Title: ASP' NET
- Exceptions
- Unstructured
- On Error
- Resume
- Structured
- Try Catch Finally
- Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
- Basic Structure
- ltHeadgt
- ltBodygt
- Basic Tags
3Unstructured Exception
Module Module1 Public sub ltsub_namegt ? On Error
Goto Handler ? Exit Sub Handler ? End Sub
End Module
4Unstructured Exception
- On Error
- The On Error GoTo statement enables exception
handling and specifies the location of the
exception-handling code within a procedure. - Using On Error GoTo statement
- On Error GoTo line 0 -1 Resume Next
5Unstructured Exception
- Dim a, b, c As Integer
- a 0 b 15
- On Error GoTo Handler '''Important'''
- c b / a
- NextLine
- Response.Write("Program executed
Successfully") - Exit Sub
- Handler
- If TypeOf Err.GetException Is
OverflowException Then - Response.Write("Devide by Zero
Error...") - Resume NextLine
- End If
- End Sub
- Object Exception
- ApplicationException
- CodeDomSerializerException
- InvalidPrinterException
- IOException
- IsolatedStorageException
- PathTooLongException
- CookieException
- ProtocolViolationException
- WebException
- MissingManifestResourceException
- SUDSGeneratorException
- SUDSParserException
- SystemException
- UriFormatException
- SoapException
7Exception example
- Object Exception
- SystemException
- ArithmeticException
- OverflowException
- ?
8Structured Exception
Public Sub ltsub_namegt Try ? Catch e As
Exception1 ? Catch e As Exception2 ? End Try
End Sub
9Structured Exception
- Dim a As Integer 0
- Dim b As Integer 15
- Dim c As Integer
- Try
- 'c b / a
- If b lt 18 Then
- Throw New ApplicationException("My
Custom Exception ") - End If
- Catch ex As ArithmeticException
- Response.Write("Arithmatic
overflow...") - Catch ex As ApplicationException
- Response.Write("Application exception
caught") - Catch ex As System.DivideByZeroException
- Response.Write("Devide by zero...")
- Finally
- Response.Write("Graceful
degradation") - End Try
10HTML ???
- The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup
Language. - HyperText is the method by which you move around
on the web by clicking on special text called
hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The
fact that it is hyper just means it is not linear
i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet
whenever you want by clicking on links there is
no set order to do things in. - Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside
them. They mark it as a certain type of text
(italicised text, for example). - HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and
syntax like any other language.
11HTML How does it work ?
- HTML consists of a series of short codes typed
into a text-file by the site author these are
the tags. - The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed
through a browser, like Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator. - This browser reads the file and translates the
text into a visible form.
12HTML Basic Structure
- lthtmlgt...lt/htmlgt
- Standard opening and closing tags for any HTML
page. Enclose everything else in these. Container
tag. - lt!-- ... --gt
- A comment whatever you put here will be skipped
over by the browser. - ltheadgt...lt/headgt
- Starts the header part of your document.
Everything between these is mainly used to help
your browser and search engines classify your
page. Using this is optional, but recommended.
Container tag. - ltbodygt...lt/bodygt
- Everything visible on your page goes between
these tags. Everything. Container tag.
13My very first Page ?
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtMy very first HTML
Pagelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt This is the
text ur page gonna show !!! lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
14Head Tag ltheadgt
- lttitlegt...lt/titlegt
- Whatever is between these tags will appear in the
blue bar at the top of the screen. - ltmetagt
- A group of tags that give page and creator
information specifically to the search engines. - ltbasegt
- Changes the default link target or relative link
URL, useful if the page is read on another
server. - ltlinkgt
- Allows you to associate stylesheets and a
favorites icon to your page.
15Body Tag ltbodygt
- Background
- Bgcolor
- Text
- Link
- Vlink
- Alink
16Body Tag ltbodygt
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtA study of population
dynamicslt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODY
bgcolor"white" text"black" link"red"
alink"fuchsia" vlink"maroon"gt ...
document body ... lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
17Basic Tags
- lthxgt...lt/hxgt
- Sets the text as a heading, with values of h1
(the biggest) to h6 (the smallest). - e.g.
- lth1gtThis is a headinglt/h1gt
- lth2gtThis is a headinglt/h2gt
- lth3gtThis is a headinglt/h3gt
- lth4gtThis is a headinglt/h4gt
- lth5gtThis is a headinglt/h5gt
- lth6gtThis is a headinglt/h6gt
18Basic Tags
- ltpgt
- The ltpgt tag defines a paragraph.
- Attributes
- Align left, right, center, justify
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtA study of population
dynamicslt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODY
bgcolor"white" text"black" link"red"
alink"fuchsia" vlink"maroon"gt ltp
ALIGNCENTER gt Paragraph number 1. lt/pgt lt/BODYgt
19Basic Tags
- Paragraph Container Tags
- ltFONTgt
- The ltfontgt tag specifies the font face, font
size, and font color of text. - Attributes
- Color rgb(x,x,x), xxxxxx, colorname
- Face Name of the font e.g. arial
- Size Number between 1 to 7
20Basic Tags
ltHTMLgt ltbodygt ltpgt ltfont size"2"
face"Verdana"gt This is a paragraph. lt/fontgt lt/pgt
ltpgt ltfont size"5" face"Times"gt This is another
paragraph. lt/fontgt lt/pgt lt/bodygt lt/HTMLgt
21Basic Tags
- ltIgtRenders as italic text
- ltBgtRenders as bold text
- ltUgtDefines Underlined text
- ltStrikegtDefines strikethrough text, same as ltsgt
- ltBIGgtRenders as bigger text
- ltSMALLgtRenders as smaller text
- ltSUBgtDefines Subscript text
- ltSUPgtDefines Superscript text
22Basic Tags
- ltEMgtRenders as emphasized text
- ltSTRONGgtRenders as strong emphasized text
- ltDEFgtRenders as strong emphasized text
- ltCODEgtDefines computer code text
- ltKBDgtDefines keyboard text
- ltBRgtThis tag inserts a single line break
- ltHRgt Tag inserts a horizontal rule.
- ltabbrgtIndicates an abbreviated form
- ltacronymgtIndicates start of an acronym
23Basic Tags
- ltAgt
- Defines anchor. It can be used in two ways
- To create a link to another document by using the
href attribute. - To create a bookmark inside a document, by using
the name or id attribute. - e.g.
- ltpgtltA hrefhttp//sdetu target_blankgt SDET
Unit lt/Agtlt/pgt -