with each edge - Find a loop (tour) that visits each node exactly
once and whose total cost (sum of the edges) is
the minimum possible
13- Easy on the graph shown on the previous slide
becomes harder as the number of nodes and edges
increases - Adding two new edges results in five new paths to
examine - For a fully connected graph with n nodes, n!
loops possible - Impractical to search them all for more than
about 25 nodes - Excluding degenerate graphs, an exponential
number of loops possible in terms of the number
of nodes/edges
14- 29 Node Traveling Salesperson Problem
- 29! 8.8 trillion billion billion possible
asymmetric routes. - ASCI White, an IBM supercomputer being used by
Lawrence Livermore National Labs to model nuclear
explosions, is capable of 12 trillion operations
per second (TeraFLOPS) peak throughput - Assuming symmetric routes, ASCI White would take
11.7 billion years to exhaustively search the
solution space
15- Genetic algorithms approximation for a solution
- Randomly generate a population of agents
- Each agent represents an entire solution, i.e. a
random ordering of each node representing a loop - Given nodes 1-6, we might generate 423651 to
represent the loop of visiting 4 first, then 2,
then 3, then 6, then 5, then 1, then back to 4 - Assign each agent a fitness value
- Fitness is just the sum of the edges in the loop
lower is more fit - Evolve a new, hopefully better, generation of the
same number of agents - Select two parents randomly, but higher
probability of selection if better fitness - New generation formed by crossover and mutation
16- Crossover
- Must combine parents in a way that preserves
valid loops - Typical cross method, but invalid for this
problem - Parent 1 423651 Parent 2 156234
- Child 1 423234 Child 2 156651
- Use a form of order-preserving crossover
- Parent 1 423651 Parent 2 156234
- Child 1 123654
- Copy positions over directly from one parent,
fill in from left to right from other parent if
not already in the child - Mutation
- Randomly swap nodes (may or may not be neighbors)
17- Run the program!
- Describe major components of the code
- If youre interested in more about genetic
algorithms, there is a ton of information if you
google genetic algorithms
18TSP Genetic Algorithm
- Cities
- Two arrays, holding X and Y coordinates of each
city. 40 cities initially. - Dim cityX(NUMCITIES - 1) As Integer
- Dim cityY(NUMCITIES - 1) As Integer
- Chromosome
- For each individual (initially 200 random ones)
it is a list of all the cities we visit (0 to
NUMCITIES-1), in order - e.g.
- population(0,0) first city individual 0 visits
- population(0,1) second city individual 0 visits
- population(0,2) third city individual 0 visits
- population(0,NUMCITIES-1) last city individual
0 visits - population(1,0) first city individual 1 visits
- population(1,1) second city individual 1 visits
- etc.
- Dim population(POPSIZE - 1, NUMCITIES - 1)
19Chromosome Example
10 30 15 50 75
50 60 15 95 35
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4
Means individual 0 visits cities 0,3,4,2,1 at
coordinates (10,50), (50,95), (75,35), (15,15),
(30,60) then back to (10,50)
0 3 4 2 1
4 3 2 1 0
1 3 4 2 0
3 2 1 4 0
Individual 0
Individual 1
Individual 2
Individual 3
20TSP Genetic Algorithm
- Uses crossover and mutation described on previous
slide - Fitness is distance for each individual
- Hard-coded to run 1000 generations, display the
individual that has the shortest path each